of kenope

the history

the story of the kiccad does not begin on kenope, but on repra. the world is fourth in their solar system and practically barren. little is to take from its dry deserts, rocky lands, and costly, disastrous storms. mainly living underground, the population stayed low, with an average life expectancy similar to that of the earth's period of great depression. but once the planet found a system of government that worked for its people, they were able to bring all of the tribes together and maintain a life that was more susceptible to the growth of their species, including the ability to gain interstellar flight.

kenope is a planet that is third in their solar system. a planet rich in resources, less land mass, and water. it was 5 centuries ago that they were able to reach it. but it would take another century of study before they were able to find a way to allow for safe travel, supplies, and making a home out of a new planet for half a million people.

with a matriarchal tribal structure, the oldest females of the species are looked to for support in tackling the issues of their people. this is why their government is comprised of a council of the heads of each of the five tribes. ankora, dater, sostea, istruter, and thavone. each matriarch decides what education will consist of for their own tribes, through oral and written texts. where education may be different, general laws are the same for all.

a peaceful people, their style of government does not include an enforcing party until they deem it necessary. combat is taught during the course of their regular education. if there is an issue of war, they focus on maneuver warfare, with the use of a volunteer army. these volunteers are chosen by their matriarchs based upon who is best suited to go, and while they may refuse to serve, it is rare to do so, as being chosen is seen as a great honor.

religion is rather archaic, following the ways of old traditions and the spirit of repra, which is believed to be watching over them much like a harsh parent. now thriving, kiccads look at their previous home, regaling with old stories passed down through generations of the strength and endurance their people gained due to the harsh spirit of repra.

the people

kiccads are an omnivorous species with an average lifespan which is comparable to humans. typically standing over 6 feet tall, their appearance is similar to humans with a few exceptions:

★ they have a slightly denser muscle tissue.
★ their vision acuity is greater than that of an average human, as they hold the ability to see into the uv range. this is due to their retinas containing multicolored oil droplets in their photoreceptors. also, opsin proteins in the cones in the eye are calibrated to detect different wavelengths. (This is similar to bird vision. This includes visible auras and other types of electromagnetic energy fields.) bright lights may be disorienting, and take time to get used to.
★ green blood due to higher amounts of biliverdin, which makes their bodies nearly anti-parasitic, but also more susceptible to certain types of transmitted diseases (like malaria).
jaw structures are similar to apex predators.
★ nictitating membranes.
★ they secrete a mild biotoxin through sweat glands when under duress. there are no visible signs of when this biotoxin is secreted into the sweat. and this biotoxin is only harmful to those that are purposely injected with it or ingest the secretion. it does not effect others transdermally. the effects are that of a classic hallucinogen. it also does not effect those of their own species.

the culture

stuff here

better explained here

the planet
kiccad is comprised of 85% water, albeit rich in wildlife. with the only land mass being a single continent taking up all of the capacity of the northern hemisphere, it should come to no surprise that the kiccads only know of two seasons. summer and winter. first settlers continued on with old traditions in creating intricate underground cities and tunnel networks. the land above sea level holds rich soil, allowing for crops during the summer months.

expanding beyond the land, they began to create cities underwater. this includes the planet's capital, sinia, which is located about 6,000 meters below sea level. it's the center of business and government for the entire planet. each tribe is treated as a state, and hold expanded areas for travel across the ocean

the gateway
once the gateway opened up, the kiccads were more cautious. choosing to study it rather than go through. taking up more time, questioning if what was on the other side would be the wrath of repra. finding nothing less than peaceful and friendly greetings, they accepted an open future full of possibilities in trade and knowledge.

most kiccads choose to stay on kenope, rather than go out into the universe. however, with a curious nature, those that do tend to be adventurers.