X ([info]medlock) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-04-01 19:44:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: exavyera ala'al, zuul srchai is it me? x & zuul lowtown, april 1, 2658 Bellamy Sun BellaMY Sunnnnn BEllamy Suuuuun Reading the name off of an unopened letter that she found on this stranger’s kitchen table, X tried every inflection she could think of in an attempt to open the communicator. The truth was, she had no idea if the woman’s name had anything at all to do with the passcode to the device but she was grasping at straws and desperate to talk to someone, anyone that might recognize her. Or at least believe her. The owner of the bed she had woken up in had done neither of those things and it left X questioning whether she wasn’t the one losing her mind. She shouted the stranger’s name at the communicator screen in frustration and was met yet again with the buzz and sound of access denial. The only odd comfort that X found in the midst of this stranger’s life was the dog that had greeted her upon entering the apartment. Breaking and entering had crossed her mind at the time but was it really considered a crime if she had the keys even if they didn’t belong to her? She tossed the locked comm onto the table and sank back onto the sofa, groaning in frustration. The dog, tagged French Fry, seemed somewhat concerned and nuzzled her leg as if that would somehow make the situation any better. In spite of herself, X felt a swell in her chest at the gesture and it was enough to chase off the threatening shadow of self-pity and despair. That had never been her style, there was no reason to pick it up now. Sitting on a strange couch in a strange body wasn’t getting her anywhere. X pushed herself up to her feet and made for the door, pausing just long enough to pass a treat to French Fry in apology for leaving him behind on his own. She was careful to lock up after herself, not wanting any harm to come to this Bellamy’s belongings while she was away, but spared no second thought in hurrying away from the unfamiliar building. It was close enough to X’s new place that the neighborhood wasn’t entirely foreign but she made her way through it unsure of where she even needed to go. The thought of hunting down her own body was high in her mind but the need for some kind of grounding force grabbed for priority. In the end, she went to the only place on Terminus that had ever really felt familiar to her. She wasn’t entirely sure that she would be a welcome sight, regardless of what body she found herself in, but she still trusted that it would be a safe place. And one where she would find help if there was any help to be had. Pausing outside of the door, she shifted her glance upward to the peephole that would normally be at about her chest level. She’d lost over six inches in the switch and it was suddenly dawning on her just how small she actually was. Holding her breath, she raised a hand to knock on the door. It was more forceful than she had intended, almost begging with her knuckles for Zuul to come and make some sense of this. It felt like an impossibly long time that she spent standing in the doorway before she realized that he may not even be home to answer her. In fact, this may not even be his home at all anymore. Suddenly she felt even more lost than before. X knew she should probably have left but instead she sank to the floor and rested her back against the closed door, shutting her eyes and taking a minute to think. (Post a new comment) [info]bearing 2021-04-03 12:03 am UTC (link) Track This Today was the day. Everything had been especially set aside since the day before. Packed and ready to move. He could barely recall a time where he owned so much, but even then that was more community property. Items bestowed upon him by family who also lived there in the same building. A time that may as well have been a dream, to be surrounded by nothing but what he had always knew. People who cared for him regardless, or so he had expected at the time. Differences of opinion would be led down the line later, that didn't change the memories of well over twenties long years. He had tried to make a home here, and in some sense succeeded, but in others, failed. A number of emotions bubbled up in Zuul, with only Kura to be able to see it and even acknowledge as much. A leg moving over his foot, as she looked up with uncertainty. Was this the right move? In his own culture, going deeper meant greater things. Your age held your presence, what you've given to the community in general. Your willingness to take care of everyone as a whole. Now he was moving upward, rather than down. Here, he was trying to be something more productive, running away from problems that made him feel like he was less than that. All of that had to be set aside. All of that had to go away, and leave him open to the same life he had hoped to have here when his feet first planted onto this station, in this system. It was only in his back and forth, transferring furniture and boxes that he showed back up to this Lowtown door. As soon as the elevator doors opened, he looked at the woman cautiously. Keys in hand for the last of his things. "I'm sorry, but are you alright?" he asked simply, waiting on her reply before trying to figure out how to explain that she was in his way. "Were you looking for a specific apartment?" (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]medlock 2021-04-03 09:48 pm UTC (link) Track This Zuul’s voice was overwhelmingly familiar in a moment where absolutely everything else felt foreign and X’s eyes shot open at the unexpected sound of it. Every nerve in her borrowed body wanted to jump to her feet and throw her arms around him in sheer relief. However, after her experience of waking up beside a stranger, she knew how jarring the expectation to recognize someone you didn’t could feel and X couldn’t do that to him. Instead, she rose slowly and offered a smile that she hoped would be friendly and reassuring in light of what she was about to say. “This is going to sound crazy,” she told him cautiously, “but I’m not…” She gestured down the length of her body and looked up at him with a shrug that was the only sign of how completely lost she felt. “It’s me. X. Something happened and I’m...well this is how I look now.” There was so much more to be said and so many questions she wanted to ask but she held her tongue and looked him over, trying to see how willingly he would accept the reality of it. She’d learned from her body’s bedmate that this was a day for jokes and tricks but what had happened to her was neither of those things. As she waited, seconds felt stretched and she held her breath. Her stomach twisted so hard that one hand instinctively moved to press against it and she caught her bottom lip between her teeth. It wasn’t even as much a question of whether he would believe her as it was of whether this was even real. So far everyone had been acting normal except for her. Was she the only one who was losing her mind? It sure felt that way. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-04-03 10:40 pm UTC (link) Track This Staring at the woman who moved to stand and smile at him, he politely smiled back but still felt lost. Most so as she began to speak, and yet still wasn't exactly explaining anything. Was she waiting on someone? Was she out to try and get into Pin's apartment, like those strange men months ago? He only waited expectantly, brow raised. At least until she claimed to be someone he wasn't currently speaking to. Was this more of some hoax? Some consciousness swap that May had explained to him earlier today when she congratulated him on moving day? Taking a deep breath, he wasn't exactly sure which, and crossed his arms over his chest. There was a dead, expressionless look in his green eyes, as he peered at this small, strange woman before him. A deep exhale, as he waited for some better explanation or at least her to move out of the way of the door and be done with this conversation. When nothing happened, he finally spoke. "Maybe you inhaled something. Maybe we all did." If this was as May stated, he couldn't help but wonder if this wasn't some version of a mission no one spoke about. Things that were seen that weren't really the truth. "How would I know anything is true?" It was a valid question, given the situation. But the last thing he wanted was for someone to lose it on him, he didn't care for arguing. If he was going to, it would need to serve a purpose greater than this. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]medlock 2021-04-03 11:11 pm UTC (link) Track This The suggestion that Zuul offered may have been a flippant one but X wouldn’t have doubted if it were true. Any understanding of the madness she was going through would have been better than not knowing at all. “I’m not entirely sure we haven’t,” she agreed with a slight shrug, “I mean, I don’t have any better explanation for it.” Her voice and her demeanor were calm, despite the chaos and confusion that swirled through her stomach and her mind. He had every right to question. She’d have been more concerned if he didn’t ask because nothing about this was normal. A corner of her lip turned upwards in the tentative hint of a smile as she offered him the best she could in the way of proving herself. “Zuul, if I were going to pretend to be somebody else it wouldn’t be a hubie. I know that’s something you can believe.” Height was hardly the only thing lacking in this body that felt so vastly different than the one she was used to. Everything was different, right down to the very biology that she was now made up of. Even he looked different, devoid of the vibrant color and glow that she had come to expect at the sight of him. “I can see black like this,” she pointed out, “it’s...nothing special. They don’t know what they’re missing out on, honestly.” Whether it was just the fact of being used to it or whether her method of perception was actually better, X didn’t know. But what she did know was that she missed it. She missed being herself. Her eyes met Zuul’s, for the first time showing the signs of her true emotions as she silently begged him to believe her. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) ==== VIGNETTES FEB 24 - MAR 07 DAUNTLESS & TRAVELER / NEW TORTUGA (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) zuul & x // feb 24 [info]bearing 2021-02-24 03:36 pm UTC (link) Track This Vision honing in on random faces in the crowd, bustling about. The conversations had, he wasn't entirely sure he wanted to know. The snide looks, the slaps on the back, the common distaste for hygiene, it was as if he were thrown back into the past. But he wasn't human, no, it wasn't the past in some general form of history but reminded Zuul a bit of the miner's he had taken up work with for a number of year's since leaving home. The way that brought about a flood of thoughts, was only added into some cascade given they were here to find someone that went missing. Abductions bothered him, not a fear, but it hit something a little deeper in his core. The loss of his arm and near death experience came from trying to stop people from being taken. Those taken from his own home, stolen and treated like animals for the sake of a drug. It felt like everything was going to hit him in a soft spot here, even though there didn't appear to be such a spot on him. Standing there without a shirt, far too comfortable and clean. He was never going to fit in this way, he was sure of it. Thoughts leaned on how to do this, and to go about checking out the area first hand, Zuul noticed someone watching him from only a small distance. But it wasn't long enough to recall a face, only a swirl of color, as his feet were knocked out from behind him. Had the ground under him shook? Was this some new attempt at getting them to practice being on their guard? Had X decided she was being funny on her first mission, trying to act like this was back in a game of Dungeons and Dragons? The breath knocked out of him in the moment, he was sure his lower back took on some of that fall. Eyes opening to turn their shade of green up towards X above him. "What was that all about?" he threw at her, at least sticking to Common. This was the life they lived, the last thing they needed to do was walk around speaking to one another in their own native tongues and being all that more obvious. Before he gained any answer though, there was an unfamiliar sound rushing towards him. Some spotted animal squealing? Why didn't this sound like a happy noise? It was running back for him! Zuul rolled out of the way just in time, unsure of what this animal was really up to but he wasn't about to be trampled by some fatty, hooved creature. Was this someone's pet or someone's dinner? Either way, he was hopping back onto his feet, thinking it would either try to take him on again or perhaps lead them towards some answers. High hopes? Absolutely. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]medlock 2021-02-25 12:46 am UTC (link) Track This Before finally landing on Terminus, X had done her fair share of traveling in those months since she had first left home. She was used to feeling out of place, of needing to adapt and assess even the smallest details to ensure her own survival. If she was being honest, her senses had been on edge since the moment she first boarded the Traveler at the docks. This job was new to her. This crew was new to her. Finding herself in a den of pirates was just another thing to check off the list of things she was trying to process one moment at a time. It might have been overwhelming if they hadn’t come with a goal. New or not, this was her job and X kept that at the forefront of her mind. She did her best to balance their haphazard search for information against remaining inconspicuous, no easy feat considering she’d dressed more for hunting wood nymphs than pirates but at least she’d added shoes to the ensemble this time. Given the state of the streets in New Tortuga, it had certainly been a wise choice. Still, it was not a stretch to realize both she and her counterpart stuck out like a sore thumb and X could feel the stranger’s eyes on them before she even turned to catch sight of the person’s face. A moment was all it took, just long enough for X to register a set of features before her attention was suddenly diverted by Zuul toppling to the ground beside her. Reflexes at the ready, she was poised for action but her eyes were riveted to his form on the ground searching for injuries and swimming with immediate concern. “I don’t...” her shock was as evident as his own but she couldn’t even finish her sentence before being cut off by a squeal. The hand she had just begun to extend as an offer to help him up was drawn back as Zuul rolled and she herself leapt back in the opposite direction. The spotted pig came tearing in between the two of them, kicking up mud as it raced by. If nothing else, at least they were no longer looking quite so clean. And it hadn’t taken either of them down a second time, that had to be a good sign, right? A split-second scan of the area and X knew that this was a lone pig, no others of its kind and no one chasing immediately on its tail. But where had it come from? Where was it going? “Let’s find out,” she rushed in response to the lingering unanswered question that had been asked, “let’s see where it’s headed, at least.” Although she was ready to run after the pig her eyes flicked up to meet Zuul’s in a moment of hesitation and question. If they went, they went together. She wasn’t about to impulsively play the rat in some game of cat and mouse for him to follow. Another squeal from their porky tour guide suggested that they didn’t have very much time to decide. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-02-27 07:54 pm UTC (link) Track This Back on his feet, but crouching, Zuul double blinked no longer caring who saw. Jaw set, as his own vision set on the running pig going around a corner. He didn't need to be told twice on finding out what this was for or about. Moving to fully stand, Zuul was about to make chase, when there was a bustle behind him. A small group of people running in chase, in the exact direction of the pig. His own annoyance washing away as he stepped further back, out of the way of the rush of people. Feeling more a spectator to some strange parade or maybe a rampage of animals yelling as one on their way through the streets. Giving a look to X, he quirked a brow. Uncertain and not all that curious here. "Hubies?" he asked quietly, "Or does this seem like something more to you?" Mostly because he was starting to feel at a loss. Why were they all chasing a pig and yelling? Looking around them, he tried to see if they were the only real onlookers now. Was this so normal? But the only people bothering to take notice, cheered on the bunch, or laughed and shook their heads. With no one looking at the pair at all, not even the eyes from before. Taking a deep breath, he waved a hand before him, as if to ask if she wanted to follow this bunch too. She had been up to chase the pig, now it was only a pig and random bunch of weirdos yelling and shaking their fists, slurring words. Turning his head again over a new noise. That of some children trialing the group, tiny little legs rushing and mimicking the group as they went. His jaw falling open slightly in the process. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]medlock 2021-02-28 12:08 am UTC (link) Track This So busy looking at the pig, the crowd of humans giving chase caught X off guard and she only managed to step back at the last second to avoid being trampled as they passed. Meeting Zuul’s look, she gave a quick snort of disgust under her breath and nodded. “Probably,” she muttered, a smirk tugging at her lips in spite of her annoyance, “but who knows?” It could be something, though. Some kind of bizarre mating ritual she didn’t know a damn thing about. Given how out of the loop she’d been feeling about that, it honestly wouldn’t surprise her. X didn’t have the time to think about any of that, instead nodding her agreement when Zuul motioned they should follow. Once again her efforts to advance were thwarted by a throng of merrymakers, half the size of their counterparts this time. If nothing else, this served to highlight the thought that something was going on. Children were often the only ones that could be counted on for truthful insight and these ones were clearly no stranger to whatever was happening in these streets. X slipped her fingers instinctively around Zuul’s wrist to hold him still as she waited for the excitement to pass, enough so that the few locals who had bothered to look up were now back to their business and the two of them could slip around the corner without looking like they were trailing the manic parade. “Is it me or are these ones particularly out of their minds,” X asked, not bothering to suppress a grin now as they weaved through the streets of New Tortuga following just a hair behind the hooting crowd that had nearly taken them out, “chasing pigs...” The noise of the chaos grew louder as they continued to run, the voices of the chasers now joined by many others. As X slipped around another corner she came to see an even bigger crowd gathered in a circle, three or four bodies deep on every side. Even stretching to her full height, on tiptoe no less, X couldn’t see over their heads to what was going on at the center of it all. The only thing standing out from the shouts and cheers was a loud and wild squeal, undoubtedly from the animal that had started this whole thing in the first place. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-03-02 05:44 pm UTC (link) Track This Watching the spectacle as it went, Zuul felt X's hand on his wrist, causing him to turn his gaze downward, as if to find confirmation that the feeling was real. His head slowly turning towards her, as if she were a mother who had instinctively thrown her arm over the passengers side seat while pressing the breaks while driving her car. Only, he was some older child giving her a questionable look. One that asked if he really needed that. His gaze stayed glued to her as he waited for her to let go. Once her hand dropped, he finally felt comfortable enough to answer her question. A glint of amusement very much in his own eyes. "How many times a day do you wake up and ask yourself that?" Sometimes her questions made him question if he had been much the same way years ago when he had first left home. But it was hard for him to say because of where he found work, and he was alone. There were less questions to openly ask, when he was more focused simply on survival. There was an ease to him though, one that helped him along the way through most things. At least until someone said something to him that felt overly judgmental and borderline discriminative. Even now though, that had begun to feel more common place. As X brought up the chase of pigs, Zuul grinned. The entirety of his existence away from home had come down to one thing. "Do as the natives do!" Something that had nearly gotten him into trouble a few times, mostly because he didn't understand the customs, or due to the fact it was actual danger to be faced. But this, this didn't seem like it was anything less than harmless. Well, now that he wasn't on the ground being rampaged by the pig. As X moved into the crowd, Zuul threw his arms up and began yelling and repeating what words he heard the crowd calling out. Giving chase to the crowd and the pig alike, even picking up a straggler. A small child and placing the little one on his shoulders so he could see above the crowd. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]medlock 2021-03-04 02:24 am UTC (link) Track This A chuckle rippled through X’s chest and she glanced sideways at Zuul, a knowing smile on her face. He wasn’t wrong. “Every day,” she admitted, though here in New Tortuga it seemed to present itself ever more readily, “but they do give me plenty of reasons”. With humans there always seemed to be more questions than answers but X was grateful to have someone who at least understood her need to ask, even if he didn’t always have an explanation. Sometimes she thought about how complicated it would be to face this whole strange world on her own. How complicated it must have been for him. In the moment, however, those thoughts were quickly jostled away by the clash of a strange body beside her and another coming closer from behind. Looking to Zuul for some idea of what to do, she was surprised by the grin on his face but found it contagious. He made a fair point. They were there to blend in, she couldn’t see the harm in having fun while doing it. She joined in just as easily, shouting and bouncing on the balls of her feet to try and get a glimpse of what was happening. The crowd seemed to almost take on a life of its own, a mass of bodies moving as one and yet still clashing in flailed limbs and stomping feet, everyone tugging in different directions, all trying to get closer to the action. When X reached for Zuul this time, it wasn’t a gesture of reaction or control but an instinctive desire to stay close to him in all of this celebratory madness. The dangling foot of the child he was carrying caught her shoulder as she moved beside him and slipped her hand into his without losing a beat in both shouting and laughing at the same time. “What do you see?” she managed to ask, leaning in enough that he could hear her over the noise of the crowd, “can you see the pig? Did they catch it?” The question was no longer just part of the mission, seeking information for the sake of gathering it, but instead it came out of genuine curiosity. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) VIGNETTES FEB 24 - MAR 07 DAUNTLESS & TRAVELER / NEW TORTUGA (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) zuul & may // feb 24, late [info]bearing 2021-02-24 08:02 pm UTC (link) Track This After already having been knocked down by a pig today and finding that wasn't likely the best route in reconnaissance, Zuul looked around for another aspect of this. Only wishing to help his team, he was trying to think of the best route to take this. From what he gained, at least out of humans being humans, and even some others, they loved to drink. Sometimes even to the point of throwing up. They made games of this drinking, competitive spirits running amuck. A local tavern had to be somewhere near here. Even though he didn't find he cared for when people did drink, maybe that did loosen their tongue on a wealth of random information. As long as this didn't leave him drugged or with some type of drug reaction, he felt confident enough. Spotting a place, he did not divert his attention anywhere else. Except maybe passing livestock because he wasn't looking to step into that again. Listening carefully for the sound of anything that might sound like a pig approaching, nevertheless. Heading for this tavern though, he was feeling a little more like the locals. Now that he had some tried mud splattered upon him, maybe it would be easier for him here. That was the hope, anyway. The music could be heard from outside, the cheers, the yelling. All of it felt like it was more typical. Much the same of what he's seen and experienced, whether hanging around miners or back on Terminus. Pushing the door open, a swirl of smoke and dirt, a strong stench of body odor hit his nose like a wall. But he still found the strength to endure and continue on through. Steady on, even as someone whistled so loudly, he was sure his ears were ringing. In a whirlwind of movements, someone grabbed him by the arm, as another sound hit him, one that he was not accustomed to at all. Alright, maybe this wasn't like what he knew after all. Pulled into a circle, he was lucky to have at least held his composure this time around. There were no pigs knocking him to the ground, but apparently a larger woman pulling him into a dance. A woman with few teeth, as she smiled up at him, and what teeth there were looked as green as his own eyes. "Come on, hun' gotta keep up!" she called back to him. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]triaged 2021-02-26 11:59 pm UTC (link) Track This There was a reason why so many novels set clandestine meetings in bars, and similar locations, May reasoned when she found herself entering the Bonny Wench earlier in the night. It was packed with people of every sort, loud and fumbling in the limited space. May still wasn't entirely sure what she expected to find, or learn, in the tavern but it seemed like a logical place to start. At the very least, she could make her presence known subtly, just another face in the crowd to be ignored, and perhaps casually trusted as a result. It was a game, she repeatedly told herself. A game with ultimately serious stakes, but a game all the same. The music had started before she'd arrived, and now well into her second flagon of what someone had assured her wouldn't make her blind drunk, May could feel it pulsating into the core of her. It was definitely the sort of atmosphere in which one could lose themselves. So, when an awfully young man had asked her to dance, May was more than willing to oblige. The first several turns were a blur of faces, the only thing keeping her steady being the arms hooked with hers. The crowd was teaming with laughter, the sort May had never really experienced before. It was infectious and, by the time the next turn began, she was grinning in spite of herself. She recognized a tall, slightly blurry figure enter the tavern by the set of his shoulders, May's smile never wavering. In fact, she was happy to see a familiar face and, as the music started up again, she attempted a wave, though it was really only an aggressive wiggling of her fingers. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-02-27 06:13 pm UTC (link) Track This Zuul didn't know what he had walked into, but this was not what he was hoping for. Not in the least. Between the smell of the place, filtering in what may as well have been sweltering toilet water. Although, perhaps a step up from Kura's flatulence. But only perhaps. Okay, no, not after in that last spin around did he take notice of the contents of someone's stomach in the corner over there. Wincing, apparently his steps weren't following the woman's well enough as she let him go in the middle of it. Or was he supposed to do something in those steps? Zuul had no idea. But this all left him falling backward, nearly missing a table and bumping into another couple dancing. Quickly righting himself, he was at a loss, and quick to apologize to the burly man giving Zuul the stink eye. Zuul tried to make it appear as if it were on purpose. Stories about how primitive humans could be, and the look of this place made it feel right. Standing that much straighter, Zuul cleared his throat and nodded towards the bar. "I'm stepping in. There's a drink at the bar for your troubles." Something about that last part seemed to satisfy the man as he grunted and made his way towards the bar. Watching the man leave, Zuul wasn't entirely sure if he should trust the reaction but let it be and turned to look at who he was left with or if she had walked away too. Coming face to face May, his brows raised slightly. This was not what he was expecting, with all the spinning around, he hadn't quite noticed her, in his unplanned and nearly fumbled get away from that last dance partner. "May?" he asked, even though he was certain that it was her. The room was not spinning, even though he was wondering if someone standing by the wall just past her wasn't trying to urinate on it. Making a face he looked back at her, "Are you okay?" She looked whole, unscathed, and untouched by pigs, which he wished he could think about himself. But the concern there was very obvious and genuine. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]triaged 2021-03-01 01:01 am UTC (link) Track This Breathing heavily, she stared up at him in confusion. Was she okay? May was pretty sure that, aside from being overheated and a little buzzed from the alcohol, she was perfectly fine. Good, even. Smiling, she reached out to grasp one of his wrists out of sheer force of habit, tugging lightly on it to lead him toward the door of the tavern. Once they were close enough to the exit, she remembered herself and released her hold, moving quickly past two rough looking pirates with a short nod of acknowledgement. The air outside the tavern felt infinitely cooler, and as she pressed her back against the clapboard exterior, May drew in a deep, calming breath. Reaching to loosen the laces at her sides, the leather bodice allowed a little more room for her chest to expand. "Hi," the laughter was still in her voice, light and cheerful. "Fancy meeting you here, huh?" The sound of stomping feet inside indicated the dance had changed again. "I wonder if it's always like this. The music and dancing, I mean." May's hand ventured into the bag slung across her chest, retrieving a container of water and a handkerchief. Lifting the container to her mouth, she took a deep drink, still peering up at Zuul curiously. Lifting the container slightly, she offered him the water. "I'm okay," May finally answering his question. "I thought it might be helpful to mingle with the locals." Lifting her right shoulder in a shrug, her head dropped back against the wall, and she looked at him properly. "You look like you've had a time of it. Are you okay?" Her smile dimmed considerably into a bit of a grimace. "You aren't hurt, are you?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-03-02 06:32 pm UTC (link) Track This Where touch hadn't been uncommon between them before, it had been weeks since any such feeling had come about. No matter how simple it was. The feeling may have been somewhat natural for her, but it also had thrown him. Zuul wasn't entirely sure what was going on. Perhaps she had found something, perhaps something was wrong, or just maybe they were far too close to some putrid pile of something that he hadn't realized. His brow furrowed, not understanding the lead away. Had he done something wrong, was that what this was about? And the way she pulled him away. Zuul kept his steps as careful as he could, keeping up pace, as well as making sure not to trip over anything or anyone in the process. Once outside though, his worry didn't leave him, as he looked over her curiously. He had seen her intoxicated before, more than a few times. He was at least able to catch the sign of that, the level was a little more difficult to wager. His gaze lingered on her, unblinking naturally, no longer appearing human as he refused to stop looking at her, analyzing the situation. Watching as she gave herself breathing room. His head tilted to the side, quietly. As she offered him water, he shook his head. Pulling a small device out of his pocket. Water was the only thing he felt at ease actually drinking here but not the way it was. It didn't sit well with him. With the shape similar to a very small but wide straw, he passed it to her. There was always something seemingly trusting about her nature and he almost smiled over that knowledge. "Drink through this. I've seen what they do to pigs," he told, keeping his voice down. "I don't trust the water." Nodding, he paused. "Did you learn anything?" He couldn't say he really had after his own attempt. As she turned the attention to his well-being, his brow quirked before looking down at himself. Outside of missing the ideals of a good shower that didn't feel as though it were pumped through a rushed hose, and a better meal, there wasn't anything problematic for him. "Only dirt. I'm quite fine. Nothing more than some scratches and pig scuffles. No worse than Kura." he attempted to laugh off. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Read comments) - (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) victoria, zuul & honda // men-o-war [info]shrills 2021-02-28 01:00 am UTC (link) Track This The town was awash with pirates. Some pirates were good. Some pirates were bad. Most of them were murderers and thieves, villains and knaves, but there were some among them that Victoria considered friends. Captain Squ'ddard of the Corsair being one of them, a tall imposing alien with a tentacle beard and a larder full of pride, but he seemed to be a reasonable man, with a soft spot for the crew of the Dauntless. If Victoria called for aid, he would be at her side, and it only seemed fitting that as she spotted a handful of pirates climbing up his gangway, she rushed towards his ship to follow. While at first, she doubted that these pirates might not belong to the Corsair crew, but judging by the lack of conch-heads or tentacle arms or any assortment of alien appendages that seemed to plague Squ'ddard's crew, these pirates were particularly human, and particularly bent on capturing the captain. As Victoria reached the deck, the struggle was clear: Squ'ddard was surrounded by six pirates not of his crew, each with a different weapon drawn as they circled the captain. "Ye best be on ye way," snarled Squ'ddard, before rushing forward to bury his cutlass into the heart of the nearest pirate. Five pirates now surrounded him, dashing forward to begin the fight, when Victoria fired a blast of her pistol into the air. "Not so fast, mateys," she shouted, but the distraction only brought the ire of the pirates to her, as all five rushed towards the captain of the Dauntless. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]hypothesis 2021-02-28 01:22 am UTC (link) Track This From out of nowhere, Dr. Honda came swinging in on a rope, sword drawn and ready. With a raised arm, she ruthlessly cut down one of the pirates rushing towards Captain Cygna. She released the rope and landed on the deck with her back next to Squ'ddard. She had to double-take, finally taking a good, up-and-close look at him. Uttering the word "Exquisite," to no one but herself as she watched his tentacles dance with wrath. But there was no time to admire. She readied herself again at the holler of pirates. The ruffians poured over the edge. Spilling onto the deck of the boat as they clamored up the ropes and onto the ship. There would be no undignified dying on the poop deck today, not on Dr. Honda's shift. She twirled her sword around and was ready for a fight. "Ha!" Vibroswords clashed together as she met every swing. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-02-28 02:55 am UTC (link) Track This There wasn't anything here for Zuul outside of the fact that someone seemed to require help. In the mess that had become of this New Tortuga, there was quite a lot of that going on here. Humans were difficult enough to understand on their own, but adding pirates to this? That sent a whole different flurry of issues. Pirates weren't so much an issue back home, there hadn't seemed much resource for them. The type of people trafficking, not being something that seemed to really appeal to them. No matter how strange things were here or played out, he was doing what he could to help the bystanders to all of this. At least, until he spotted a woman making her way to a ship. Had that been someone from the Dauntless? He wasn't entirely sure, since he didn't know anyone from that ship. But she did seem very much concerned, and even more so as she made it to the deck. He was sure of that much in her stance, as he watched everything from the docks. So many different people and their draw to head on battles. It made him question his own people being right or wrong in such manners and belief systems. Many times when he opted to follow through with this type of means, it was due to what he had seen of Evan. Would she have let this go? Something he doubted, even though there were times he was sure she would claim otherwise. But it was something he had seen much of, her caring, in her own way. And he wished to do what was right for the Traveler. Following the woman's path, but thought better than to run behind her. Instead, he opted to move around the ship, climbing some tethered rope until he reached the deck. Crouching over the edge, he watched the fighting display as it were. Taking in what he believed was going on. Head cocked to the side, he jumped down. A knife near him taken in his right hand, flinging it at one of men, with his back turned to Zuul. Solidly landing in the back of his shin. The man turning and snarling at Zuul as he moved to yank the knife out of his own flesh. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]shrills 2021-03-01 06:28 am UTC (link) Track This Five pirates, two D-Crew and Zuul. This was definitely okay odds. Strongly … okay. Victoria ducked under a rushing pirate, quickly slashing at his ankle with the plasma blade she tugged from her waist, but the plasma sizzled against the peg leg — made of some titanium that refused to be cut easily. Victoria looked up at the pirate, who looked down at her, a cutlass between his teeth, and a singular brow furrowed. Unibrow pirate grabbed hold of Victoria by her jacket, yoinking her up onto her feet, and seeing his other pirates under attack, hollered, "I got one, boys!" The pirate fighting Dr. Honda paused in his swashbuckling, pushing back his curly blond hair out of his eyes as he held Honda a bay. "That's not a real pirate," he countered, his vibrosword hissing and popping against Dr. Honda's. "And neither is this." The blond pirate stomped forward towards Dr. Honda, pushing back against her more firmly. "Honda, move" Victoria shouted, dropping down to leave her jacket in the pirate's hand, before pointing her blaster at the blond pirate's back, firing off a round quickly. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]hypothesis 2021-03-02 02:48 am UTC (link) Track This Dr. Honda bit it, taking staggering steps back with every strike. She heard her captain's call and dove out of the way as the blaster bolt nailed her assailant in the back. He arched and dropped his weapon, falling to his knees. "Of course I'm not a pirate," she said with some breathless finality, "I'm a scientist!" With that cleared up, she spun on her heel. Coat whirling around her to meet the sword of another scallywag. This pirate was dual-wielding, taking quick stabs and strikes that overwhelmed the doctor. He hooked her sword by the hilt and wrenched it from her grasp. Her sword went flying, skidding across the neck and into the fray of stomping boots. Caught like a deer in headlights against the pirate's toothless grin, he rushed in close to stab at her. Dr. Honda gasped. The pirate halted abruptly, hand slowly moving to his neck. He felt the fat end of a large syringe sticking out of his neck. The prick barely bothered him, and he grinned devilishly at the doctor. With the needle still embedded in his neck, he raised his sword high. Before he could bring it down upon her, his lips twisted and his eyes crossed, and then he collapsed to the deck in a heap. Without a second thought, the doctor quickly grabbed his short swords. A bird wearing an eye patch swooped over her head. It was carrying a small bomb between its claws, looking to drop it on-- "Zuul! From above!" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-03-02 04:04 am UTC (link) Track This With a wound in the pirate moving for him, Zuul felt that he could exploit that would to help him in this head-to-head, or was it hand-to-hand, combat. Maneuver warfare was what he knew best, and if he was going to be of any use here, what he knew best would have to work. Rather than move, he waited on the man to come to him. An expression on his own face goading him about his slow speed, not that it seemed to matter. The mock attempt at laughter barely left his lips as Dr. Honda dropped him with a syringe. Watching him fall for a moment, he blinked in two separate ways at the woman who had already called out her profession. One that typically left him feeling uncertain about his own future, but the entire experience left him wondering if she were human. "I am a navigator!" he called back, figuring everyone had some reason to be calling out what they do. At least until Dr. Honda pointed out that bird flapping up above. Clicking his tongue at it in a form of language, with the minor hope that it could be spoken down from this task it was set on. But his hope wasn't held high enough, as in the same swoop he moved to grab the fallen pirate with his right arm. Steadying his weight with his other, and spinning to throw the limp body at the bird. The bird barely dodged the pirate in the air, it's claws however losing that bomb as it fell overboard. An explosion left rocking the boat, and one other thing. The parrot flying back towards the bird's nest to the person that had been passing off the bombs. Keen eyesight left Zuul hot on it's ever squawking trail. The explosion had knocked more than some people around. Finding a cannonball, he took it in the palm of his right hand and wasted no time throwing it in the path of the bird. Nearly missing the bird itself but Zuul succeeded in ruffling a few feathers just before the cannonball hit the man in the stomach. His eyes had been trained on the bird, leaving him thrown off by the attack, and the weight of this hit, losing his footing and plummeting from the bird's nest into a dead drop. Little was to be heard except the sickening thud. The bird, however, had flown away to make another pass at Zuul. Looking back at the two women and the tentacle filled captain, he believed them to be doing quite well without him and went to grab an empty barrel. Pretending to not pay any attention he leaned down as if to pick up something near his own feet and waited for the right moment. Taking the barrel and closing it overhead before slamming it into the deck, trapping it inside. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]shrills 2021-03-02 09:14 pm UTC (link) Track This The unibrow pirate didn't take kindly to losing his quarry, and swiped out at Victoria, angered by his blond friend discovering a new hole in his chest. Victoria watched Honda down another pirate, and by her count, they had two of the pirates downed, and one, two left. Wait, Victoria spun quickly, looking for the last pirate and finding him with Squ'ddard at knife point. "No!" she shouted, moving towards the green-skinned pirate going after the captain of the Corsair. Not on her watch. But as she moved to follow as the pirate pushed Squ'ddard backwards towards the captain's quarters, she came to a sudden stop, her ankle yanked out from beneath her. Victoria's chin collided hard with the deck beneath her, and she spat out a swear word even as she was dragged backwards, leaving her plasmaknife behind. "You fuck," she managed, trying to twist to face her would-be kidnapper, but he'd grabbed her still-tender leg, too tight for that kind of mobility only a month after the bone was broken. Grasping at her hip, she found her blaster again, and tried to twist at the waist to shoot at the hands at her ankle, before realizing it was not a hand but a hook, sunk into the leather of her boot. "Get off me," she breathed, kicking at her leg, trying to pull herself free from the boot. Looking up between Honda and Zuul, she pointed desperately back at Squ'ddard, "Save the captain!" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]hypothesis 2021-03-08 07:30 pm UTC (link) Track This Torn between rushing to Captain Cygna's aid and heeding her orders, Dr. Honda defaulted to the last. Twirling her newly acquired short-swords, she dashed toward the pirate attacking Squ'ddard. He turned to focus on her, batted her back expertly, glancing every blow. He was quick with the rapier and sliced her jacket at the elbow without piercing the skin. He made another little cut in her shirt, and then another, and it was clear he was toying with her. A cannonball blast rocked the ship. The blow knocked both of them off-balance as splintering wood rained down between them. Dr. Honda found some rigging by her feet, snatched it up, and looped the rope around the pirate's neck. She started choking him out, his sword dropping in the struggle. She yelled to Zuul, "To Captain Squ'ddard!" Who was trapped under some planks. Struggling to lift the wood off his legs as two enemy pirates encroached. (Reply to this)(Parent) ground control ([info]bearing) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-02-20 16:41:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: billie corbyn, zuul srchai dance, dance, dance! ZUUL & BILLIE // LOWTOWN, TERMINUS // FEBRUARY 20, 2658. Dancing. There was a number of interesting concepts that Zuul had come to learn in the past few months. Dancing was not one of them, but how often people did so here. It made him wonder if people simply would do it at the drop of a hat, which actually lead to an extranet search of just that, only to find that there were actual hat dances in human history. There had been such a time where he didn't find this fascinating. On the contrary, the only interest in researching things had been for the sake of fitting in. To be part of the crowd and not stand out in the manner he felt he did. It felt like the best way to survive, but even humans didn't seem to believe or understand this. Would that change if they were in such a predicament? To be surrounded by people who could be effected by your chemistry. A thought that weighed on him, but he wasn't about to get into that. Instead, he simply got dressed, and leaving Kura behind to her shows, quietly headed over to Billie's. The previous invitation to come over and dance, at least had been confirmed to not become something confusing. Her own intentions never seemed to be distinct or negative in any sort of way, and he appreciated that. Making his way through Lowtown was fairly easy. He had become accustomed to the area through all of his walks with Kura, and even a few on his own. A message was sent via his communicator as he found the building. Pressing his hat a little more firmly to his head, he looked up, and made his way for the door. Letting out a sigh of relief once he was sure he was in the right place. A light knock came, as he remembered being customary at some point. He was pretty sure that all of this ran along the lines of something that had to do with spontaneity and silliness. And he was here for it, in making whatever he could of a friend. After all the songs he had been singing in karaoke the night before, he did recall one. "I'm sorry, I'm not the most pretty. I'll never ever sing like Whitney." The words fell from his lips without pause, before he was actually singing. "Oh, but I still wanna dance with somebody, so lets let all hearts bleed, 'til they turn to rust. Gonna live it up, 'cause it's dangerous. No, I don't wanna play the part." His arms open wide, as he looked up at the ceiling. "I just wanna dance with somebody!" (Post a new comment) [info]jobsworth 2021-02-21 02:28 am UTC (link) Track This Billie had promised Zuul that she wasn't much of a dancer. It was the truth, though she hadn't exactly told him to what extent, and she was a bit nervous about his discovery that she was just as graceless as she had assured him in an earlier conversation. Today, she was dressed rather simply, dark-washed jeans and a white tee the only companion to the crazily striped socks in bright pastels that she wore on her feet. She supposed that there was something to be said for being comfortable, as if that would give her some sort of edge in the dancing process, but she wasn't entirely sure how much of one. All of the nerves and jitters about being a positively awful dancer seemed to disappear when she opened the door to find Zuul on the other side - because he was singing, and Billie was laughing, and everything else that she'd been thinking just sort of fell out of her head. "Well! I think you're a fine singer!" This was offered cheerily as she opened the door wider to allow him entrance into her modestly decorated apartment. "And dancer! And!" Billie pirouetted on one foot to face herself in the direction of the kitchen. "Did you know I sang that song at a sing-off with the Wayfarer a few nights ago? Much less poetically, of course. Your version is better." She was at the kitchen counter now, her palms flattened atop it, and Billie regarded him with a curious look. "Would you like tea? Or any sort of beverage, really. Even chocolate milk." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2021-02-21 08:56 pm UTC (link) Track This A smile stayed on his face, simply happy that he had done something right or at least read it as much. It allowed for a little more ease in his own steps as he followed her on inside. A green eyed gaze looking all around, taking everything in. The homes of others, especially on this station, it felt like it always told a lot about the person. It wasn't a regular thing that he was able to actually enter one, especially while getting to know someone along the way. Many lines of understanding left lost on him. Even though his vision tended to hone in on brighter colors and shinier objects, all due to preference. "Are there many versions? I haven't made it that far yet." The words fell from his own lips as if in some passing thought. Shaking his head, recalling the compliment, he smiled again. "Thank you though. My Common was difficult that first year away. Mostly because my accent was thickest then." There had been work and more practice to state things a little more carefully, regardless of his education in it. He had almost forgotten customs. Lost on thought over the fact she had mentioned chocolate and milk together. He nearly asked about that, but thought against it, as so many things were mixed here. "No, thank you. I had enough water before coming. Would you like something?" The last part coming back more jokingly, but if she wanted to get herself something to drink, it wasn't going to bother him. "Laughing at me might make you parched." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]jobsworth 2021-02-28 04:25 am UTC (link) Track This "There are a lot of covers of it, yes!" Billie's apartment wasn't necessarily immaculate, but it was sparsely decorated, void of personal photographs yet brimming with pretty pastel colors that made her heart feel warm. "Where are you from? Have you told me this already?" A curious raise of her brows as she set the kettle on the stove, Billie regarded him with a friendly smile. "I imagine Common would probably be hard to learn if it wasn't your first language. There are a lot of, I don't know, slang words and hidden meanings." Pausing, Billie considered, then added, "Is that the case in your language, too?" She was now fully grinning at him. "Are you going to be telling a lot of jokes?" Billie moved to retrieve a mug from the cabinet, then settled it on the counter beside the stove. She had no intention of moving out of the kitchen until her water had boiled, so she hoped that was perfectly alright with Zuul. "Is that what you prefer to drink, by the way? Water?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-03-03 05:30 am UTC (link) Track This His attention went straight to Billie as she spoke. "Kenope," was his easy response. He never expected it to mean anything to anyone, but it was the answer he had unless someone wanted a map and coordinates. He left the question about if he had told her already. Mostly because it felt like one of those things that could make someone feel badly no matter what response he did give. And that was the last thing he wanted. To a degree though, he understood the difficulty in language itself, however, he still shook his head. "The language itself wasn't so much trouble. But the connections and meaning that is behind, well, you." A general you, was meant, even though he nodded in her direction. Another shake of the head, but a full smile. "There's dialects, but we all have always spoken the same language. Our history holds more harmony in it. Our stories don't change in the same ways. Slang was new. Hidden meanings are best left for warfare." The last sentence spoken as if it weren't necessarily him speaking it but something he was taught and repeating from memory. "I might," he started, curious as to what she was doing, but it didn't bother him in the slightest. The way he watched her motions, was evident of it all enough. "It is. I don't need much more than that. Everything else always feels so complicated. But that doesn't always make it better. You know?" It was an offhand thought, mostly due to how he did choose his own food and drink. Being on this station, he had tried a number of new things, but always seemed to fall back to what he knew best. The only things that felt right. "What about you?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]jobsworth 2021-03-05 10:14 pm UTC (link) Track This "Kenope," Billie responded. She seemed to mull the location over and over in her brain for several moments before she admitted, "I'm not sure I know where that is." That wasn't exactly all that surprising. She certainly hadn't spent much of her life traveling beyond home, school, and Terminus. Regardless, Billie made a mental note to look into Zuul's homeland when she had the chance, because she was interested to know more about it. "Well," she laughed afterward, a shy sound made that much more timid by the wrinkle that formed across the bridge of her nose. "I'm not sure that people always say entirely what they mean. I don't know if that makes sense at all, but I hope that it does." When the kettle began to whistle, Billie cut the heat on the burner and tipped the kettle to pour the boiling water into her mug. A bag of tea retrieved and deposited into the mug, it was honey that Billie sought in her cabinets next. "I do. I think simple is nice. I like simple." She flashed him a warm smile then, in the same span of time she was squeezing a little honey into her tea and stirring to mix it. "Me? Oh, I probably drink tea the most, and I don't think I'll be telling many jokes." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Dr. Caspian ([info]medcheck) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2021-02-19 19:46:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: kamaria caspian, zuul srchai 2/19 auction date night Kamaria Caspian and Zuul Srchai Auction was a good as any excuse to get out and see everyone. She didn't know many other than those she had run with on her ship and during eventful encounters on Terminus. She didn't know who she was bidding on and that was the point of it all. The humor in the bio she read caught her attention as well as the cause that was listed. Regardless of who was on the other end of that bid, she was determined to just enjoy the whole experience of it all. The drinks and the food weren't a negative to the whole night either. Zuul and Kamaria had wasted no time communicating after the auction. It felt like the pressure of a first date was slightly less worrisome. First impressions for Kamaria were kind of important and she was relieved her impression of him was a good one. He was charismatic, engaging and put her at ease. He was easy to talk to and had her laughing to herself a few times. There was also Kura, who Mari couldn't deny, was adorable and she wanted to eventually meet the larger reptile. So when they finally made plans, she was more eager than nervous. She had worked a shift at the hospital but wasn't going to let a long work week slow her down. She was looking for the unwind. Before meeting up with Zuul she headed home and changed into something more appropriate for their date than her typical scrubs she sported at the hospital or lounge clothes when she was by herself in her apartment in gasworks. They were going to meet in Winlock park and off to their night of singing and dancing from there. Zuul was already there by the time she showed up. Quickening her pace she walked up to him with a smile. "I hope you weren't waiting long. Nice to finally meet you in person." © TESSISAMESS (Post a new comment) [info]bearing 2021-02-20 05:31 am UTC (link) Track This For Zuul the days had flown by, mostly in a blur because he didn't have a reason to really keep track for anything in particular. But he had thankfully not forgotten their plans, especially since she was so kind to confirm everything but days ahead. Promising to meet, it was an easy one. Especially after his previous fears had subsided, after learning of her current status as a medic, as well as her scientist parents. Kamaria had shown him nothing less than the graceful, caring, understanding woman that she was through a bit of getting to know one another in conversation. Each were traits he was convinced would make the evening go by swimmingly. Settled on a slab of concrete, his feet couldn't dangle due to his height and stature. But he did try to pretend he could, as he kept himself preoccupied after arriving early. Unsure of how quickly she might arrive, he began humming to himself, kicking lightly at the grass below. His gaze shifted quickly as he heard her speak. His own smile matching her own, as he stood up straighter, holding a hand out to her to shake. "Not at all. Kamaria?" He wasn't entirely sure he was saying that right, but he was trying. The slow cadence of his voice giving that away, through his own accent. "It is very nice to meet you as well." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]medcheck 2021-02-20 02:49 pm UTC (link) Track This With him extending his hand, she took it and shook it happily. There was always that split second moment of not knowing if someone was a hugger or not or if that was the right thing to do upon first meeting them. Some didn't care that it was the first time meeting and some cared all too much. Gauging comfort levels was important as this shouldn't be one sided. "Yes, that's perfect." She responded to the cadence in his voice. "But to be fair you can call me Mar, Mari, Kami, or a variation of my name. I get called a lot of different things, depending on who I'm talking to and their comfort level with me." Not wanting to make the night about what to call her she motioned with her head to get going. "So like I was saying when we talked I've never done the singing aspect so I'm going to follow your lead." She meant the whole thing from how to get to where they were going all the way to tone of the night. She didn't have a stick up her ass, not by a long shot but this was far out of her element and she would simply do some observing before she got brave enough to get herself up to sing. She was banking on the fact that most of the people there would be way too drunk and not paying attention to her, anything to give herself more confidence for the evening. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2021-02-21 07:26 pm UTC (link) Track This The silliness that was the information left up for auction was what he thought it was about. Meeting someone new was one of those experiences he found should always be positive. And thus far had been nothing less than. Even with the bit of ups and downs that came in his curiosity getting the best of him. Happy to have at least said her name correctly, a swirl of pride filled him. Followed by more curiosity that led into another set of questions. "Does each variation a select comfort level? Does that comfort level effect you?" His head tilting slightly, as he asked, "What about your comfort level?" While he wasn't sure he was qualified to take this lead, if that's what she wanted, that was what he was going to do. And he didn't mind that one bit. If they did something out of the ordinary, at least it was the both of them and not simply one or the other making a mess of things. In fact, if he thought for a second she might find herself in such a situation, he was prepared to step in and make sure she wasn't alone. Where Zuul had found he could drink, it was only done socially, and likely wouldn't partake unless she did. Holding out an arm to gesture for them to go in, the direction of karaoke, he kept in step with Kamaria. "Do you have any favorite songs?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]medcheck 2021-02-22 02:55 am UTC (link) Track This His questions about set of comfort and her own comfort to it all made her pause as she thought how it made her feel. Tilting her head, her eyes narrowed only slightly and her lips pursed as she tried to describe herself and how someone could have so many different named. "Well I want people to be comfortable to call me whatever they would like, that isn't vulgar. But I also know that sometimes people don't know me well enough to call me anything but Kamaria. It does seem so official and professional, perhaps even sterile to hear my name being said in its entirety. " She knew she was probably over thinking the whole thing but still she tried to describe it as best as she could. "I have a best friend and they call me Maria. Only that person is allowed to call me Maria. It's just a thing between us and I hold it dear. So I do suppose it depends on what my comfort level with someone is. I hold relationships rather sacredly and I tend to connect the person to experiences, and that includes what they call me." nodding she smiled warmly at him as he motioned for which way they were to head in. "What about you? Do you have names others call you that isn't Zuul? How comfortable are you with people? Does it take long to get comfortable with people?" She knew he wasn't from here and it was a genuine curiosity on how he was finding his life on Terminus. Exhaling she she didn't want to over think again. "I am partial to gypsy tramps and thieves, go your own way or just like heaven. Do you have any favorite songs? Do you sing and dance often?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) saving splitsville: heidi, mat, and zuul [info]encryption 2020-08-26 12:27 am UTC (link) Track This Heidi didn't feel like staying inside of their apartment building, especially after vines had slithered through the pipes and burst into the laundry room. That was not an experience that she wanted to relive anytime soon. She grabbed her smaller tablet for some light research and set up shop on the apartment's rooftop where she spent most the afternoon just people-watching on the streets of Terminus. She had a good vantage point of the low-rise building across the street where families had been filing in and out of all day-- some carrying suitcases, hoisting their belongings over their shoulders, leading the hands of small children away from their cracked building. If she thought that their apartment building looked weary, this one looked ready to give in completely. Someone, perhaps an officer in T-Sec, must have told the residents to evacuate, based on the ongoing parade of families who left a trail of forgotten socks behind them. Not everyone evacuated. There was a little face on the four floor window that waved to Heidi from her rooftop perch. She waved back, grinning, as a second face appeared next to the first one. It was right as her brain began to question why those children were still hanging out in that apartment building when a loud screech of metal upon metal pierced the air around her. There was a low rumble that she could feel beneath her chair that made her panic for a solitary moment that something was happening to her building. She jumped up, struck with a paralyzing indecision, when her other senses kicked in: those mind-numbing sounds were coming from the other building. A groaning noise led Heidi to look over the safety railing in horror— that apartment building was sinking into the ground. Her legs were sprinting to the rooftop door before she took another second to consider the situation, slamming it open, and she charged down several flights of stairs with a frenzied burst of energy until she was out on the street. Here on the ground level, she could see that the surface beneath the apartment building had split and the building was beginning to slide into those unknown depths. The groaning noise of the broken building was just as jarring up close. How far down did the bottom of the space station go? And why had she run down those stairs so fast? Heidi bent down and tried to catch her breath, willing her body to regulate so she could figure out her next steps. She had to call somebody else, right? That would be what Beckett would tell her to do. But who? When someone else approached her side of the sidewalk, she stood up and set her hands on her hips, still wheezing slightly. "Hey!" she panted out. "There's... still kids inside... this building. We... have to get them out of there!" (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-26 02:38 am UTC (link) Track This Between the rats, the vengeful plants, and the tremors here, Zuul was fairly sure it was the better idea not to put his nose where it didn't belong. Curiosity and trying to fit in as everything attacked you was not really the best thing on the agenda. However, neither was listening to the news. Staying indoors, cooped up with Kura was not on his agenda any day of the week. More so lately. If he could have left her behind, he likely would have. But whatever destruction she might have left behind as he was gone kept him from that solitary time. With the renviea on his back, he set off down the street, in hopes of not running into the next wishful rat trap. Kura, on higher alert than Zuul, kept tapping his shoulder, but he kept ignoring her. All in favor of flipping through screens in search of some sort of map. A place to go that perhaps held less trouble. Instead, he nearly walked into a woman who was far too out of breath. Pausing, he stared at her curiously. Gaze following the direction she was trying to point out, his eyesight catching multiple things. Not only was he able to pinpoint where the movement of the children were, but a discoloration in the sky. Idly, he wondered if there wasn't a leaking gas line due to the shifting soil and breaking ground. But he couldn't be sure, for all he knew that could have been something else entirely. His own senses seeming to toy with him with everything that had been going on. Taking a deep breath as he looked back at Hiedi, he deflated a little bit. Hadn't he learned that trying to help people only gets you left close to death? Squatting down, he had Kura get down. Taking a doll out of his back pocket, he rolled up his sleeves. Looking for an open window, he hoped to reach, he threw the doll into it. Sending Kura off, scaling the building with her claws. Just as he went to speak to Heidi, an ear piercing scream was heard. It caused Zuul to wince. "Guess not everyone likes her." Not trusting being able to access the front door, spied a window he thought he might be able to at least help Heidi up into. "She'll protect anyone the best way she can up there, if there's anything. But better yet, will lead you if you listen for clicks. Click back and she finds you." Moving for the window, he waved Heidi over, Zuul held out hands for her foot to step into. "Find out if it's only them and then some rope or tie some blankets and sheets. I'll find another way in and more help. Keep them calm." Unlike how apparently Kura was doing. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]scribbled 2020-08-26 04:13 am UTC (link) Track This Things had very rapidly gone from weird to bad to very bad, very quickly on the station. It seemed like only yesterday that Mat's main worry had been the little plant in his office that had been interested in taking a bite out of him. Now there were plants everywhere, attempting to drag people away, nudists streaking through the parks, rats chewing through walls...And now, it seemed, buildings literally falling apart. He was in Lowtown for work, visiting a crime scene to try and get more information to figure out if it was man or plant that had caused all of the trouble, and it was only by chance that he was walking nearby when the building began to collapse. Most people ran away from the building, heading for safety. He, instead, ran toward it, catching sight of a couple others. He heard mention of kids being inside, and he felt his heart doing a few flips. He thought about Kiri, hopefully safe at home in a place that wasn't collapsing in around them. He rushed up as Zuul was heading toward the window, looking up at it himself before scanning the rest of the building for a way inside. "How many people are inside? Any idea?" he asked as he came to a skidding stop by the others. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]encryption 2020-08-27 03:21 am UTC (link) Track This 
There was not enough time for Heidi to ask any questions about Kura, much as curiosity tempted her to find out more about this fascinating breed of… lizard? She recognized Zuul, at least, in passing as the navigator from the Traveler. Her eyes followed the graceful arc of the toy through that open window as the renviea disappeared after it— and echoed his wince followed by the ear-piercing scream. “They were probably already scared before she showed up,” Heidi offered gently. “And there has been a lot of… unexpected animal life around lately.”

 When she arrived on the street level, her brain could not process tangible steps that she could take to help but another person’s involvement was reassuring, and allowed the adrenaline that pulsed through her body to slow down. "Clicks. Okay. I got it," she repeated back Zuul's words as part of her memorization technique. She caught up with his infiltration plan within a few beats, following him closer to the building’s edge. The ground had not begun to split near this part of the apartment though it was beginning to sink to the right side.
 “At least two kids on the fourth floor, but there could be other families in there." Heidi looked gratefully to the newest arrival to their rescue squad. “I think most residents left this afternoon, but nobody was overseeing the evacuation so..." A crease of worry had developed between her brows when she glanced up at the empty windows above them. But standing around and worrying wasn’t going to help those kids out. 

“This building has a similar layout to mine— there should be a fire escape on the right hand side? You may still be able to access it,” she suggested to the other rescuers. With an inhale of breath, she stepped up onto Zuul’s waiting hands and used the leverage to grab onto the window, pulling herself up and tumbling into the building with a less-than-graceful roll. “I’m heading upstairs,” Heidi called out to them when she was back on her feet, finding a balance on the crooked floor. “Shout once you find a way in— I should be able to hear you!” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-27 06:53 pm UTC (link) Track This In any other situation, Zuul would have been happy to point out that the renviea deserved some trouble, for the sake of what kind she had drawn him into this week. Right down to the gross things she'd left in the bathtub all week long. However, worrying she was being pelted or treated aggressively up there, beyond the scream was another issue. And Heidi's words at least eased that. Kura was trained in enough ways to know how to act, and not simply react in certain situations. Even playing her part in a number of bounties he had in the past. Buildings sinking and coming apart was not one of those situations, but this felt like a time to make do. Her natural predatory senses had their uses, even able to figure out if someone was or wasn't home whether they answered or not. That is, if she wasn't belly up trying to get someone to rub her down up there. She had become so spoiled. Permitting the words to memory, he looked up and saluted Heidi in response. Turning back to the man before him, he scratched the back of his head. "I don't know if this is something that happens here. Do you think there's a way to get some of these people together in case they have to jump out a window, with the way it's going?" he asked, pointing at some of the crowd that was taking in the spectacle as something to view from a safe distance. Another shake to the ground came, leaving Zuul dropping some to catch balance. It wasn't as strong as before, but it became that much harder to take notice of how much time there might be here. And with the way emergencies had been springing up for the past week, he couldn't imagine there would be a quick way to get any emergency services here. The crack in the building growing, he pointed to the right side of the building behind him. "I'm going to try and get up there, in case there's more than the kids. Do you prefer to be ground control or come on up too?" he asked, backing away, only waiting for his answer before breaking into a run for where that fire escape hopefully was. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]scribbled 2020-08-28 03:52 am UTC (link) Track This "Two kids," Mat repeated, mainly to himself. He again thought of Kiri, safe at home, and how he might have felt if it was his daughter trapped up there in that building as it fell down around them. He studied it for a moment, looking over the cracks and the vines that covered it. Vines that had no doubt contributed to the demise, but also might have been keeping it together at the same time. As Heidi and Zuul, got ready to lift Heidi up into the window, he stepped forward to what remained of the front door. Biting his bottom lip, he reached out for it, laying his hand across it. All at once, a barrage of thoughts and memories flooded into his mind. On the outside, it looked as though he was standing still, a bit of a grimace on his face. In his mind, however, it was like someone flipping channels at a great speed as he tried to pry something useful from the door and have it make sense. After a beat, he let out a breath, pulling his hand away. He stepped back, unsteady for a second before looking up at the building again. "Two families," he shouted. "Fourth floor and fifth floor," he called, looking back at the others. "They're the only ones that didn't leave." Mat glanced back at the small crowd gathering. "I think we're going to need all hands on deck to get both of those families out of there. Especially if there's kids; they might have gotten scared and hid somewhere." He paused for a moment before turning fully at the group, cupping his hands around his mouth. "Get something to land on. We're going up!" he shouted before turning to follow after Zuul to where the fire escape was. The ground gave another tremor, a weak one this time, though it was still just as worrying. How many more could the building take before it fell in on itself? They needed to get up there, get the people, and get out. And all of this very, very fast. Luckily, Heidi had been correct about the location of the fire escape. And though it looked like some pieces had been loosened by the shaking of the building, it looked mostly intact. Enough so that they might be able to climb it if they hurried. "Clear one floor at a time?" he asked, glancing over at the other man before reaching out to grab the metal ladder and lift himself up onto the first rung. He waited a beat for a reply before beginning to climb, stopping at a window on the same floor Heidi had entered into. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]encryption 2020-08-29 01:55 am UTC (link) Track This Only as she skirted around the books from the toppled bookcase in the apartment which Heidi tumbled into, did she consider the fact that she had very little preparation to be in a rescue situation. She had one boxing lesson from Dodger's but her skill set was firmly in the behind-the-scenes territory. Not in climbing over crackling electric wires and leaping across cavernous building splits. (With any luck, she would not have to face either of those terrifying scenarios.) Relieved to find that there was nothing that blocked the door to the apartment, she slowly opened the door to the hallway. Everything looked normal, apart from the significant lack of electric lights and the peculiar angle of the floor. Her thumb flipped on the flashlight on her commlink to check the area for any obvious signs of danger-- faulty wires, broken pipes, small hallway fires. So far, so good. To the right, there was a exit sign, a few doors away from Heidi. She took the several paces it took to reach the stairwell and pushed on the door. Nope. She pushed again, using all of her body weight as leverage but there must have been something blocking it from the other side. Well, that was why there were multiple exit points on each floor! Another low rumble shook the building beneath her feet and she braced a hand against the wall. An excellent reminder that they were operating on borrowed time. Once the tremor had passed, she jogged down the hall, adjusting her cybernetics to the highest setting in attempt to hear any sounds of danger. Heidi turned left then right before spying another exit. This time, the door opened with ease. In a moment of inspiration, she yanked open the box that housed the fire extinguisher on the wall and wedged it between the door and the wall. Maybe once the others made it inside, they wouldn't have to waste time looking for the right exits. For extra measure, she clanged hard on the cement floor with the metal cylinder, like Gretel leaving crumbs of sound behind her. Taking the stairs two steps at a time, she only paused a large pipe had burst through the ceiling and crash landed diagonally on the stairs between the third and fourth floors. Whatever the pipe once held inside of it, there was now a sludge of green plant matter that oozed menacingly down the steps. Were she acrobatic, she could have leapt onto the railing's edge and sailed over the primordial goo... perhaps she should have taken ballet classes as a child. Her trainers squelched in the green stuff as she tentatively took two, four, six steps and clambered awkwardly over the pipe. Heidi grimaced at the green residue that she scraped hastily on the next steps before sailing up and out onto the fourth floor hall. Now on the right floor, she moved her flashlight back and forth in an arc to examine the area in front of her. There was another family on the fifth floor, according to the other man in their rescue unit, but Kura had gone in search of the two children on this floor first. Heidi used her tongue to make a series of short clicks as Zuul suggested. There was a very short pause before click. click. click echoed from around the right corner of the hall. She didn't sound too far away. In a rush of anticipation, she bounded around the next turn in the hall: only to skid to a panicked stop when the carpeted floor disappeared for two or three meters into the massive fault between Heidi and the other side of the hallway. Well, shit. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-29 02:59 am UTC (link) Track This Quick to nod, he followed Mat right up the fire escape as closely as he could. For him, there was no telling how any of this would go or how the building might come apart. The last thing he needed to do was to lose himself or Mat along the lines of hiking up four floors. "One floor at a time," he repeated in agreement. Making it through the window was a gift in and of itself. In times like this, he was who felt vertically challenged. There was no special and easy way to slip inside without nearly tripping on his own feet or the window pane itself. But once inside, he didn't need a flashlight. With or without emergency lights, his vision barely shifted as the proper direction was found. Heidi's previous path, through what were now left open doors quickly noted. The sounds that followed behind Heidi on her way up to the fourth floor, left the men playing catch up. A pause of uncertainty didn't last long as he heard the familiar sound himself. Where he did not have any special hearing, the clicking noise was one he was used to. A sound that was as familiar as home, no matter if it was Heidi or Kura making the noise. "Where are you?" Zuul had called out. But just as he did, his own vision caught sight of a slight movement. Rounding that same corner, he froze long enough to take the sight in. Not seeing anything useful in helping them cross, he stared at a load bearing beam in the open but he worried about how long that was going to last. Looking back between the two of them, Zuul simply asked, "Any ideas? Any other ways up or over? Should I throw you?" Kura seemed to recognize him even from where she was, hidden away. Tongue clicking again. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]scribbled 2020-08-29 03:42 am UTC (link) Track This Comment Posted Successfully Though he wasn't quite the high of Zuul, Mat wasn't exactly coming up short himself. So getting through the window and into tight spaces took a bit of work, and he found himself wondering if perhaps they shouldn't have found some people a little less blessed with height to accompany them on the rescue. But he managed to make it inside, finding themselves in an abandoned apartment that had seen better days. For a moment, Mat felt the familiar buzzing in his head, wincing as he put a finger to his temple to try and clear it. Now was not the time to go nosing about neurogenically. Instead, he focused on making his way through the building, stepping over this and that. Pieces of walls or ceiling that had come loose as the building shook. The light on his own commlink had been turned on, casting an eerie glow about the room. The whole thing looked like images he'd seen of warzones. Abandoned and desolate places, with only a few things left behind or intact to reveal that someone once might have called this place home. He hated it and he hated the constant buzzing in his head. He didn't have anything to aid his hearing, but he able to hear the clicking noises echo through the building as well, accompanied by the groaning of the building as tremors continued to shake it. The sudden appearance of...well, nothing, shouldn't have surprised him given the general condition of the building. He stepped closer to the edge, looking down into the chasm for a moment before looking back over at Zuul, idly flexing his hands. "I don't see anything solid we can use. There's got to be another way up though." He paused for a moment. "I can get one of you over, if it comes to it. Can't do anything for myself though." He glanced over across the gap, taking a moment to judge it. Yeah, he could hold on long enough to get one of them over. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]encryption 2020-08-29 05:02 am UTC (link) Track This Her shoulders relaxed when she was joined by the others, even if they were standing on the edge of a building abyss. So far, the apartment hadn't gotten the better of them, as everyone appeared intact as they had looked outside on the street. At the suggestion that Zuul could help by throwing her to the other side, Heidi bit down on her bottom lip. "I... wouldn't call myself very coordinated?" She eyed the sizable gap to the other side of the hallway, not trusting herself to lean any farther to look into that chasm. The little faces that waved to her from the window appeared poignantly in her head. "Unless that is the best way," she amended quietly. There was so little time to find a solution. Was the purpose of disaster planning to have a list of escape plans for these unexpected situations? She would have to look into that once they had survived this disaster. Worry shifted to a surprising mix of curiosity and confusion upon hearing Mat's words. What did he mean by getting one of them to the other side. Perhaps more importantly, how? He had known that there was a second family in the apartment building-- and maybe that wasn’t because he had seen them waving from above their heads. "There is a secondary stairwell," Heidi remembered slowly after a short moment of racking her brain for any useful ideas. "It was blocked on the first level but maybe it's not on the other side? One of us could go back outside and try to get in that way..." Even as she said it, she knew going back out of the building was a long shot and it could take too much of their precious time. As if the building wanted to remind them all that they were running against the clock, the apartment gave another low grumble as the whole structure trembled beneath them, longer than the previous tremors. Was it simply her imagination or had the chasm just widened after that last rumble? A growing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach. "How about whatever is fastest? Toss me to the other side or get one of us over using your method? We could see if there is anything useful left in one of these apartments, but who knows how much time we have.” She glanced apprehensively from Mat to Zuul again. "If we're lucky, maybe the family on the fifth floor is stuck on this half of the building?” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-29 01:05 pm UTC (link) Track This Every passing moment meant this was going to be more dangerous than the last. And any backtracking would only add to that. With everything around them falling apart, and the ever present green slime that should have made him feel a little bit more at home, here he was, left with the thought of at least they hadn't seen a rat along the way. But animals had a better sense about these things, didn't they? Even though those rats didn't seem to have a good sense for much else. Zuul didn't know exactly what Mat could do, but the movements made more sense now. The term neurogenic didn't translate accurately for him, even if he had asked, but the way he moved his hands, the way they flexed, the way he had previously touched his own temple. There grew at least a broader understanding, except that Zuul likely assumed Mat wasn't human now. But why only one and not himself? Questions for another time. A cautious glance sent to Heidi over the thought of not being coordinated. He wasn't entirely sure how that came into play but at the same time he at least saw the uncertainty there. He could try to throw Mat, but if Heidi felt that way, he could only imagine how he felt about that. And that still left Zuul who could make the jump, if it weren't for the height issue. Add any other issues with unstable ground against the solid drop of his weight. Nodding slowly, he took in thoughts about another stairwell. "Someone should be over there to check on them. Someone could be hurt or trapped with those kids." Turning to Mat, he nodded in the direction of the gaping hole in the floor. "You're better off to send her over. I'll head for the roof to try and get access to those stairs. Follow me that way or meet up on the fifth floor?" he offered, before putting a hand on Heidi's shoulder. The only words he spoke were at least with a semblance of a smile. "Don't fall," mostly as his own version of 'good luck'. If they thought of something else or went with that plan, he left it up to them. Heading for the window that appeared to hold the fire escape on that level, he was weary of anything that might look like trouble. A flicker of sparks, the creaking beneath his own feet, nothing deterred him from prying open the window. Even though it proceeded to fight against him in a way that had him questioning fire codes. With enough force, it finally gave way. Clicking his tongue as he climbed out a little more carefully than he had entered the building and climbing up the two extra floors. The final ladder appearing shaky but still held his own weight. Pulling himself over the ledge, he groaned at the state of the roof. Just his luck, it seemed that the roof decided to groan back. This wasn't the type of workout he was looking for today. Instead of worrying about that mess, he moved to look below to see if Mat, alone or with Heidi, had ventured out and needed any help up. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]scribbled 2020-08-29 06:44 pm UTC (link) Track This Mat did realize, in hindsight, that he could have been a little more clear about just how he was going to be able to get one of them across the chasm. But in some part of his mind, he had hoped it wouldn't resort to that, seeing as how that particular ability his neurogenics granted him wasn't exactly the strongest. He was sure he could get someone over, but the margin of error was rather small and his own calculations put the odds of failure a little higher than he was comfortable with. But it was better than being thrown and it was better than trying to jump and it was definitely better than standing around, talking things over and getting nothing done while the building fell down around them. Even still, he wasn't sure if they were going go to with his vague plan. He had barely opened his mouth to answer Heidi's question when Zuul spoke up again. Making the decision for team. Which ultimately did make sense. Mat couldn't guarantee he could get anyone else across the chasm given his limitations, but someone needed to be over there to inspect things. Figure out what was going on and where the family was located. He nodded, watching after Zuul's disappearing form for a beat before looking back at Heidi. "Okay...okay then," he said, letting out a breath and stepping up closer to the edge. He flexed his hands again, closing his eyes for a beat before looking back up at her again and holding them up. "I'm going to need you to make a running jump and I'll give you a nudge to make it the rest of the way." He gave her a crooked grin, hoping it was somewhat encouraging. "You'll be fine. Just figure out what's going on on the other side and I'll meet you there when I can, okay?" He nodded again before steeling himself, calming his mind and preparing to take hold of Heidi with his neurogenics as soon as her feet left the ground, ready to carry her over to the safety of the other side. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]encryption 2020-09-05 01:01 am UTC (link) Track This Don't fall. Heidi looked up at Zuul with a wry smile when he tapped her on the shoulder. "Back at you," she nodded back, hoping that his retreating back wouldn't be the last that they saw of him. She felt a twinge of panic that she pushed back down with the rest of her tumultuous emotions. There was really no time to stress about wondering if they would get out when she should focus on what they needed to do to get out of here. Determined to refocus, she turned all her attention to Mat, observing him quietly while he appeared to judge the distance at the edge of this apartment canyon. As a reflex, she smiled back at him, processing his instructions with particular alarm on jump and nudge. It had clicked by now that he must have a neurogenic ability. An ability that she was determined to trust would help them rescue those children. "Got it," Heidi replied, glancing once more at the apartment split before turning herself around and taking measured strides so she was a good distance from the edge. She gave her hands a hearty shake and managed another smile in Mat's direction. "Alright. See you on the other side," she said firmly, willing those words into existence, before taking in a quick breath. One, two, three... she felt the concrete floor beneath her feet for a few paces before extending her legs for a leap of faith. It was self-preservation that kept her eyes nearly shut from the instant that she leapt off until she heard the satisfying thud of her feet on solid ground. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) ground control ([info]bearing) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-08-18 21:53:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: #e23 rc, sira d'jek, zuul srchai it's touching me! ZUUL & SIRALAI // WINLOCK PARK, TERMINUS // AUGUST 18, 2657. The events of the day had not began on a high note. Zuul didn't know if Kura was in a mood to mess with him or if it had been her recent fattening due to eating too many large rats. Sizing her up, he decided it was time to take a much needed walk and get her some real exercise. At least if they could get out the door of the building and not have too many more run-ins. Of course, if they did, those would only turn into gifts left at some of their neighbors doors. Kura's honor in giving for all she had received in love, care, and treats from friendly faces. Carrying her on his back, it took some time, but they finally made it to the second level of the station. Zuul hadn't paid much attention to station reports since the issue of the honeysuckle scent. So he held the expectation that he could place Kura back on the ground and let he walk while on a leash. It wasn't as if they were heading to the market, there were no worries about her digging into other people's food. Except the walk alone had led him to question what exactly had been going on up here. Was this normal? The way people had been acting along the streets, even before reaching the park. Having only been on the station a couple of months, he was at a loss for how things were really done here. Finding humans rather peculiar but he hadn't expected them to be quite this much. Shrugging it off, maybe it had to do with a festival or how the circus had been around. The thought was only solidified as they reached the park. Seeing a few people run around without clothes on, he stared longer than he likely should have. Not for the sake of taking in appearances. He was too busy trying to figure out if this was something he was supposed to join in on. Sitting down on a bench lost in thought, he hadn't noticed how bothered Kura had become. Climbing up onto the bench with him, holding onto his shoulders, as if she wanted to be carried. Both looking at each other and back at the random naked people running across the park. Moving to grab the back of his collar and pull his shirt off, Kura was who saved him from this fate. Tapping her foot against his shoulder, in hopes of getting his attention. Dropping his arm, he followed her gaze near some plants. Did one just move? Was something behind it or in it? Did they have those types of plants or the creatures that looked like plants, like the ones back home? Ocean life was supposed to be different than what was livable in spaces like these, weren't they? There were so many questions, but also, something looked to be inching towards a woman and it gave him pause. No, something wasn't right. Kura seemed to sense that much too and for once, didn't want to go. Carrying her on his back, he moved towards the woman, waving, trying to get her attention. "I'm sorry, but are you okay?" (Post a new comment) [info]cosmics 2020-08-19 04:19 pm UTC (link) Track This Having been on Terminus for the better portion of a year, Sira wasn't naive to the various strange happenings that the station was capable of. She might not have bat an eye at the swirling honeysuckle aroma, but where she really had a problem was walking through Winlock Park and having naked bodies buzz past her and random overgrown plants seemingly following her while just trying to enjoy an afternoon outside her apartment. It put the Finu on extreme edge, somehow immune to the effects of the allergens that wasn't going unnoticed as things were now engulfed in chaos. A hand brushed through her hair, carefully inspecting her surroundings with only a slight panic rising to her throat. She was, after all, trained in the Finusian fighting style of mat-kala, so you would figure a few plants wouldn't be much of an obstacle. That was, however, until one seemed to reach a rather strong tendril out to pull at her arm -- to which she promptly spun around and kicked it away before muttering something in her native language. Of course, being on such high alert also caused a jumpiness to the voice heard from behind, nearly ready to defend herself again until realizing that he seemed only trying to help. "Oh!" she jumped with wide eyes, lowering her ready stance and hands back down to her sides without relaxing completely. "I think so. That's the second time one of these has tried to grab me. It appears most station plant life has... mutated? I think that's the word." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-19 08:39 pm UTC (link) Track This It wasn't the first time his sudden appearance had someone turning on the defensive with him. It was likely not to be the last either. Whether it was due to his chosen profession or the creature on his back, it didn't have him bat an eye. Only watching as her demeanor quickly shifted. He did begin to smile, at least realizing that he hadn't done anything to really require such a response. One that quickly moved into curiosity and confusion as he followed her train of thought. "Do you think it's sentient? Mutated, is that a good thing?" Kura began patting his shoulder again, with her foot, tightening the hold of her tail around his middle. All of this very much bothering her, but he couldn't say he hadn't seen creatures that looked like plants at home. Using that as a base for picking up a quick meal. But he didn't know if that was what this was or something else. "Maybe it likes you?" Zuul tried, unsure of how it had been handling her, other than perhaps in not the most respectful manner given her previous stance. "Have you tried talking to it?" At least if it were sentient anyway. Mutations wasn't something he understood too well. That level of science was for another clan, back home. Of course, the plant seemed to have something to say about it all too, just in another manner. As it inched out towards his ankle, wrapping around tightly. Kura on his shoulder, hissing, and pushing herself up higher onto Zuul's form. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]cosmics 2020-08-22 01:53 am UTC (link) Track This You know, the creature on his back didn't actually phase her all that much. She'd be curious about it once the surprise finally wore off and she could actually think about things that didn't involve trying to stay alive versus the local plant life. Realizing that he was then smiling, she returned the sentiment with a small shrug of her shoulders. Sira was anything if not completely polite, even if she did lose herself for a moment or two. "I'm unsure." she responded, reaching up to brush her hair back, fingers trailing over the intricate facial tattoo that ran down the side of her face and near to the hairline. "I've not had an actual conversation with it, no." Her attention momentarily distracted by him, she didn't see the plant that she'd been carefully eyeing slink towards his ankle. It was when his creature began to get visibly agitated that she jumped, quickly moving to kick at the tendril of the plant that wasn't wrapped around him. "Get back, you! That's not very polite." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-22 05:56 am UTC (link) Track This The attempt with the plant didn't seem to help, as Zuul was abruptly yanked to the ground. Kura propelling her body away from him, so that she didn't go with. But that didn't stop her uncertainty on how to handle the situation. Her body swayed side to side as she emitted a series of squeaks he wasn't at all used to hearing. Spotting her favorite doll having fallen from Zuul's back pocket in the midst of this, she wouldn't leave that one behind. Cautiously, she moved to take it in her mouth and keep her distance. Rats were one thing, but plants seemed to be another for her. With his back against the ground, the plant seemed to struggle some, but continued pulling him towards it. "Guess it likes me too," he stated dryly. So apparently it doesn't care about being polite. Taking advantage of the small struggle it held, he sat up and moved to grab the vine. Pulling it towards him instead, as he unwrapped his ankle. Standing to his full height, the vine tried to wrap around his arm as he tugged it right out of the ground. But it didn't stop. It continued to reach and pull in anyway it could, even moving for his neck. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]cosmics 2020-08-25 01:47 am UTC (link) Track This It happened so quickly that Sira barely had time to react before Zuul was being pulled to the ground, perhaps answering that question on whether or not these things were peaceful or if they were out for blood. The move seemed aggressive to her and rather alarming for both the Finu girl and the creature that sat atop his back who had since kept her distance now. If she didn't want any part of a slithering plant, it made Sira wonder how dangerous they actually could be. Of course, she didn't have anything on her person that she could use as a weapon. "I think it's safe to assume there's an appropriate amount of threat from the rising plant life around here." she responded, rushing around to grab onto the other end of the plant after he pulled it from the ground. "How is it still moving?" And it was stronger than she thought, having to really give it a strong yank. With no other option, she brought her foot up and then back down on the arm of the plant, using the force and her grip to rip it in two. A green-ish goo spilled onto the ground as the rest of the tendril finally went still, causing her to pull in a breath. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-25 06:29 pm UTC (link) Track This Now feeling a little too acquainted with the local plant life, Zuul was very much seeing Sira's view of things. Once it was out of the ground though, he didn't question how it was still moving. Rather, it left him with the certainty that it was a plant and not some other creature hiding out, using the disguise as a lure. Pulling the dead thing away from him, he coughed mildly. Looking down though, seeing the mess that came of the plant, he idly questioned that goo. "Thank you." Zuul started before giving Kura the dead eye. Kura laid there, head down on her front feet, on top of her doll. Turning back to Sira, "Do you think it's toxic? Is that all normal behavior? I'm...not used to a station like this." Even as he posed the question and tried to toss the vines away from him, he stepped away from the plants. Waiting for Sira to do the same. Kura, taking this time to slowly move for him, doll now being pulled by its yarn, as she tried to pull herself up his leg, faltering some. "Maybe we should get moving." He leaned down to help Kura on his back, still eyeing the plant life before them. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]cosmics 2020-08-27 11:27 pm UTC (link) Track This Taking a moment as a portion of the shock wore off, Sira took it upon herself to lean down and examine the goo which is was most certainly not going to touch. The last thing she needed was to break out in a rash or other unmentionable things that could happen when exposed to the innards of a plant that appeared to be trying to harm other life. Nope. She shook her head and followed him a couple steps forward and out of the way. "I've been year closed to a calendar year, I believe. Never seen plants like this here before. I don't think it's normal. Something appears to be going awry." Her eyes moved to the creature as she climbed back up the man's back, offering a grin. "Your creature doesn't seem to be a fan either. Not that I blame it. I'm Sira, by the way. Sorry to get you all caught up in that mess." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-28 02:30 am UTC (link) Track This Nodding, he appreciated learning that much. He felt more out of his element as it all started to make a little more sense. Not enough to understand how this happened or why, but that wasn't something that would be expected either. Looking back at Kura through the corner of his eye and laughed. "She probably thinks its bigger than her and is just as lost as we are." It was the only real response he could think of given how she had been acting. It was the first time he'd seen her act in such a way. "Usually she's more about going in for the hunt, much like the rats around here." Offering a hand to shake, much the way that human's traditionally introduced themselves. "I'm Zuul and you didn't do anything. Happy it didn't turn out worse. Thank you for that." he said offering a smile. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]cosmics 2020-08-29 12:55 am UTC (link) Track This Even having been on Terminus for close to a year, Sira still felt out of her element at times. Occasionally, her knowledge of human culture slipped and she was constantly surprised by new things. It was overwhelming in a good way -- until plants started trying to commit assault. "Right! Big rats. I didn't think rats got so large unless my knowledge is a bit skewed." Turning her gaze to Kura, she offered the creature a smile. "It's okay then. I don't blame you for wanting no part in this." Ah, the handshake. Sira knew this one well as it was one of the first things she learned so many years ago. She graciously shook his hand. "Of course. It was a good effort. I'm surprised the station security doesn't have a better handle on this. Surely they must be doing something, wouldn't you think?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-29 01:31 am UTC (link) Track This At her smile and friendliness, Kura's tongue slid out. Almost as if to speak back, as it clicked a few short times. Her foot reaching out towards her, waving it, and incidentally patting Zuul on the shoulder. Reaching for attention, per her norm, and hopefully belly rubs. Never seeming to care much about the place or setting for it. Lips pursed in thought, he shrugged. "I don't know, I don't know how it got in here. I would have expected better customs." At least given how long the gate had been opened. He knew there had been incidences back home with such things. People who had passed through that shouldn't have. But it was a time where learning was still taking place in such matters. "If it's integrated plant life, how much can they do?" The question slipped out more as a random thought. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) ground control ([info]bearing) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-08-16 18:01:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: #e23 rc, leo cardoso, zuul srchai let's get ready to rumble ZUUL & LEO // LOWTOWN, TERMINUS // AUGUST 16, 2657. The weekend had taken a turn for Zuul, leaving him wanting out of his apartment more than he was forced out. Between whatever scents had decided to waft about together, molding into some supernatural phenomenon mix of honeysuckle and Kura's bad gas, Zuul was at a loss of any type of air freshener. Which did not neutralize the air as he had hoped, or was told it should do. Leaving him at a loss. Dressed casually, he wasn't about to leave her alone to her own devices right now. It would only mean he would walk back inside to more dramatics and an unseemingly large cloud of farts. Instead, he dipped down and helped her onto his back. Her claws careful not to dig into him or his clothing. Only holding onto his shoulders as if the participant of some piggy back ride. Toes dipping into the seam of his pants, but her tail wrapping around him in order to keep her balance. Head up and aware, all too excited about getting to head out. There had been random noises, things that had been setting her off, but nothing too particular as far as his own apartment went, thus far. Upon reaching the streets, it felt like another story. Things didn't feel right, but what was Zuul to know of the normal here? He hadn't been here more than a couple months now and even before this, he didn't have the best initiation into what appeared to be more normal human lifestyles than anything. A little lost in thought, he was pulled back to life as he heard Kura's clicking. The further stiffening of her body before her foot patted his shoulder in an effort to be put down. Caution struck Zuul at the immediate notion, the almost panicked feel of her about it. Letting her down, he had her leash set and ready but she resisted, needing to get after something down the street. Until she did finally break his hold, leaving him to chase after her. It didn't take long, as Kura found what she was searching for. A large rat had cornered someone, but instead of disengaging, the rat only opted to move to strike at his new target. Leaving Zuul to have a full blown facepalm moment. Of course, she went off to go fight with what might normally be deemed lunch. Staying close enough to step in if necessary, but also keep his distance, he opted to let her have her fun as he crossed his arms. Leash in hand. (Post a new comment) [info]volar 2020-08-18 06:30 am UTC (link) Track This Things were definitely not normal on Terminus - in fact, they were far from normal, what with the napping residents scattered here and there, the overabundant amount of greenery, and was that guy naked? However, this was actually sort of normal for Terminus, wasn't it? In a weird way. They'd gone a while without something happening, so they were due for the bizarre. And clowns didn't count. Which is why Leo had decided to run errands and work her way up from Lowtown, where her connections got her the best fresh fruit on the station. The haul included peaches, which she was pretty excited for. Unfortunately, her usually skittish contact was even more skittish than usual, which made the interaction weird and rushed. Almost like they really wanted to be anywhere but out in the open, their eyes constantly darting between dark corners. Leo brushed it off and carried on to her next destination. She didn't get very far. In fact, a large, furry thing came at her almost immediately after her contact had taken off, surprising the hell out of her. The rat was huge, its' teeth gnashing at her as it darted towards her again. Caught off guard, Leo stumbled back and around a corner that led her to a dead end. "Well, fuck," she swore, turning back towards the advancing rat. Without much thought, she pulled a peach out of her bag and hurled it at the disgusting creature. It bounced off it's back, but didn't deter it. It took another menacing step towards her. Of all the days to leave home unarmed. She threw another piece of fruit and another, without much success. The rat, for its' part, seemed to be taking it's time as it stalked closer. "What in the actual fuck is your problem? I threw everything at you, now just go." Leo waved her hands in shooing motions, which only seemed to fan the rat that was bearing down on her. She was ready to result to violence, but really, what did this disgusting motherfucker ever do to her... except stalk her to a dead end and menace at her. "You're obviously a mutant," she said, trying to reason with the creature. "So you can probably understand me and are just being a dick about this." Okay, so less reasoning and more insulting, but she wasn't in the mood. She'd been looking forward to that fucking peach. Her lament was short lived as another creature came around the corner. Leo had a brief moment of panic, having never seen anything like it before and wondering if this was how she was going to perish, in a corner, eaten by... things... when the new creature seemed to be squaring off with the rat instead of helping it. Well, that was a relief. So was seeing another humanoid who apparently came to witness this battle royale. "Should we take bets?" she called out to the stranger, noting the leash dangling from his hand. So this was a domesticated creature. She wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing. "I hope your pet is up to the task. That sonuvabitch is ready to