𝒃𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒓𝒊𝒙 𝒌𝒊𝒅𝒅𝒐 ([info]fogo) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-12-07 22:17:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: d'al'ia f'avil, vorr'ian mai'lle scene / 12.7.2657 @ 8amm / d'al'ia & vorr'ian DJ SOUL WAS ON A ROLL. I BEEN TOLD HE CAN'T BE SOLD. NOT VICIOUS OR MALICIOUS JUST DE-LOVELY AND DELICIOUS. Dee was a free spirit that happily went about making new friends wherever she went. She couldn't imagine not being friendly to those that sparked her interest and seemed like they'd be a good time. So it was only natural when she'd stumbled upon Vorr'ian's Grumble profile and saw him dancing kinda nerdy, that she figured he was her kinda person to hang with. They'd made plans to meet up at 8AMM for a bit of a dance-off and to say she was kinda giddy was an understatement. It wasn't often you found a complete stranger that was willing to go out and be a tiny bit embarrassing in public. Not that she thought either of them were gonna be particularly embarrassing but once inhibitions were gone, well, all bets were off. Showing up at the club looking sparkly and with her normally blonde coif dyed a bright pink, Dee was ready to let loose and have a bit of fun. Sidling up to the bar, she ordered a shot and tipped it back quickly as she leaned there and waited for her night's companion to show up. The liquor was warm as she swallowed it down and she let out a contented sigh. Another shot was ordered as she people watched for a moment and the second it was tipped back, she felt that telltale flush in her cheeks. It was certainly one way to start the party off right, so to speak. Shimmying to the music where she stood, she knew it wouldn't be too hard to see Vorr'ian coming through the crowd and she happily ordered one more drink to pass the time. This one she sipped slowly, taking a seat and absently swinging her leg as she crossed one over the other, admiring the tall heels that she wore. They were a favorite of hers, bringing her average height of five foot six to a nice, statuesque five foot ten. She thanked so many years of dance lessons for being able to glide around in the heels without wobbling. (Post a new comment) [info]machining 2020-12-08 05:31 am UTC (link) Track This Ian had no idea what he was in for here, really. Attempting to take some unsolicited advice, he was trying to see the vantage points in it. How getting out and talking to people might be better for him than stifling himself away from actual interaction. The Grumble was a hope in attempting this but actually going to a club was something newer for him. At least at this stage in his life. This was jumping into the deep end without the joys of pretending to be someone else, like a recent VR game with crewmates. Amusingly enough, with his red skin tone, he was now wondering how much of a demon he might appear to be, given that experience. Stepping inside of 8AMM, his empathy held the feelings that felt like they were circling about him. Each step left him pushing all of that away, looking for more clarity. He was here in search of one person, one who specifically gave him warning of flailing arms. The thought alone left him with a bit of laughter, just as he caught sight of her at the bar. At six foot two, he choose not to hover too much and slide onto the seat next to her. Leaning in, only enough to make sure that she could hear him. "Is this where one checks in for the dance off? I brought my face guards." Holding up his arms slightly, he looked more like he was giving a mock surrender in blocking. Holding out a hand to shake, he smiled. "Vorr'ian or Ian." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]fogo 2020-12-08 10:54 pm UTC (link) Track This Mid-sip, she saw her new companion coming toward her and Dee flashed him a brilliant smile as she set aside her drink. When he sat beside her and leaned in, she chuckled at his greeting. "It sure is. You're just in time too. Unfortunately I have no gold star to bestow upon you but I'll get you a crown if you win the dance-off." A snicker escaped her when he held up his arms in front of his face. "Yeah, you think I'm kidding but you might need those in case I start twirling around." Taking his extended hand, she shook it firmly while repeating his name with a nod. "D'al'ia but most everyone I know calls me Dee." Glancing around at the crowd and then back at the bartender, she inclined her head toward the latter. "Would you like a drink? I'll admit I've already had a couple. Can you tell?" She touched her cheeks, feeling how warm they were."I may or may not get a little nervous in new company because sometimes I ramble...like I am right now." She laughed at herself, giving a little shrug. "I'm glad you met up with me. This place is something else. I feel like I'm in a different world here sometimes and I like it." She got caught for a moment observing the dancers in the distance and a soft smile lit her face. "Kinda makes me miss dancing for a living." Shaking herself out of her little reverie, she glanced back to Ian. "Ready to let loose?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2020-12-09 05:31 am UTC (link) Track This If he wanted to think about it a little more deeply, he likely had some type of sticker on his person somewhere. Full of glitter or otherwise but he doubted gold. Maybe silver, but he wasn't about to go searching his pockets for that now. The joys of having small children, and a trick he had kept on post potty training. Although, the idea of a crown did now particular interest him. "Is the crown fitted? Shiny?" he asked a little too seriously, but he was joking. It didn't matter as much. If there really were one, he would simply wear it. Who didn't like crowns? Brows shooting up at the twirling. "What kind of distance you got on those things anyway?" he continued to joke, as if she had some unknown ability to fling her arms even further. Then again, he couldn't say he would be too surprised if it were possible. Cybernetics and all of that. Repeating her name, to permit to memory, he wasn't about to go outside the norm here either. "D'al'ia? It's nice to meet you, Dee." Smiling, as if in response he simply looked at the bartender and pointed at Dee. "I'll have double of whatever she's having." Ian didn't really care so much what it was, but couldn't help but think it might help a bit with the waves of emotions hitting him in a few directions. He was okay though, no real issues bounding upon him. He simply wasn't used to the place as much which, if he were about to keep trying to get out, maybe this would be a good place to keep coming. He would figure that out later. "Rambling couldn't possibly be more dangerous than those arms." Although, he wondered if that were actually true, and likely in different circumstances. "New company can do that though. I'd say you don't have anything to be nervous with me here, but saying that seems suspicious, doesn't it?" Taking one glass after the other, he knocked back his own shots content on the mild burn. A brow quirked at her words as he settled a glass back down. "Only sometimes, hm?" Standing up fully, he was going to remember that, that little bit of information he hadn't known. Mostly out of his own curiosity, to ask about it later. Holding out a hand for the sake of it, he tried to feign the presence of being in front of royalty in his own stance. "Since I'm in the presence of greatness here, how could I not be?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]fogo 2020-12-11 03:00 am UTC (link) Track This "The crown's opulent, of course. Shining like the rarest diamonds for one deserving of it." Dee tried to keep from smirking but she couldn't help it. Even just the idea of Ian strutting around in some ridiculous crown made her want to giggle. She lifted up her hands, giving a shrug. "I've got some pretty killer range of motion. I'm like a human helicopter." She paused. "Have you seen images of helicopters...because if not, that joke just failed mega hard." She was impressed that he just went gungho into getting a few drinks to keep up with her. She had no idea if alcohol affected him the same was as it did her, with her slightly flushed cheeks and silly demeanor. Though she'd certainly not be able to tell if he was blushing and that alone made her giggle snort into her hand. She tried to clear her throat and get a little more control of herself, attempting to look serious for a moment. "My rambling's a lethal weapon." Her eyes gave her away though, twinkling as they were with a not so well-hidden mirth. "Only sometimes." She winked at him and took his hand. "You keep talking like that and my ego's gonna be huge." She was beaming though, tugging him out into the open where others were dancing. So maybe she'd given an impression of being a bit of a fumbly-limbed dancer, though that was pretty far from the truth unless she was extremely drunk. Right then she was just pleasantly warm and dreamy as she twirled around him and did a little shoulder roll and shimmy to the beat that was playing. "These moves should be highly classified, you know?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2020-12-16 06:49 am UTC (link) Track This Suddenly he was more into the idea. Even moving his hands over the crown of his head, as if to reposition some imaginary one. "Just don't go stealing it. This is that bling I never knew I needed." His brows shot up as her hands moved. Luckily, he did get it. But mostly for the sake of having made a point at researching various types of transportation, old and new, early on in situating himself on this side of the ring. Scratching the side of his cheek, he looked over the crowd behind him, before finally smiling. "Does that mean heads will roll? How sharp are those?" Ian nodded in the direction of her hands, meaning her nails, figuring she would understand. An incredulous look was given at her response. Leaning over the bar, he shook his head, as if trying to find some way to believe her and coming up more than a little short. "If that's true, who you hurting with it? The contents of those glasses, or what?" Ian asked, this time nodding at the empty drinks. "Because, and I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure those did no wrong." A finger flicked one lightly, as if to put emphasis on it. "Look at this blatant innocence here." Some laughter bubbled right out of him. Enough so that if he had been able to hear it, he may have wondered if it were someone else. "It only ensures that you don't go stealing my crown." His hands held out as if to measure how big her head really would get, when she was then tugging him out. There was no fight from him, only more laughter as he followed. This was what he came out for, anyway. It wouldn't have bothered him at all if she had turned out to be that flailing, fumbler. It was all about the fun to be had, and here they were having it. Quirking a brow to these new moves, without having to hide from the helicopter, he asked, "Who got me access to cracking that sealed file?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]fogo 2020-12-27 04:34 am UTC (link) Track This There was something easy about being in Ian's presence that allowed Dee to push down the barrier she had up. At least for the moment. She felt a sense of freedom that had nothing to do with the drinks she'd imbibed but all to do with the way that she could joke with this new acquaintance and he went along with it, humoring her and her silliness. Glancing down at her fingernails, painted a shimmering black and edged to points, she could only smirk again. "Off with their heads," she mumbled, giggling to herself. With the way he joked about her rambling, she felt a happy little warmth in her chest as she shook her head. "Okay okay, I don't know about blatant innocence and all. Maybe those drinks were acting frisky. You never know." Dee crinkled her nose at him, attempting to make a little face but it only made her laugh more. Then she was looking up at him as he pretended to measure her head and she lightly poked him in the chest. "I see what you're doing, oh I see it, sneaky." The banter was soon trailing off though momentarily as she led him out to dance. She let the music move her as she swirled in a small circle and with a graceful sense of ease, she shakily pulled herself up en pointe. Looking to Ian, she gave a half bow and then wobbled a little and fell against him. A snort of a laugh escaped her as she righted herself. "Sorry!" The more she tried to stop laughing though, the harder it became to do so. "Guess I just c-cracked the file myself, huh? Don't know h-how impressive that was though." Flicking her gaze up to him, she had a goofy grin on her face. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-02 09:12 pm UTC (link) Track This Over the past two years, it would be rather hard for Ian not to appreciate a bit of silliness where ever it could be found. With the way he was with his own children, he almost felt as though that were an aspect that came with a second nature to it. One that he hadn't held the ability to really play into before or outside of his own little family. While the club wasn't the most comfortable place for his empathy, he was quickly becoming more and more accustomed to it. The wave of similar emotions floating around, where they weren't silly, began to mute into a type of a comforting static. Waves of the same emotion, and now he was only settled into the sea, with his focus onth e person who was now giggling. His own hand going up to his own throat, as if to suddenly worry about that head lopping off and falling to the ground. There was an incredulous look in passing, at least over her admission of less than innocence. A light gasp, as his hand moved over the spot she had poked him. Rubbing it, even though there was no pain there. Still amused, he refused to admit or deny anything, but kept quiet after she called him out. Instead, he felt the music move him, much like the waves of emotions that seemed to be surrounding him by everyone in the room. Curiously watching her, not at all used to seeing what she was doing. At least up until she fell against him. His first instinct was to try and catch her, worried that she might have hurt herself. Her laughter at least had him smiling, realizing all was fine. "You busted that right on open. Color me impressed." he mused. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]fogo 2021-01-04 02:11 am UTC (link) Track This It was a lovely thing, being in the midst of others enjoying themselves. To be lost in a crowd for a moment that were of the same mind, at least it seemed that way, not that she knew for sure. Anyone in there might have plenty of worries or sorrows but at least in the time they were all sharing in that club, they could release them. Be free of them. And Dee happily let go. As she laughed and swiped at tears of mirth in her eyes, she gave Ian a little helpless shrug. "Sometimes I get ahead of myself, but at least you were sturdy enough to fall into and I didn't go splattering onto the floor while trying to show off a little. I appreciate that." Swaying a little to the music, she kept trying to bite back the smirk that wanted to stretch across her face but it was a futile attempt. "If you were impressed by that, you should've seen me during some recitals or dance classes I taught." For a moment she was lost in a reverie, thinking of the little kids she'd taught and how happy a time that had been. Not that her shop didn't make her happy in its own way, but sometimes she missed the teaching. "Maybe I'll teach you a thing or two," she chuckled. "See if those hips lie or not." Whether he'd get that old Earth reference, she had no idea but it amused her nonetheless. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) ᴀᴍᴇs ([info]stealthiest) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-04-04 11:59:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: ames li, vorr'ian mai'lle what a funky lady phoeames & carian winlock park, april 1, 2658 As he began to stir, something in his mind warned him that something was off. It took him a moment to discern that it was the smell. It wasn't a bad smell, just… different, almost… girlish, like a woman's shampoo, he decided as he turned his head into the pillow and inhaled deeply. He tried to think back to the night before, wondering if he'd maybe gone home with someone and forgotten -never mind he was alone in bed- but he distinctly recalled going to bed in his own apartment. That was when Ames realized something else: he had hair. Blinking his eyes open, he tentatively lifted a hand to his head and when it came back with long, blonde strands, he just stared at it. Okay, that was weird. He sat up and the next thing he realized was that his chest was protruding. Also, he was missing some very vital bits between his legs. What the hell! Ames took a look around and noted that he was definitely not in his bed in his single room apartment. Taking a look at the furnishings told him that the room definitely belonged to a woman or a very feminine man. "What the hell?" This time the words were spoken aloud and almost immediately, Ames' hand slapped over his mouth. A very slender hand. His voice was much higher than usual. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach and in the next instant, he was scrambling off the bed and rushing to a mirror that was in the room. The person that stared back at him, was definitely not Ames Li. His mind was panicking and yet, he also found himself somewhat curious. He tilted his head this way and that, taking in every angle of the blonde woman's face. And then his hands lifted to probe at her nose and lift one of her eyelids. Both of his hands then slapped over the two mounds on his chest and the blonde's eyes in the mirror widened. Ames quickly dropped his hands but his eyes remained wide. "Holy shit, I'm a woman." And not a bad looking one at that. He smiled at his reflection. She wasn't really his type but she was definitely hot. The panicked part of his mind had him withdrawing from the mirror and looking around the room. This had to be some kind of joke, either that, or he was dreaming. Ames slapped himself and then, as he winced, he held his breath and waited for himself to wake up. He waited until his face was red and he was dizzy from holding his breath so long. Okay… If he wasn't dreaming, this had to be some kind of experiment or something. Surely that was it. He hadn't signed up for anything though and it still didn't account for the fact that he only remembered going to bed in his own bed the night before and then waking up here… That was when he heard a noise outside the bedroom. Going under the assumption that he was in some kind of crazy experiment, maybe some virtual reality or something, Ames padded out of the room and into a hallway that led to what looked like another room. If was a simulation of some kind, it was very good. Everything looked so real and even felt real. His cheek still stung from the slap. "Hello?" he called out in that voice that wasn't his but most certainly belonged to that body. (Post a new comment) [info]machining 2021-04-04 06:20 pm UTC (link) Track This Stirring to an empty bed, it was a bit of a surprise. Mostly because there would have been two small children ransacking the room, if he hadn't been up by now. If nothing else, Nir had to get to school and Ian needed to get ready for work. The empty space next to him, he surmounted to the fact that Shanii had gone to take care of them and let him sleep. Wasn't it his day to do that? The extra hair didn't even phase him, the long tendrils were likely the cause of little Joie placing wig on him through the giggles of the only woman she had known all of her life and chosen to call her mommy. What did reach him, and quickly? Was the fact that he woke up dreadfully alone. In the dark abyss of nothingness as he could not feel a single emotion. Empty, without that constant blanket of emotions from others. Naked and alone in a way he could never recall being in his entire 45 years of life. With a lack of red flesh and dark hair, he stood at a smaller level, with uncertainty. Bare feet reaching the floor, as he finally came into view of his own reflection. Panic stricken, he was sure he had lost his mind in a moments notice. Would anyone feel him through a shared emotional bond? Would they wake in fear? Either way, the spike in his emotional state would burn like a beacon. Whether that was good or bad, he didn't know. But the second this realization hit, he was quickly moving around the room, rifling through Carina's things. He needed to know more about this person. What if she was him? Did she have a family here? What did he need to know? There was nothing particular orderly about the flurry that was Vorr'ian as he went through drawers, checking closets, looking for anything that might tell him more. Had ADF caught onto him? Those that had his own parents killed, and tried to kill him? Who was messing with his head? Looking up at the ceiling, he looked for anything that might be deemed surveillance. But the second he heard a voice, his whole body stiffened. He wasn't alone. He was human. How does one act casual? Clearing his throat, speaking wasn't actually something had ever done first. But if he couldn't feel, he couldn't likely manipulate, could he? At least he knew Common. "Hey," he started, very unsure of himself and trying to be. What was this? "Babe." That was something to call, right? "Just getting ready to make breakfast. You okay in there?" This voice was so strange for him. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]stealthiest 2021-04-04 06:48 pm UTC (link) Track This Following the sounds of rustling, Ames moved further down the hallway, presumably toward another bedroom. If someone was in there, maybe they'd have answers for him. He still couldn't believe that -whatever this was- he had no idea how it had happened. Of course, he'd been on Terminus for a couple of years and knew that strange things could happen but this was a little over the top. Had he been abducted in his sleep and put into this virtual reality? If he'd been asked, Ames certainly would have been willing to participate but he couldn't remember anything after falling asleep the night before. Hearing more sounds of someone moving around, Ames was about to call out again when the other person responded. It sounded like another woman. When she addressed him as 'babe,' Ames blinked. Well, alright then. Maybe he had gone home with someone and simply blacked out and filled in the gaps with him falling asleep at home in his own bed. Continuing on down the hallway, Ames reached the doorway of the other room and, at last, was able to see the woman the voice belonged to. He took a moment to study her as he had studied his own reflection. She was blonde too, slender with a slightly upturned nose. She wasn't bad looking either. Clearly Ames was just shallow enough to consider both women's attractiveness. He mentally shook himself and opened his mouth to reply. "Um…" What did he say! If this was somehow not a VR and the other woman wasn't in on it, she'd think he'd -she'd lost her mind. "Actually," he started in that still foreign voice coming from him. "Everything isn't okay." Well, that was a start. All of a sudden his stomach growled. Ames lifted a hand to it and realized he was clad in only a long shirt that went to about mid thigh. Maybe he should have thought to change first? But if the other woman was calling him -her- babe, then maybe it wasn't such a big deal? He surreptitiously studied the woman out of the corner of his eyes. As he did so, he thought he could pick up a few similarities to the woman's body he was in. Perhaps they were family? A quick glance at the bed told Ames that they'd clearly slept in different beds. Without realizing it, he let out a sigh of relief. At least it wasn't someone the woman was intimate with. That would have been awkward. "But I'm kind of hungry, so we can talk about it over breakfast?" He sounded so… normal but he felt anything but. There was nothing wrong with prolonging there discussion about the VR. He could play along and maybe he'd get more answers that way anyway. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Ollie ([info]extrospect) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-04-02 20:03:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: ol'lum vav'ok, vorr'ian mai'lle the joys of womanhood OLLIE & IAN //WINLOCK PART// APRIL 1, 2658 Being in someone else’s body was...a challenge, to say the least. Ollie had woken up decidedly less female than she had been when she went to sleep the night before and wasn’t yet a master at managing the extra parts she found herself hosting. It took a bit of resourcefulness and probably a sharp spike in her body’s current water bill but she’d sorted out a solution of her own that would do for now and she was feeling somewhat accomplished. Maybe she’d be able to survive this after all. Besides, it was a bit of a comfort to know that she could hardly be the only one having trouble adjusting. It was exactly that thought that had her responding to a stranger’s plea for the input of a woman. One conversation later, it was exactly that thought that had her pacing down the aisles of the nearest pharmacy loading a hand basket with what she considered essentials. It was exactly that thought that had her walking through winlock park on high alert, looking for a woman who was crying and confused. Unsurprisingly, she came across more than one of them and had a hard time not stopping to help them all. The bag she carried was just a bit lighter before she spotted the woman she thought was the one she'd been communicating with. By now she had learned to approach people gently. She didn’t move as gracefully as her previous form had allowed and was also unable to address people with words in quite the way she would have liked. “Are you alright?” her fingers danced over the keys of her communicator to produce a somewhat robotic but definitely female voice, “I think you might be who I’m looking for.” (Post a new comment) [info]machining 2021-04-03 10:09 pm UTC (link) Track This The chaotic flurry that flowed upon wake up, what nightmares were made of, to find yourself in a strange place and in a body of someone you didn't know. All without the light buzzing of what felt like static to him from his own empathy, gone. No longer smothered by the soft blanket of various feelings of the station, he woke up far more than startled. Quiet, he wanted to yell, to scream, to call for help through a plethora of emotions. Feelings that would ring to his own children as a harsh spike of feeling. But also a feeling he couldn't even begin to sense in this now so very dark universe. His own emotional nature that was held back, it waved it's ugly hand and moved to strike him hard. Rifling through Carina's things, looking for any information on where he was, unsure of how to dress or how to act appropriately. Arguing and speaking with the other woman there, with the face of a crewmember he didn't know so well. Human romantic relationships wasn't something the man ever claimed to know or understand, seeing as he had never been with one and asked no private questions of such with those he did know. Upon finding what he needed to, along with his children, he set out to take some time for himself. To be less a burden to the massive feelings that must be hitting his children, let alone Carina in his body. With everyone in his family taken care of, he sat there in Winlock Park watching people go by. Wondering who else was left in this mess, who was losing their mind over not being themselves, or if they had been smiling about it and making the best of it like the person wearing the face of Phoenix. Anxiety heightened, along with his already emotional state and loss of his own abilities and family. His stiffened feeling that familiar wave of emotion and tried to force back what wanted to unleash yet again. Looking up at the voice, Carina's face skewed. Eyes narrowing as he scoffed. Was Flynn trying to pick him up? Really? That line? Shaking his head, as the blonde hair fell along his shoulders. "Flynn, this isn't the time." While he had met the man in the market before their last mission, he couldn't help but wonder if it wouldn't work the same way it did Voss. "I've got kids." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]extrospect 2021-04-03 10:55 pm UTC (link) Track This For a split second, Ollie was taken aback at both the immediate recognition and the name that came flying her way. Flynn. Realization was quick to follow as she remembered the identity of the man whose body she was occupying. Here she was, a man approaching a strange woman in the park. The deflective response offered brought a hint of a smile to Ollie’s borrowed face. “I know you do,” Ollie said gently, nodding and taking a seat beside her, “you told me about them.” To avoid crowding anyone’s space, she set the bag of provisions she’d procured on the bench between them. A buffer of sorts to deter the implication that she had any underhanded intentions. In their conversation it had been mentioned that he was suffering from a similar lack of ability to read people the way they both had become accustomed to. Ollie had been struggling hard with it since she’d first woken up with not only someone else’s body but what felt like someone else’s brain. “I promise I’m not trying to pick you up,” she told him, reaching into the bag and rifling around to find what she was looking for, “at least not that way.” Her fingers closed around exactly what she wanted and she pulled her hand out to offer him a pint of ice cream that now had condensation clinging to the outside. It dripped off of her fingers but she could feel the firmness beneath them. It wasn’t quite melted yet but if they didn’t find their way to a freezer soon, it likely would be. And there was more than just the one pint where that came from. “I’m here to help.” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Ian ([info]machining) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-03-10 19:37:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: flynn sterling, vorr'ian mai'lle supermarket sweep FLYNN • IAN • LEVEL 2 • MARCH 11, 2658 the normalcy of the day had hit an all time high. leaving the shop a little early for this minor incursion never seemed to stop the scent of motor oil wafting about ian. with a tiny blue hand contrasting against his own red one, ian had been walking with the kids to the market. all after having picked up the older one at school. all with the possibility of hitting the park and giving shanii a little bit more time alone after all her hard work. between ian's birthday over the weekend, and the typical duties shared between then, he did like to do what he could. parenting wasn't something that either had foreseen playing a part of, let alone with one another. but this was the way that things shaped out and he wasn't about to be anything less than thankful for it. with little joie being three years old, she wasn't all that tall, always feeling as though she were missing out on the items above her. ian made a point of placing her on his shoulders so that she could get a better view. with nir being seven, it always felt that much easier to get a better handle on him. ever the helpful one, wanting to do what he could. nir normally rather quiet, knowing that ian had preferred to communicate empathically over the use of words. but with joie, on terminus, it was much easier for the boy to do both. feelings directed at her with smiles and simple words. it helped her better learn common and the ways of this life here. in a failed attempt to keep the kids from bringing home more sweets, that is exactly where they landed. talks of pancakes with various faces on them. faces made of berries and chocolate morsels, whipped cream and sprinkles. with a groan, ian relented, making it out to be worse than it was. but to see those faces light up, it was always a feeling to sway him. joie was placed on her feet for only a moment, after picking some frosting with sprinkles she wanted that were from a higher shelf. turning towards a stranger near her, and waving her hand empathically, with a big cheesy smile. "hi!" (Post a new comment) [info]beautiflying 2021-03-12 08:46 pm UTC (link) Track This Although having to do his own grocery shopping didn't thrill Flynn much, there being a supermarket he recognized all the trappings of was a relief. His expectations had been both foiled and exceeded in turns lately; the nuances of the accomodations still eluded him, and having every day feel exactly the same in the air was spooky. But the more predictable side of his nature was coming to enjoy it. It was so easy to plan for, and that suited him fine. Even if he still had the occasional nightmare about receiving a call in the night that his mother had drunkenly slipped onto some ship's hold and was caught halfway to Babylon. Maybe all the stress of recent times meant he deserved a treat. Yes... something with chocolate, that he could hide under his bed so that he'd get to eat them all alone. His toes automatically turned to the aisle that promised the most sugar, and he began perusing the shelves. This was deceptively difficult. Sweets weren't necessarily his go-to, so he spent some time with his knuckles over his mouth, brow furrowed in consideration. Did he liked whipped marshmallows? What exactly was nougat? A tiny voice reached him from somewhere down below, and he turned his face down with a blink to look. Oh, a child! An extraterrestrial child, at that. The grin was sweet, and surely children from any planet were experts in junk food. Flynn considered the packages he'd been reading for a moment, and then took one in each hand. He bent his knee to squat at the child's level, and held each box out. "Hello there," he said with a gentle smile. "You look like you know what you're doing, what with that frosting and all. Which of these is better? Marshmallow Fluff Bunnies, or Triple Chocolate Moon Dunks?" (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]machining 2021-03-14 09:26 pm UTC (link) Track This Even when Vorr'ian didn't have his eyes on the children, there was that empathic connection that ran a little deeper than everyone else around him. There was safety in the static that he felt, drawing in the emotions of others in crowded spaces. At least there was static when he wasn't focusing on particular people or emotions. Sudden outbursts though, they honed in focus much the way that someone would yelling in a small space. Watching Joie, Ian was only curious. There was no stranger danger in the midst here. Only what felt like an actual question. It left him even more curious to the answer as the little girl's excitement grew. Thoughtfulness was very much taken, as she tapped her chin with her index finger. Almost as though it were something she had seen and were mimicking. Nir knew how this would play out, and he only looked up at his father for a second. A knowing grin on his face. The children had been wanting a pet, only to be denied over and over, until a fish had been allowed in the home. The cheering of "Bun-ny!" came about from little Joie and she moved to grab the package in a hug. Pulling it away from Flynn and running back to show it off to her brother and put it in the basket. Everything animal shaped, there was no denying the little girl allowed that to rule her taste. "I know what you'll be trying to put on your pancakes in the morning," Vorr'ian about grumbled to the little girl, even in his own amusement. Picking her up and holding her to his side. Taking those few steps back towards Flynn. "You looking for sugar rushes?" the words fell from his lips in seriousness, even though he was attempting to make a small joke. "I'm Ian, by the way." Tickling the little girl's belly, she called out, "Joie!" The boy had run off to get another package of the Marshmallow Fluff Bunnies, to hand to Flynn. Holding out a hand to him to shake as well. "Did you want these now? I'm Nir." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]beautiflying 2021-03-16 01:44 am UTC (link) Track This Flynn waited patiently for the answer to the question, as the little girl seemed to take it very seriously. Then he sat back on his heels and laughed as the box of marshmallow cookie-treats was yanked from his hand and outright hugged. That sounded like a definite vote in the positive. Marshmallow it was -- nougat and all of its mysteries could wait for next time. The little girl had run away with the bunnies, so Flynn stood up then and put the other box back on the shelf. The aura around him could tend toward the nervous and ruminating, but for now at least while the main event was dessert and excited children, he had a reasonable blanket of calm about himself. He truthfully didn't have a lot of experience with children, being that he came from a world in which they were not often invited to things unless they were child stars, so he had seen no reason not to ask such a question of a child as if she were a little grown-up. His philosophy was rewarded, he thought, since she certainly had an opinion... though her parent might come to regret the "bun-ny!" cheer eventually. When Flynn spotted the man, he offered him a mild, apologetic smile. "I was," he agreed to his question. "And I believe I found one." He nodded to his little helper to indicate her. He glanced down again at another voice, this time coming from someone a little taller. The offer of another box of treats saw him resting his hands on his heart for a moment in exaggerated acceptance of such politeness. "Oh! Why thank you! How kind. Yes, it does look like my last box was claimed at the last moment. It's a pleasure to meet you, Nir." Flynn shook the boy's hand appreciatively, and then offered the same to his father. "And you as well, Ian. I'm Flynn. You have such charming, well-behaved children. They certainly are eager to help, aren't they? I'll be sure to enjoy these--" He paused to flip the package in his hand to check the name one more time, squinting at it and adjusting his glasses on his nose habitually. "--Marshmallow Fluff Bunnies. No doubt they'll be every bit as overwhelming as they sound. Toasted coconut, even." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-03-24 05:45 am UTC (link) Track This The past few years had flown by without much thought, but with a great deal of care. Between the two children there, Ian had never expected to play the part of father. To be able to call himself a father wasn't something he had ever wanted, and he had stated as much to his wife before her passing. With her loss, and his lack of having anyone worth holding, except the memory of her holding Joie or the fact that Nir had met the woman for but a short moment in his life? He couldn't ever find a reason to part from them. How far the man had come from not knowing how to put a diaper on a baby, to wandering around on a snack run of his own. For Flynn to tell him as much, to point out how well-behaved they were, he couldn't help but feel the overwhelming surge of pride. It kept his quiet for a moment, as he nodded. Righting himself before he spoke up. "Fair warning, don't go eating all the chocolate off the fluff. It sounds weird, but I've seen weird things with these kids." Ian had meant it as a joke, even though the sentiment was far too true. Something about the texture, he couldn't even complain about it. After seeing the way they children had eaten, he had always found some means of testing it out himself. It took a moment but it did come to him. "Flynn?" There was something about that name, it didn't feel too common but what did he know of humans? Shanii was far better in that regard. "Are you on a ship, by chance?" Where had he heard that name, or was it just some random thing he was recalling from one of the children's stories? He would figure this out one way or another, even if it meant diving into one of those stories when they finally got home. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Eko + open // where have all the weapons gooooone // 2.09 [info]propermotion 2021-02-08 06:16 am UTC (link) Track This The ship had needed a lot of work. It was clear when he was working on the upgrades with Phoenix. After the initial overheating of the new patch and old patch, he had taken it upon himself to whip the ship into shape for his sister. She had enough on her plate as it were. Part of him wanted the busywork since no new leads had come about. Once again, he found himself on ship at 6am. It had started to become a habit now. He didn't mind it, actually liking it when he was the first one there. It meant he could take his time. Passing by the dining area, he shook his head at the ring stain on the counter and various dishes around. He couldn't let the mess stand, so he took care of it. Once that was done, he made his way to the weapons bay. Things needed some touch ups and he figured once more of the crew came by, he could continue upgrading the security systems. The first thing he wanted to do was take inventory, make sure they had enough ammunition, spare parts in case he needed to put in last minute orders. Eko had gone through the checklist and paused. There wasn't a plasma blade accounted for. Scanning the spot where it would have hung, he tried to look around for it. When nothing came up, he chalked it up to the crew. Perhaps Dom had it, or someone else on crew. He'd ask once they filed in. After making a note, he sat down to charge the blasters and sharpen the blades. A skittering caught his attention after a few moments. It stopped and then started up again. He stopped what he was doing, gripping the handle of a blade and walked towards the noise. After spending ten minutes checking and coming up empty, Eko went back to what he was doing. Picking up the sharpener, his gaze moved over the other blades hanging and noticed an empty spot. He narrowed his eyes, recalling what it looked like. "What the hell?" (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]machining 2021-02-10 12:05 am UTC (link) Track This Being up early in the morning, Ian rarely needed a reason for it anymore. Especially with the kids finding new ways to wake him up. Apparently he was fixed on such a schedule now, with how they had barely been rolling out of bed this past week. If he could, he would swear that someone had brought back some type of bad mojo and poured a heavy cloud over his home. Everyone there had been down with the sickness. Stuffy, red noses and coughing fits everywhere. It left Ian having taken up disinfecting his entire world, in between rounds of checking out the ship. Still continuing to do so based on a want and need to get some air, he had headed to the ship without thought. A small box in hand of seals and minor parts he thought to bring for regular engine maintenance. Never could have enough of that, as far as he was concerned. There was a weird feeling about things, as he moved. He knew that Eko had been on and off the ship, but it was the emotions that Ian could feel coming from that direction was what threw him for a bit of a loop. Slow to come around the corner, he paused feeling more at ease once he heard the other man's voice. He stood there, a few feet away, eyeing him curiously, trying to understand what he was feeling against whatever Eko was looking at. "Something wrong?" he finally asked cautiously, hoping not to have snuck up on him after all. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]propermotion 2021-02-11 11:32 pm UTC (link) Track This He had taken thorough inventory. Each time he came up short one. How? It wasn't like him to miss something, something he had sworn he had counted, checked in, everything. Then the noise had started up again. His instincts told him it had to be a connection. Someone was taking them, someone was in there. It made things difficult when he had aided in the security system. They had absolutely patched and upgraded things. Unless this was some sort of prank. The likelihood of the crew playing a prank on him he thought was nonexistent. Eko's personality wasn't one to mess with, at least not when weapons were involved. Tech, sure. He could be proven wrong about those things. This was...he didn't know what. He had taken a plasma blade with him, not trusting that it wouldn't be taken if his back was turned. If it was one of his crew, there would be some serious hell to pay. Taking to the hall again, he heard the noise. It was echoed and faint. Sensing someone then, he moved into a fighting stance as the person rounded the corner. The sight of Ian made his mouth tighten some what. "My plasma blades are gone." It was less of a statement and more of an opening for any confessions. "I just want to know who took them because I'm trying to take inventory and keep them ready." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-02-20 04:14 am UTC (link) Track This There were a lot of things that Ian did for the sake of pretenses, but his job was never one of those. There was a natural conformity to the way that machinery ran. What it could take and what it couldn't, rather than wouldn't. A system that was held together by the most simplistic of physics, in a beautiful way that he wasn't even sure he ever fully understood. But there was something about it all that had always drawn him in. Even when he was back home, this was one of those things that he felt was the only place he fit. He hadn't been allowed to speak, only feel. It was he preferred to rely on the use of his own empathic communication over words, but words were the way that humans understood and expressed most things. Some version of complicating everything that much more. A brow quirked over the statement. His gaze moving around, as if to point out it was just the two of them. Where the words were a statement and not so much an accusation, he was feeling it. While his brow drew together, Ian wanted to laugh. Mostly for the sake of the thought. "I can ask around, but if I wanted something, I tend to ask for it." Even though he wasn't big on manipulation without a need, it held the basis for much of his strongest abilities. A crooked smile on his face now. "And I get what I ask for." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) in the miner league // cael, ian & ronan [info]aimbot 2021-01-10 02:07 am UTC (link) Track This Deep down, Ronan had always known things were going to go to shit somehow. The Canopus’ presence had never made any sense, beyond an insult to the Endeavor’s command and crew, but even if this turn of events didn’t come as a surprise, the ruthlessness of it, the gall of it all, had Ronan seething beneath his veneer of professionalism. At least making sure Sergeant Easley had made it out alive had been worth it. Tremors still shook the ground, gravel and dirt crunching beneath their boots with every careful step deeper into the mines, and Ronan felt a lot of things—confident just didn’t make that list as they descended further down while the walls crumbled around them. Part of his equipment was the light now clipped to the front of his uniform as he made his way down the mine shaft, illuminating dirt and rocks and equipment abandoned in a panic, and Ronan tried not to dwell on the utter terror of being trapped down here. It was very much not the kind of place he wanted to die, so he was going to do his best to make sure no one else would suffer that fate today, either. Luckily enough he wasn’t alone in that. With him were Cael and Ian, if Ronan had caught the name right, and he at least knew Cael better than most; Ronan doubted he had even needed to be asked to spring in action when there were people to be helped, much as he would have selfishly preferred him to be somewhere safer, and while he didn’t know Ian, they were willing to walk into mines while the ground shook and the walls were coming down—that was as much of a character judgment as he needed. Before them, the mine branched off into two paths and Ronan came to a halt. Down either of them, a few lights still flickered, and the rumbling echo of things moving was hard to place. They had spoken to the miners who had been lucky enough to make it out and gotten rough directions to where the cave-in had trapped the others, but down here, everything looked the same and Ronan found it hard to tell what had been cut off by damage. “Pretty sure it’s left,” Ronan pointed out, his words muffled by the bandana covering half his face, to make sure he wasn’t breathing in too much of the dust that had been kicked up, although ‘left’, cluttered with half-lit debris as it was, was about as inviting as walking into a gravesite. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-10 02:46 am UTC (link) Track This Where Ian was concerned, he wasn't supposed to get into this kind of trouble. He had kids at home, kids that needed him, kids that were worrying about him, and here he was. Add the fact that his own wife had died on a mission some two years ago. But here he was anyways because you couldn't just sit around imagining how some of these people were fairing for something that someone else caused. Worse, that ADF officers caused. Newer to the Revenge, he didn't know much about either man before him. A lack of trust was clear on his own part, staying quiet through most everything. His empathy practically leaving a light show of it's own in his own mind. Swallowing it all down, he focused ahead and kept his thoughts even. If he could at least find a way to help them maneuver to where these miners were trapped, perhaps he could even calm them down before this sea of emotion drove him either sick or insane. As they stopped, Ian followed Ronan's line of vision. Looking back and forth between the two paths, he questioned that confidence level. It caused him to close his own eyes a moment, pushing at the edges of his own empathic abilities. Yes, he could feel the miners, perhaps even communicate to a degree, but it all would depend on how close they were and panicked. But at least the panic was easy enough to check off the list. Before they made it this far, he was sure that the colonists own fear, along with everyone else's had blended in and made it harder for him to identify. Breath in, breath out. He took steps to the right. "Left might be safer, but right's closer." Ian mentioned, turning his own flashlight that way looking over the walls once more. "But we're still above them." He finished before his eyes turned towards Cael. In truth, Ian didn't know if it was truly safer, only that Ronan had chosen it. It would have been his best guess on why, unless it was to somehow manage to cause more mayhem, but he doubted that last part given the fact the man was still here. But Cael, he at least knew from the ship and he hoped that held accountability for something. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2021-01-10 09:34 am UTC (link) Track This On a good day, Cael trusted any marine about as far as he could throw them—and now the ones from the Canopus had shown their true colors in the ensuing chaos. He hadn’t been surprised so much as infuriated; while he had a considerably broader view of the Alliance now than he did ten years ago, it was this sort of bullshit—one way or another pushing their agenda to keep people under their thumb—that wouldn’t ever make him a fan. There’d be time to fume later. The emergency at hand warranted his full attention and he hadn’t hesitated to volunteer to go into the mines to help the trapped workers and been unsurprised to find Ro and Ian doing the same. Even if for personal reasons he’d preferred Ro somewhere safer, there weren’t many Cael would feel as comfortable relying and Ian was crew, which still counted for something. So as they descended down a path where they could easily be crushed to death alongside the people they were sent to rescue, he felt considerably even-keeled, focused on keeping his bearings, since they would also need to find their way back out. The miners they rescued would theoretically know the tunnels better, but assuming they’d be in any shape to direct them would be optimistic. Drawing up at the juncture, he looked at both options, shining his flashlight with Ian’s to further illuminate the debris as he tried to recall the directions they’d been hastily given. Face partially hidden by a mask he’d picked up a few days ago for their ruins expedition, his words were similarly a bit muffled. “The woman who gave us directions said there’d be a clearer path down the left, but don’t know if this is what she considered ‘clearer’, or if more shit fell down,” Cael said; he cast a curious look at Ian, unsure what made him think right was closer, though he didn’t want to discount him out of hand. Had one of the other miners told him something that Cael hadn’t caught? It wasn’t entirely out of the question. “So let’s check out the right.” With that decided, he started in that direction, careful as he picked his way over the rubble. It was difficult to tell much of anything, but a draft in the air drew his attention, and he motioned the other two over once he was closer to it. “Maybe something here. Help me move this,” he said to Ro, regarding a large piece of rock that had fallen in the way. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]aimbot 2021-01-10 07:16 pm UTC (link) Track This “Based on what?” The question was asked without any suspicion but a raised eyebrow when Ian redirected them to the right, though Ro still moved to help Cael when asked to without hesitation. Something that would have been easier if he hadn’t gotten shot on the excursion into the ruins earlier this week, but with any luck, none of it would tear open again just yet. Ro dug his heels into the ground, and moved to push the rock out of the way with his back, and with their combined effort, it moved steadily out of the way. Once he straightened up again, Ro wiped his gloves off on his pants before he retrieved a small aerosol can from his loadout and marked the path they were heading down, then shot Cael a look, a silent question how far he trusted Ian and his assessment. Considering they were all as likely to die down here, he doubted any of them would willfully lead them astray, which was something he would have had less faith in were he stuck here with two strangers, particularly from the Revenge. Just like he doubted anyone would put much trust into the Alliance and its insignia that he bore, after what the Canopus had been doing. “If this was clearer, then I am not hoping for much down any path,” Ro pointed out, stashing the can away again, and cast a look into the direction they had come from, briefly calculating how far they had made it and how far they would have to transport injured miners. It wasn’t promising. Outside, the storm still seemed to rage, if the whistling howls that made it this far were anything to go by, and they could only hope the ground wouldn’t quake again. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-10 08:00 pm UTC (link) Track This The question was one of those that amused him, even though there was no need for such a feeling. It wasn't something Ian liked to toss around but at the same time, he almost always felt out of place. As if there were some scarlet letter attached to him stating what he is and where he came from. Although it rarely ever seemed to be something more telltale. "Based on the fact that I'm Aev'ik." Ian tossed back halfheartedly before looking again at Ronan. "I can feel their struggle, your struggle, and even," he nodded back over at Cael, "His struggle." Moving to add to the help in moving the rock, he went onto explain, even though he wasn't entirely sure if it was needed or not. "I'm a mechanic, not a map though. I can only gain a sense of direction on where the feelings are coming from. And as a group, they're a little more concentrated than those outside." Ian had tried to normalize this as much as he could, but realistically, it bothered him. The feelings hitting him were all becoming a pressure point of their own. It reminded him of home, times of mayhem due to the high anxieties and instability of situations. Always based on politics and ideals. There was no reason to make this all worse, nor did he figure getting into anything else he could or couldn't do. Mostly because there were components of that he did like to keep to himself above all others. Either way, he only hoped there wouldn't be some attempt at leaving him behind with or without the injured miners. No matter what happened. He was also left with a sort of unease in hoping that there were no extra quakes either. For the sake of his own version of sympathy pains. At least his kids were far from here, but he was sure there were enough miners holding a similar feeling. Especially after the rules applied to them, having been unable to go back home all this time. "I won't argue which direction we go, I'll follow. I know nothing about mines. It's only empathy." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2021-01-11 12:29 am UTC (link) Track This Catching Ro’s look, Cael gave a slight nod to confirm he trusted Ian. There wasn’t any reason to doubt him and in the—admittedly limited—time Cael knew him he didn’t seem the needlessly reckless sort, so it was unlikely he’d take a risk that might put them in any additional peril. “It’s still something to go on,” Cael reasoned, “and lets us know if we’re getting closer.” He only vaguely understood how Ian’s empathic abilities worked, since as someone who barely liked to fumble with his own emotions and boxed them away unless he was truly at ease, he couldn’t imagine what it must be like to pick up others’ beyond the standard visual and verbal cues. One of the miners had given Cael a scanner, with the hasty explanation that it would take surface area density readings within a few hundred meters, which would, theoretically tell them something other than everything was a mess. So far it hadn’t been especially helpful in indicating anything beyond what they could see, but he still pulled it out again to take a reading. “Further down this way, there’s some kind of opening, sloping down, but I can’t tell from this if it’s meant to be there or something made by the earthquake, so there’s only one way to find out.” It seemed worth a shot and he trusted that if Ro or Ian disagreed—Ro especially—that they’d say so, as he offered the scanner over for their inspection as well. There was plenty of wreckage between here and there, but nothing they shouldn’t be able to pick their way through. The flickering lights overhead were keeping them from being in total darkness, even if they weren’t much help—which as if on cue was a thought Cael immediately regretted as they stuttered and went out completely, accompanied by a rumble in the distance, leaving them only with the illumination provided by their own lights. “...sorry, I might’ve had a thought that jinxed us,” he said, wryly, since things didn’t really work that way, but sometimes it certainly seemed like they did. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]aimbot 2021-01-11 01:29 pm UTC (link) Track This Ronan nodded. An empath, then. There were a dozen questions at the tip of his tongue, but he figured Ian had heard them all a million times before, so he kept them to himself. It didn’t matter at current, anyway. (That an empath was, in fact, the last person he needed around himself and his not-so-secret boyfriend was a thought he very quickly filed away, in favor of more pressing concerns.) “If it helps us locate them, I’ll listen,” he told Ian and meant it, as unwilling to get stuck down here as any of them, “And the quicker the better.” The display didn’t tell him more than it had told Cael, and he merely grimaced when the lights shut off a moment later. Given their luck, it had only been a matter of time. “We’re all cursed one way or another, looks like.” Ro snorted, wryly amused as he adjusted the brightness of his light, then stepped through the space they had created by moving the boulder out of the way. “Let’s, then.” Careful to duck below low-hanging beams jostled loose by the earthquake and trying not to trip over any of the debris, Ronan made his way over the rubble for a few undisturbed minutes until the ground gave way under his foot and he took a hasty stop back. Before him, the ground had opened up and revealed the tunnel below this one, its exit cut off by the debris from this one--nothing stable, but it could serve as a ramp to get down and up again. “Think we found our way down.” It explained why the right had become the quicker path towards the miners; it simply hadn’t existed before the first quake. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-11 10:48 pm UTC (link) Track This In the moment, Ian had to question if Cael were the only one to jinx them here. If there hadn't been more along the way that led to this point. It wasn't a belief he normally followed, but he had become used to the idea. He held his own gifts or abilities, depending upon who you asked. It didn't feel like such a leap that something bigger out there allowed or even exploited such an ability through the power of thought or speaking things true. He was no higher power, and he spoke many things into fruition, even though he hadn't always meant to. Everyone here had accepted his abilities, or what parts he spoke of, as at least helpful. And it left him a little more willing to follow their own steps. The new path though, that left him swallowing thickly. It didn't pander at any fears, outside of the ones that others were brimming with below them. But the gravity of the situation only felt like it held that much stronger to him. He hadn't managed to get into anything like this since the passing of his wife. And now, here he was. Biting back his own discomfort, he flashed his own light down taking the best look he could with it. Without time to waste, he stepped forward, careful of his steps. Light and gaze flickering between his feet and what was left of the ceiling above him now. Slow, deep breaths that followed his gait and steps taken now. "Do we know how-" just as he began to speak, a small tremor moved past them. It left Ian frozen in place, until he could have sworn he heard something muffled. Turning to look between Ronan and Cael, his question changed. "Do you hear that?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2021-01-12 12:22 am UTC (link) Track This Cael was a selectively superstitious person, normally in an entirely pessimistic vein, but he was mostly joking. Primarily because he couldn’t imagine having done anything to warrant the universe taking a particular interest in him, for good or ill. Down a dark tunnel wasn’t his favorite thing, especially after his dip into the basement of the ancient ruin and how … mystery bug filled they had been. Though the little guys at least provides their own light when they’d been trying to murder them. Had it just been him and Ro, he probably would have cracked a joke about that, too, since they’d made light of their potential deaths plenty of times already, but he knew that particular brand of humor didn’t always work for everyone, especially while careful trying to not cause any further sediment slides as they made their way down the makeshift ramp. Still, at the tremor and Ian’s subsequent question Cael drew to a halt as well. He’d not heard anything that he wouldn’t necessarily classify as anything other than dirt settling further, but it couldn’t hurt to check. “Not sure,” was what he went with saying aloud. Unclipping his light, he shone it around to get a better look, casting longer shadows of debris and broken beams--better than too many eyes gleaming in the darkness, at least. He listened carefully as he did, assessing their surroundings, but nothing really caught his eye, so he glanced at Ro, a nonverbal inquiry to see if he had seen anything concerning. “I don’t think I heard anything other than dirt settling, so maybe we just keep going?” Cael half-asked, half-suggested. “Straight might be our only option this time.” There was maybe a former opening to the right, but it was obscured by some large, jagged rock. He took a few steps to continue onward, when the ground rumbled again, this time accompanied by some tumbling rocks accompanied by a soft whir behind them. “Well, that was. Louder,” he murmured to his companions, turning around slowly. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]aimbot 2021-01-12 10:55 pm UTC (link) Track This Whatever comments he had on the tip of his tongue, Ronan bit them back in favor of listening for whatever sounds there were, but whatever it was, the newest tremors overrode them with the sound of rocks tumbling and settling. He carefully made his way down the slope instead, skidding where the gravel was particularly loose. “I hear that,” he agreed, once had he arrived on the lower level on somewhat steady feet, and he held his light up to shine down the path where it reflected off something metal. He took a step closer to make sense of it, then cocked his head to the side. One of what he assumed had to be excavation bots was upturned, one of its wheels whirring hopelessly in the air, the other grinding against a blockage of rocks, the sound amplified in ghastly fashion by the way it echoed down the tunnels. “That thing could come in useful.” Unless the terrain got too terrible, but Ro assumed that was what they were made for, and the bot would likely still be standing had it not been for the quakes. His blaster was returned to its holster, and he looked from Ian to Cael. Taking charge was something Ronan rarely shirked, but navigating a mine was something he knew very little about, and it made him as likely to defer to their judgment as his own, so he left the decision up for vote. He turned his attention to Ian. “How close are the miners, you would say?” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-13 06:11 pm UTC (link) Track This Following their line of sight, Ian was at a loss for much of anything outside of that bot. Where he was concerned, anything that wasn't human was easily useful. And if not, checking it's parts, maybe making it useful wouldn't take much. That was the hope anyway. Looking at it this way, Ian wasn't able to find any notable damage himself, but reached to touch it's side as if to comfort the machine. Fingers sliding over the cold metal, he moved around what he could see of it. "Anyone have back problems?" he asked, not wanting to make any assumptions there. "Maybe we could get it flipped over and have a better look?" Glancing over at Ronan for a quick second, he added, "It looks like it moves so it really might. Especially if we end up needing to cut through a quake created wall." Finding a gearbox, he checked everything over but didn't want to attempt to really do anything while it was still upturned. Closing his eyes, he tried to come up with a number given where they were. "I don't know, if I had to say, I'd guess four meters?" Ian tried, pointing behind and below Cael. "They're together, mostly or it feels that way. But it could be six or seven? For all I know they're lying down or fell and are trapped in a tunnel beneath the others." Shaking his head, he moved again for the excavation bots gearbox. Seeing a wire in there this time, he moved to touch it only for a small jolt to rush through him. Jumping back in the process, something about the ground beneath him broke. With one misstep, Ian slipped straight into it and down. Slipping through dirt and uncertainty, he was barely quick enough to roll out of the way of some rocks that decided to follow him down. Coughing, he tried to turn on his flashlight but it wasn't working now. Tapping his palm to the side of it, it started to flicker on but then nothing at all, leaving him fully in the dark. "Great." he muttered to himself. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2021-01-13 09:25 pm UTC (link) Track This Tension eased from Cael when he saw the sound was coming from some kind of machine. Ian was their mechanic and he had a decent amount of informally cobbled together technical skills that between the two of them, there seemed a good chance to get it back operational. “No, haven’t quite ran into those--” was what he was in the process of saying when Ian suddenly jumped back and Cael looked over at him just in time to see him drop through the ground. Standing up quickly, he looked over at Ro to make sure he wasn’t about to go pitching downward, either, before cautiously leaning to peer over. “Ian? You okay?” he called out, shining his light downward. The other man wasn’t immediately in view, just some rocks that had rolled after him and darkness beyond. While awaiting an answer, he took out the scanner, angling it toward the new hole. “It looks like it’s only a few meters down and there’s another… slope thing that doesn’t look too bad, actually,” he said, if he were reading it correctly. They had to go down again anyway, based on what Ian said, so maybe they could make this work. Still, he got out some utility cord. There was a rather large rock that didn’t budge when he shoved against it, so it’d have to do, as he started securing the cord around it. “But just in case, I’ll try going down first and maybe let’s see how that goes,” he said to Ro, since otherwise he knew Ro would go ahead of him and this was Cael’s plan to see how dumb it was. Getting closer to the hole, holding on, he called down to Ian to give him a head’s up. “Gonna come down to you.” That said, he started to ease himself down the makeshift slope, trying to scatter as few rocks as possible in his wake. He was almost to the bottom when his hand slipped and he skidded the last bit, knee bumping against a rock--not hard enough to injure, but still hurt enough to draw a “Fuck!” then up to Ro, he called, “I’m fine, it’s just slippery at the end.” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]aimbot 2021-01-14 11:38 pm UTC (link) Track This Ro had been about to point out that he didn’t have back problems yet when suddenly Ian vanished through the ground that had given way, and he took a step back until the noise of rumbling rocks subsided and it seemed safe enough that no more of the ground would give way. “Careful,” Ro insisted, pointlessly, when Cael decided to make his way down, but he wasn’t going to argue with him about it in front of anyone else. Instead, he stepped closer to the rock he tied the cord to, one hand placed on it just in case it moved or slipped--it didn’t, and Ro instead grimaced when he heard Cael cursing, loudly. Ronan immediately took a step forward and leaned over the rim of the hole in the floor, eyebrows furrowed as he peered down. Much as Cael was as prone to downplaying things as he was, he felt reassured enough by him shouting up, and he instead breathed a heavy sigh. “You both okay?” He called down, then glanced up at the robot they had been trying to get to. It was probably useless to them now; getting it to maneuver the slope seemed unlikely. “Would you say that’s closer to the miners than we were?” The question was directed equally at the both of them, between Ian’s abilities and the scanner, he reasoned they at least had a good read on how close to the miners they would be now. Getting them all out, well. That would be a bridge they would be crossing in the near future. Ro took the spray out again to mark the nearest set of rocks at the top of the hole in the floor, then slowly lowered himself down as well, careful for the slippery parts Cael had pointed out, and made it down safely enough. “Alright. This is getting less and less stable. Let’s get going, if you’re both fine to?” He looked between the two of them; a twisted ankle happened quickly and easily, so he needed to make sure before he turned in the direction they had settled on. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]machining 2021-01-16 06:21 pm UTC (link) Track This Lying on the ground, choking, only due to the amount of dirt that all seemed to have flared right up into his face and everywhere else. Ian was for the most part alright. He hadn't appreciated the way that had all gone down. The sense of danger and worry that had shot out of him, falling in such a way, along with how he was pelted in smaller bits of rock and dirt. Narrowly missing at least anything that could have done him more than a nuisance of damage. Pulling himself into a sitting position, an arm moved around his left leg as he pulled it towards his chest. Assessing his own movement or mild shock, along with hoping to give himself the momentum to stand up from this odd position. "I've rolled out from under worse things." he tried to give back, with another cough here and there. Clearing his throat, he was moving to stand up now, just as he noticed Cael coming down. For all everyone was checking on him, Ian went to try and get up in case Cael needed help, only to slip on some rocks near him causing him to fall back onto his backside all over again. A light bit of laughter automatically fell from his lips. This was not how he expected his first actual mission to go. Then again, he hadn't expected to play in a simulated hell or anything else that had come rolling his way. He only hoped things were fairing a lot better with everyone else, as well as back home on the station. Beneath the new shade of fear, worry, and even acceptance, he wondered if his own line of thoughts and feelings weren't being affected by how long he had been down here and now this. A little more carefully, he was able to stand up, in time to see Ronan coming down. There was a quick, affirmative nod, as Ian tried to wipe himself off a bit. Covering his mouth for an extra cough that felt like it cleared his throat far better, he pointed ahead. "Definitely closer. That way. But if we could maybe get down another level somehow, I think we could walk right into it." Or fall into it, given what happened here, but he didn't want to say that. The last thing he wanted was to do that again and any of them end up in a similar situation as the miners. Grabbing a rock near his foot, oh these slippery rocks. He held the weight of it in his hand, running his thumb over the smoothness of it idly. Looking up though, he couldn't help but wonder. "Think we could get lucky and that machine drops too or there might be another one around here?" Would that be too much to ask? He hoped not, but he had no idea what he was doing here. Grabbing a rock and trying to throw it at what bit of metal he saw through that hole, he chucked it. Hitting the metal, there had been a ping against it as the rock fell away from it. As the tunnel began to vibrate, Ian cursed in his own native language. Unsure but questioning if this wasn't his fault, he began to run in the only direction he could see. Believing the others would do the same, at least. Right up until he found himself standing at the edge of what appeared to be a mining shaft. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2021-01-16 09:33 pm UTC (link) Track This Unexpected laughter rang in the darkness, which at least seemed like a better sign than not until Cael got a good look at Ian and received confirmation that he wasn’t hurt. Cael’s eyes watered from the kicked up dirt, but for the most part his borrowed mask helped as he kept a concerned look Ian’s way until the coughing had passed. Offering a grin, that wasn’t really visible, most likely, he breathed out a sigh. “Ready, yeah. I guess we’re making progress, at least, even if it’s not… fully intentional,” he said, since that was about as much upside as he could figure. Or at all intentional with how some of it was going, but none of them were any kind of mining experts, not that it would have mattered much with the upheaval of everything around them. “Let’s check around down here first,” Cael was saying when Ian threw the rock which caught Cael off-guard, though not as much as when the tunnel began to shake and Ian took off. Cael’s instinct was to glance at Ro to gauge his agreement, but the rumbling got louder as more, larger, rocks started to roll down, so he grabbed the front of Ro’s shirt and tugged him forward without thinking about it, even if unnecessarily, releasing him as quickly. Light shining ahead, Cael barely just registered that Ian had drawn up short and skidded to a halt alongside him--a reason that became readily apparent with the sudden drop Cael wasn’t prepared for. Dirt slid under his boots as he was pitched off balance. Luckily, he fell backwards onto his butt instead of forward and down into the shaft. His heart hammered as he checked for Ro and Ian to make sure they were both fine, the rumbling beneath them subsiding once more. “‘Fucking hell,” Cael swore, getting back to his feet as he dusted himself off to peer cautiously into the opening. There appeared to have been connective railing at some point, since he could see a track still standing beyond. Now there was a large gap missing with whatever platform had once been in front of where they stood. His light couldn’t penetrate how far down it might go, or how much still remained to the left or right, but as he was looking around, a panicked voice suddenly called out, “Is someone there? Help, we’re over here!” “That sounds like it’s to our… right?” he said, glancing at his companions for confirmation. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]aimbot 2021-01-19 12:46 am UTC (link) Track This Apparently making their way carefully through these mines was off the menu, and Ronan cursed under his breath with Cael’s hand in his shirt and dragging him forward even before he knew what was happening, but he got with the program quickly enough and broke into a sprint a split second later--luckily behind Ian and Cael, since the two of them had already come to a halt, or Ronan might not have braked in time. “Fucking--” Ro managed only barely to stop in his tracks without tripping over Cael, skidding on the gravel, and despite knowing he shouldn’t, Ro reached down to briefly squeeze his shoulder. Just as reassurance, but for which one of them he wasn’t sure as his heart rate slowly returned to something less thunderous. He straightened up again and nodded, not really conveying much of anything but taking a moment to gather his bearings. This was going to be a problem, yet another one to pile on the barrage of problems that had led them here. The thought that this might very well become their grave crossed his mind, then got filed away as quickly as it had come to him--there was no use for thinking like that, and all they could do was move forward. Once they figured out how, that was. “We’re here to help,” Ronan called back, unsure how successful they would be, but the least they could do right now was try and reassure them. He looked around, the beam of his flashlight dragging over rock, more rock, some abandoned tools and the broken tracks leading nowhere, before he leaned over the rim of the hole in the floor, and saw little more than Cael had. Some of the railings were still attached to the wall, with barely a ledge left beneath them. Whether that would hold weight, well. Behind them, the path was mostly obscured by rocks. His loadout included a conservative amount of small scale explosives, but things seemed too brittle to even consider that. “This looks like… manually moving rocks is our best bet.” (Reply to this)(Parent) (