rumble." (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-19 01:56 am UTC (link) Track This Surprised by the thought, he wasn't about to discourage it. Gambling was one of those things he had learned early on, or at least the fondness of it that people had. Along with the payout. There certainly wouldn't be any harm in it, if that was the direction they took. Looking around them, Zuul kept his voice down. "As long as we make it out like the rat's got better odds. But I'd bet on her. It's..." He only paused to think of the right word. "Sport." It helped that he had a game changer, before he even needed to feel the need to step in. "It didn't do anything, did it?" he asked, looking her over quickly before turning back to Kura. The speed at which Kura had pressed to be here, it had him wondering if something else hadn't triggered it. Typically more the hunter, it had been sometime he had found her quite so aggressive. If there wasn't more sensed here, or maybe he just hadn't recognized how much not having been brought home and mated did effect her. Thoughts were temporarily placed on hold as the fight there began to pick up. Neither side wanting to back down, threats ignored on either side. Kura being the size of a medium sized dog with a much longer tail. She was in full form. A wide mouth hissing, spikes bristling in an effort to appear even larger than she was. Her tail slithering back and forth, as she was deciding which path to choose to make her move. Sharp talon toes digging into the ground. The rat snapping and hissing, as if to laugh at this charade. Dark, manged fur surrounding beady eyes as it scurried forward to trying to gain a piece of Kura before this dance really began. Instead of dodging the rat, she managed a different counter. Biting into it's back, she turned and flung it. Slamming into a wall, it wasn't down long. but she used her time wisely. The two rushed for one another, but Kura's front foot stepped on the rat's head, claws digging into its ears. A little bit of blood dripping, but instead of delighting in what she had done, she froze. Zuul's previous thoughts now answered, as a few more rats decided to join the party. Her awkward body rushing forward, away from each hairy thing moving towards her. Claws digging into wall, allowing her to stand up, her tail helping her balance and have her own small Godzilla looking moment. She looked over at Zuul for the quickest second, clicking her tongue. A couple of the rats broke away from the pack, moving towards Leo and Zuul. As much as he wanted to facepalm over this too, he instead pulled a cloth doll out of his back pocket. Handing it to Leo, he didn't expect her to understand but figured it was the best bet. "It's hers." He nodded at Kura. "She'll attack anything that tries to hurt it." As if on cue, Kura had climbed the wall, leaving a trail of marks, and hurled herself at the rats. Her long tail keeping her centered, but also nicking a dumpster. That was going to hurt later. Slashing anything she could reach before standing in a defensive position in front of Leo. Hissing at anything that decided to stalk in her direction. Zuul moved away from them, trying to catch the rats off guard, only to gesture for Leo to toss the doll back to him. As if some game of hot potato. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]volar 2020-08-24 06:55 am UTC (link) Track This "Aside from make me waste my peaches, it's just been snarly. But that offence alone is punishable by death." Leo looked at a pitiful and dirty peach where it lay, abandoned by all in the alleyway. Glad that the rat was distracted, she moved around to try and put herself more towards the mouth of the alley, closer to an escape should this current fight not go as planned, though the creatures owner seemed to have all the confidence in the world in his pet. Which she got. If it was Merry or Pippin (or both), she'd bet on them too... or be protective as fuck and just go bareknuckle against the rodent that dared to try to hurt her boys. The fight seemed to be going in their favour, a breath of relief almost making it past her lips, until more hisses and scrapping noises echoed from the shadows as more rats joined the party. "What the fuck..." she whispered, staring at the bold pests. She'd never seen them act like this, so territorial. It was weird. Suddenly, a soft plushy thing was being handed to her, which she automatically took. Leo looked at the doll in hand, wondering if this was a weapon in disguise but Zuul read her mind before she could figure out just how mundane it was. Oooh, she nodded, understanding the importance of it and made sure to keep it out in plain view for the friendly creature to see. It was clearly of the utmost importance with how the reptile defended the doll, and her by proxy. She wondered briefly if this animal would be friendly with robodogs when Zuul's movements caught her eye. Without hesitation, she tossed the doll with great accuracy, catching on that there was only one of his pet, and a whole pack of rats they had to fend off. She looked at the items strewn about in the alleyway, searching for something she could use as a weapon, and found what might have been a broom handle? Maybe a mop? Still, she felt better now that she had a weapon, which came at a good time as a rat came from a pile of boxes behind her. She thrust the end of the large stick at its nose, causing it to scurry back to the shadows. Shifting out of her spot, she moved closer to the mouth of the alley, taking shots at rats she could reach that were distracted by Zuul and his pet. "Here!" she called out having managed to gain a few more feet towards freedom. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-25 04:12 pm UTC (link) Track This Peaches were not on his list of knowledgeable things just yet. Only that they needed to be cleaned and prepared accordingly before eaten. That didn't stop him from following her gaze with a piercing accuracy to take sight of the peach, and look around for any others. It left him curious but also, he could understand that much of what these rodents did was punishable by such means. As much as he liked to allow Kura the ability to keep her hunting skills up, this felt like it was becoming out of hand. Whatever was normally a once or twice a week venture, had somehow turned into a small gang unwilling to be run away. Being 6'4", he wasn't actually worried about some much larger than usual rats, as much as being overtaken by the shrewd new inhabitants of Lowtown. Sneaking behind one and grabbing it by the extra skin on the back of its i neck with his right hand. Zuul lifted it, keeping its claws and teeth pointed away from him. Flinging it back towards a wall in the direction it had seemed to come from. "This isn't how one meets the neighbors," he told the larger one that began to move towards him. Catching the doll, he clicked his tongue, waiting for Kura to move past her current little frenzy. Bouncing on his heels, from side to side, he made a quick move for a peach that was on the ground. Kura rushing over just in time, before the rat could try to do more than snap at him. However, the large rat rolled, her claws scraping up the belly of it. Splattering all over Zuul's pants. Muttering a sarcastic thank you to her, he looked up to see what happened to Leo. Clicking his tongue again, he threw the doll back towards the woman. "Miss!" he tried, but he didn't care if she caught it as much as Kura caught the direction. Leading her head to pop up, and rush over the way he had hoped. Grabbing another peach off the ground, he waited to see Leo's face before more gently tossing those in her direction. However, after the second one left his fingers, something fell straight down onto his back. Then a second one. Elongated scratches, leaving a small trickle of lime green colored blood in its wake. A few bites of his shoulders taken, adding to that trickle. As he grabbed one off of him, the other dropped to the ground. Not dead, but definitely not in a normal state. Almost as if dizzy, while the other was drop kicked out of the area in annoyance. Kura hissing as it went, on top of her own minor pile of barely moving feast of rat belly. "I hope I don't get salmonellosis again," he muttered to himself, only to look at Kura, speaking in his own native tongue, asking her if she saw the amount of trouble she got him into. Leaving her to ignore his comment fully. "I don't know much about peaches, but I thought maybe they could be salvaged somehow?" Looking down at himself, he shrugged. "At least free of the rat guts?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]volar 2020-08-27 06:51 am UTC (link) Track This Leo didn't have the height luck, nor the sheer size, that Zuul had. She stood at 5'7 and was more slight. But that didn't mean she didn't pack a punch. While Zuul and Kura dealt with their side of the rat gan, she was using her long stick-like weapon to bat them around, catching snapping snouts and soft sides with as much strength as she could muster. They weren't running away, but they weren't as eager to eat her as they had been previously. She laughed softly at Zuul's admonishments, nodding her head. "Yeah, normally you invite them over for tea and not expect them to be the snack." She swung at another rat that was getting far too close for her comfort. Leo's reflex booster kicked in at the last second and she caught the doll in one hand while she took another swing at a rat with the other. This was a nifty trick. She wondered where she could get a lizard of her own. It would come in handy on some of the mission she went on with her crew. If the captain would allow the creature onboard. Then a peach was coming her way and she plucked it out of the air before it went sailing past. It was quickly followed by another, and both were thrust into the shopping bag that had been dangling limply from her wrist. She was about to thank him when she noticed Zuul was being bitten and scratched. Fuck, that was no good! She was gearing up to jump in when she noticed the condition of the rats that had bitten the alien. Huh. Nifty trick again. The rats seemed to have gotten the message that the three of them weren't going to be taken down easily. Those that were still standing scurried back to the darkness. Surveying Kura's kills with admiration, Leo again made a note to get her one of those things. She was awesome. Leaning against her make-shift weapon, she looked up as Zuul began to speak in a different language, tilting her head to see if she could catch what dialect that was. It wasn't one she recognized, but then again, there were many species out there she'd never even heard of so it was no surprise. "I can wash guts off... might have to use them for baking only, but that's fine." Leo smiled brilliantly at him once he started talking to her again, glad that the purchase hadn't gone to waste. "You have officially become my hero. Your lizard friend was number one, but now, I think you'll have to share the podium. I hope you don't mind settling for pie instead of a gold medal?" Of course she'd repay the saviours with baked goods. "I'm Leo, by the way," she said, holding out the doll to return it to it's rightful owner. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-27 10:52 pm UTC (link) Track This Zuul hoped Leo was teaching those rats manners with that stick. Maybe she would have better luck than he did with how they didn't want to listen to him. But it wasn't as if he could say much, Kura only listened to him when it counted or there was food involved. Throwing her favorite doll around made things a little easier in a rush. It wasn't exactly fetch, mostly because she swallowed anything caught and he didn't like the end result of that. Her own protective instinct, and his need to hold her doll hostage for each outing, it all had to be good for something. His brow shifted up towards his hairline at the term 'hero'. Where he was confused, Kura was far from. It was a word she remembered, one from her own shows. Unlike sit or stay, she knew heroes got treats. Heroes were good and accepted. Heroes were liked. Her head pipping up quick over the word, she moved towards Leo, almost hopeful. Tongue slipping out about her leg, as she moved for her, but there was an uncertainty about climbing that left her randomly falling over to the side. Belly up, waving a front leg at, nudging Leo's leg. The translation for hero, to Zuul, was left to mean something quite different. A person that wasn't like himself, someone who had left his home planet and people for his own wants and needs. "I'm no hero, but..." the bigger question here as he stepped closer. "What's a pie?" His hands coming together, as if to try and explain the image in his mind. He couldn't remember if it was what was spoken of back on the mining ships. "Is it one of those little freeze dried packages with the folded..uh...crust?" Taking the doll back, he held out a hand the way he remembered. "Thank you. I'm Zuul. That's Kura, who is trying to get you to rub her belly. But don't feel like you have to. I have no idea what's under there by now." Zuul laughed, finally bothering to point her out now, as she wiggled her back against the ground looking as though she were trying to reach an itch. Even going as far as having a little sneeze. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) group b: sara, gina, lucas & zuul versus: the bouncer, one glf thug, and 3 bar patrons [info]hinte 2020-08-09 06:55 am UTC (link) Track This Get the drug, get the hell out. Those were the only objectives Lucas really had in mind. Aside from 'make sure everyone else gets out in one piece', but he figured that was pretty much a given by now. He really didn't have any interest in starting a war with the GLF or getting a new target painted on his back, but he was sure they weren't going to leave out of here without making a few new enemies. And as they made their way out of the lab and back into the bar proper, he realized just how true that statement was. A few of their group was already up top and mixing with the patrons, and not in a nice, sociable way. Glass was already breaking and hair was already being pulled from what he could see. "Well shit," he muttered, more to himself than anyone else. He glanced back at the others close behind him. "We've got to get the hell out of here," he said, looking at the nonsense in front of them. He made a move to try and get to some of the others, but only made it a few steps before he felt something slam into his chest...and hard. It wasn't quite enough to knock the wind out of him, but it came damn close as he stumbled backwards into another patron, who quickly shoved him back forward roughly. He managed to catch his balance before he ran head first into a newcomer into the fray, holding what remained of a chair (which must have been what was used to slam into him). And this guy...was big. He looked like he practically lived at the gym and lifted guys Lucas' size for dumbbells. "Ah shit," he cursed, knowing that even if this guy wasn't a skilled fighter, any blow he was going to land was going to hurt. And hurt a lot. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-09 04:42 pm UTC (link) Track This Where Zuul would have loved to have stayed on the same track as the objectives, he ended up on the sidelines playing the part of getting drugged. Which was still taking a turn on his system but at least clearing out for some level of coherency. Once Vie had run back inside to help out at the start of this whole brawl, Zuul forced himself to stand up. Pocketing the vial, he stepped back inside, surveying the entire bar at his full height. Thankfully, not the first time he had walked in on a scene like this. Only the first time in the state he was in. A random bar patron deciding then was the time to take on the sick looking bulky guy standing by the door at 6'4". With some shrill noise coming from his mouth and a broken bottle in hand, he was running at Zuul. Grabbing a tray on the table near him, he swung it hard, knocking the broken glass from the man's hand. Even with the momentary shock, the man threw a fist and connected with Zuul's face, but it was as a certain cybernetic fist slammed into the man's stomach. Quick to grab the man's head, it was led to crash against Zuul's knee, striking a much needed blow. The world felt fine, for all of two seconds. The man was left on the floor as there was a churning built up in Zuul's stomach. A churning that didn't last too long leaving that man covered in something more foul. Making a face over what he had just done, he wiped his mouth clean using the back of his jacket. Another quick survey and he was able to see his captain. It was moments like this he missed home. Moving across the room, the fingers on his right hand wiggled in a strange sequence. To anyone else, he may have looked as though he were going to go and try to make a play and punch someone, or maybe that his hand was sore for the last hit. But that wasn't it. Well hidden from view, was a movement within the depths of his cybernetic arm. Two small needles, moved up and outside of the skin of his palm from the action. He didn't like this place, and even more so was further annoyed about having been drugged. Many of the effects still holding onto him, even though things were clearer. Suddenly his feet moved faster, fully barreling into the large man narrowly from the side. A distinct shot slamming into his hip from Zuul, injecting the large man with the same chemicals found in Zuul's sweat glands. There was no telling how this trip would go, as the man was now well dosed up with something liken to old PCP as they both hit the floor. But as far as Zuul was concerned, at least there were more even odds. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]gtrent 2020-08-09 11:58 pm UTC (link) Track This Had they not been on a job Gina might have found it amusing to be in the middle of a bar fight when she spent so much of her life breaking them up. This was, of course, not the case as she headed towards Lucas to help. Zuul could hold his own in a fight she was sure of it and it wasn't as if she didn't trust Lucas' ability either it was just the size of the man that her captain was up against that made her nervous. A little help might be welcomed, she was sure. Moving through the brawling crowd she had almost reached Lucas when a hand wrapped around her upper arm. Gina turned towards whoever grabbed her, ducking at the last minute to avoid being punched in the face. The patron who Lucas had bumped into wanted in on the action too it seemed. Her free arm was used to throw her elbow back into their ribs. She didn't have time for this and she had no trouble fighting dirty. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Read comments) - (Post a new comment) ground control ([info]bearing) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-07-26 09:17:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: malec vangelos, zuul srchai of minor reptile disruptions ZUUL & OPEN // GASWORKS, TERMINUS // JULY 26, 2657. A day at the market was nothing less than boisterous, riling Kura to want to check out every possible aspect that she was allowed to. While Zuul had become accustomed to the noise, it left him hoping to get through it all the quicker. More than enough packages of raw meat and byproducts to satiate the beast at the opposite end of the black leather binding her to him. Her tongue sticking out at all times, as she felt the need to test her confines. With the backpack tight around his shoulders, Gnore and Tiny Theresa, each in one of his back pockets, along with an extra bag over a shoulder, Zuul was beginning to feel like all that was needed now was a stroller for Kura to settle in and he would be someone's doting parent. Although the idea of that would mean that perhaps Kura would Find a little less trouble. Believing they were done and would head off for a walk in the park, Zuul was brought back to reality as he set his sights on the large reptile. Attempting to sneak herself into someone's bag, even while on the leash, he groaned. Pulling back lightly, as to let her know she was caught in the act, if she even cared. "Kura," the low tone a warning, gaining him a hiss, but she paused. Looking back at him, as he hissed back at her before she stood down. Moving around Kura to the owner of the bag, he minded his manners believing Kura would follow along and do the same. "I'm very sorry. Sometimes she gets ahead of herself over the scents in the air. She didn't disturb anything, did she?" Zuul asked, as Kura laid down flat against the ground. Eyes up, in her own version of an apology. (Post a new comment) [info]syncing 2020-07-28 10:59 pm UTC (link) Track This It was weird not to be working on a Sunday, really weird. Mal didn't know what to do with himself. Having a normal Monday through Friday schedule was going to be strange considering it had been almost a year since he'd had a traditional work schedule and of course there were three ship assignments that might take him into a whole other schedule. Mal didn't know when the next ship assignment was though and besides, it wouldn't solve his dilemma on what to do that particular day. He lounged around his apartment until mid morning, his mind often drifting to a certain medic and when he might be retuning to the station. Then of course, his mind would go down the familiar path of wondering exactly what might happen when he did return. Things had kind of been awkward and up in the air when he'd left and to say it was making Mal a bit of a nervous wreck when he did think about things would have been an understatement. So once his mind traveled down that path, Mal jumped out of bed and into the shower. From there, he kept himself busy with no time for his mind to wander. He started a load of laundry, played a video game, surfed the extranet until he wound up falling down a wormhole of videos on cooking. He'd done one mediocre dish himself and then Issy had helped him do a much better one that now his confidence was boosted and he thought he was ready to try again. Settling on a video, Mal tapped out the ingredients into a note app and then he was heading out. First, he wanted to grab lunch at a chicken place he'd come to be fond of. That's how he wound up shopping in Gasworks instead of his own 'hood.' One would think that Nova Heights would have the largest variety of things but Mal quickly learned that wasn't so. Deck three might have boasted the best things but far, far from the most things. That honor went to the Gasworks promenade and it was precisely where Mal landed that afternoon with a full belly and a bag that was just as full albeit with much healthier options than fried chicken. The loaded bag hung at Mal's side, heavy and a drag to say the least. He considered getting a courier to deliver the bag to his apartment but kept getting distracted by vendors and their wares. One such vendor's booth caught his eye, not so much because he was interested in buying what the man was selling but because he was curious about reproducing the modified headsets and glasses himself. Not that he needed the credits or anything but it was something he could do. Setting his bag full of produce down beside him while he picked up one of the headsets to study. He was in the middle of examining one of the modifications when he felt the bag beside him move. That was one thing he took for granted living a cushy life; no one would try and steal your shit in Nova Heights. Dropping the headset carelessly (much to the vendor's disgust), Mal whirled on whoever was trying to slip off with his bag of groceries, hands fisted and raised to fight if need be. Instead he found a large reptile...on a leash and its owner apologizing. Mal blinked at the giant lizard-like creature. Terminus was so much more eclectic than Mahoroba. "What the hell is that?" he asked, head tilting slightly as he regarded the creature curiously. He wasn't frightened and oddly enough, for him anyway, he wasn't angry about the creature attempting to go through his bag of groceries. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-07-30 01:13 am UTC (link) Track This This was certainly about to be one of those days. The kind that made him want to give Kura a complete and exaggerated thank you for this moment. If he could have put her on his back without worry that she might try to seek out the food in the bag on his back. The crowded market, however, left her with a little too much room to weasel into this singular moment. Especially so, with him not wanting to end up stepping on her long tail. That isn't to say that Zuul doesn't realize his own hand in this, his own fault, but that didn't make it any easier. It was frustrating, trying to live in a place you didn't entirely understand. A place that understood you even less. There were days that left him missing home, and others that led him to missing the mining camps. Today felt like it was going to be one of those days. Gazing down at Kura once more, a singular brow raised, as he turned back to Mal. An unfeeling, monotone voice came about that almost felt alien to even Zuul as he spoke. "She is a renviea. What the hell is you?" While he did know the proper grammar for that, something about the way it was phrased felt necessary. "I take it nothing was disturbed then?" He asked, waiting to see if there would be something he needed to pay for in compensation of the trouble. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]syncing 2020-07-30 02:05 am UTC (link) Track This Too focused on the creature to pay her master much attention, Mal didn’t realize the man was disgruntled until he all but threw Mal’s question back in his face. His very valid question. It wasn’t like the station was crawling with…renviea, after all. He blinked at the question that was thrown back at him and ever so slowly, his gaze lifted to the man that looked...utterly normal. And he probably was normal except for his pet lizard. Renviea. Mal’s upper lip curled in distaste and he sniffed a little stuffily. He knew better having been on the station almost a year now that looks could be deceiving. Still, he didn’t deign to respond to the man which was just as well since the question had likely been rhetorical. The man’s next question, however, was not rhetorical. Mal figured he’d actually better check things out and so he knelt and picked up the sack. Rifling through it, he saw that nothing was amiss. He wasn’t ready to set the guy at ease though and instead lifted his head to look back at him curiously, gaze once again dropping to the creature at his feet. “Does it like bell peppers?” He’d have to buy another but he wanted to see what it would do with it since it had clearly been snuffling through the bag. Of course, there was also meat and fresh herbs in the bag that might have drawn the renviea if those were more to its liking. Pulling out one of the bright yellow bell peppers from his sack, Mal knelt to present it to the renviea. He was foolish enough to not even ask the oversized lizard’s owner if it was okay for it to have the vegetable if it did like them. “Here you go,” he crooned, eyes wide with intensity as he awaited the creature’s reaction. It never occurred to him that the renviea could very well bite his hand off if it wanted to. Surely the guy wouldn’t have been walking it around the market if it was likely to do that though. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-07-30 03:11 am UTC (link) Track This The shift in how things happened, Zuul was left with momentary shock. Enough so that he didn't have words to speak to answer the question. Also because, what exactly was a bell pepper? He had read about that one somewhere, but it was not something permitted to memory enough. Only enough that Zuul didn't end up wanting to ask if Mal was a bell pepper. His jaw grew a little slack, still uncertain of what he was watching unfold. It wouldn't be the first or last time he had seen someone feed Kura either, asking or not. Kura had the ability to digest anything and everything, right down to the few times he had lost actual items. Much like the loss of his remote control. At least it came out the same way it went in, without any fear of choking. Unlike Zuul, Kura took this as a win, quickly sitting up and not looking this gift horse in the mouth. Her tongue moving towards the bell pepper, and Mal, a few clicks before she took it carefully in her mouth. Then tossing it in the air, and swallowing it whole. Still at a loss of words, Zuul took a moment before finally speaking an awkward, and slightly confused, "Thank you." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]syncing 2020-07-30 03:24 am UTC (link) Track This Not really a pet person, Mal didn’t dislike animals and that was quickly seen by the way he treated the renviea. Mostly though, he was just curious about it. As he offered the bell pepper, Mal watched with rapt attention as the renviea rose up and took the vegetable from him. Eyes wide, he laughed gleefully when it threw it up in the air before swallowing it whole it seemed. At last, Mal’s eyes lifted back to the man’s and he gave a slight incline of his head at the thanks. “Does it have a name?” he asked curiously, eyes dropping back down to the creature. He wanted to touch it but for once exercised restraint and didn’t do so. “What does it normally eat?” He was wondering now what had drawn the renviea to his bag or if it had merely been a chance encounter as the bag was on the ground. “Is it fully grown?” Mal was oddly very curious about this lizard-like creature and he wasn’t stopping to see if the man was all that inclined to answer his questions. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-02 02:53 am UTC (link) Track This Still a little thrown off by what transpired, he simply tried to shrug it off. Clearing his throat quickly, he answered Mal's questions. There were times he wondered if it wasn't Kura that needed some pet profile on some site for others to get a look of her. It might save time on the typical questions, but then again, he had been on the opposing side of this many of times himself. And of course, understood the curiosity. "Kura, she's fully matured. She eats pretty much anything even though she always finds some favorites here and there." Pausing, he thought for a moment about something he had seen her pull not too long ago. "She's great for rodent problems." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]syncing 2020-08-02 05:22 am UTC (link) Track This It was a natural curiosity, to find interest in things that were new and unfamiliar to you or so Mal thought. Had the man bore a different color skin or alien features, Mal likely would have been interested in him too, although he would have been a tiny bit more cautious in his inquiry. He’d learned not long after getting to Terminus and encountering aliens in his day to day life on the station that gawking was frowned upon let alone asking a dozen questions. Still, new things and beings were exciting all the same, there was no denying that. Mal wasn’t so oblivious to the fact that he was making the man uncomfortable but he hadn’t received an entirely negative response, so he’d pushed on with his queries. Kura. Mal decided that he liked the name; hell, he liked the renviea. At the mention of rodents, however, Mal’s nose wrinkled. “I heard about an infestation in Lowtown…” Rodents, where he resided in Nova Heights, was likely unheard of. “What’s the biggest thing she’s eaten?” His head cocked to the side curiously as he regarded the giant lizard and then his eyes lifted back to the man’s. “Are there more of her -renviea- on station?” He might not have been a pet person but that would be a badass pet to have... (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-03 06:35 pm UTC (link) Track This Brows shot up and back down at the thought. "That makes a lot of sense then," he all but trailed off. He didn't know about the infestation, but had caught the way Kura went in search of something a little more live. Her hunting instincts were maintained through such acts, and Zuul never really minded. As long as it wasn't a creature that belonged to someone. She knew better. Not only in not do pull such acts but in the difference a domesticated animal acted rather than a wild one. Nodding in Mal's direction, "She can eat anything as big as your arm, in one sitting." Zuul shrugged half-heartedly. "Anything bigger takes a little longer." As if on cue, Kura moved towards Mal, carefully climbing up his leg. Once she felt stable, she waved a front leg at him, leaving Zuul to laugh. His own thoughts spun into of course this would be her next course of attention seeking. "She's trying to get you to rub her stomach." Realizing his missed the question, he was quick to right that after a moment of thought. "I've not seen anyone but her off planet, so not that I know of?" He could be wrong, he only hoped that wasn't why she had been anxious missing her mating season. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]syncing 2020-08-03 09:25 pm UTC (link) Track This "You live in Lowtown?" Mal asked with a raised brow, appraising the man again, this time with more curiosity. He shouldn't be so judgmental (especially since Pin was moving to deck three) but he couldn't seem to help it. The man didn't look like a criminal or like he was lacking in financial resources but then what did Mal know? His attention returned to Kura, eyes dropping back to her as he just watched the lizard. "Has she caught many of them then? She's probably good to have around for that though she's probably not as fast as a cat, huh?" He smirked and he said the last, glancing up at the reviea's master for a moment before his attention returned to her. He tilted his head as he regarded her thoughtfully. "Does she play with them or just swallow them whole?" Like she had with the pepper he'd given her. Mal's eyes widened when the man informed him that Kura could eat anything as big as his arm. Naturally, his mind traveled to imagining the lizard trying to eat his arm while it was still attached to him. The look on his face spoke volumes as he regarded the lizard in a new light. Maybe she was more predatory than he thought… Of course, just because she could eat things the size of his arm didn't mean she actually ate human arms. Still, that was one hell of an appetite. It was a good thing that Mal dismissed the notion of Kura eating humans because in the next instant, she was on him, once again making his eyes widen in surprise. His eyes darted between Kura and her laughing master before he was grinning at the man's explanation. "What? No way!" Looking back down at the renviea, Mal cocked his head again and slowly knelt down and ran a finger along Kura's rough skin beneath her mouth (hoping she didn't try to take a bite out of him). It was the spikes on her body that made her seem intimidating and dangerous, he decided as his hand slowly made its way to her belly. Looking back up at the man from where he was crouched on the ground petting Kura, Mal frowned at his answer to his earlier question. "That sucks. Where'd you get her?" He wasn't entirely sure she was an alien creature and for once, he didn't assume. For all he knew, she could just be a species of lizard he just wasn't aware of. As though reading the man's mind, Mal murmured halfway to the man and half to Kura herself, "I bet she'd like to have a friend." His eyes lifted again. "Or do they prefer to be solitary?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-08-04 05:32 pm UTC (link) Track This Nodding, Zuul was unaware of much how things worked here. While he had been on other stations, it wasn't a place for him to hold longstanding. Regardless of status or funds, he had grown up in a means of living through caves and tunnels, even on the ocean floor. Any previous explanations given about the differences in this had never been quite completely understood, so he never thought much of the question. "I've let her keep her hunting habits up in many ways, so she has caught some, but it can make her temperamental if gone on too long." Looking down at Kura, he almost wanted to laugh. Not at anything she had done, nor the line of questioning, but something about it made him think of her with fur. "She is no cat, but she has her advantages. She's smart, strong swimmer, she's not one to easily let go of what she has her eye on. And she can coil to a degree. And she can be quite the pernicious climber." Which did gain a laugh, as she knew better than to do so on people unless directed to. But still chose to destroy furniture when she was mad at him. With the look on Mal's face, Zuul quickly questioned if he had said something wrong. Going with his typical response, he wondered if that might help alleviate the shock. "She has yet to be mated, but she would eat the mate." There was always a moment for him, having to explain that. Memories of his childhood, and being told not to get too attached, but he did. A male renviea kept until maturity. Simply gone one night, not to return. His parents pleased with the outcome of it, but Zuul left torn for weeks. Excited over the indulgent attention she was waiting on, Kura stood a little straighter, leaning further onto her tail and committing to a slight wiggle. Leg pausing its waving, as she leaned into his hand. Then into his leg, as she kept herself steady using the toes of both feet without applying pressure. Nails not pressing into his leg. Her body soon leaning into his leg, including her head, as if hugging him. "Found her at a trading post, someone didn't understand or recognize what they had. I kept her and hatched her." The simple enough version of that problematic day. "She is more solitary, but she also loves attention. So friends are helpful in bursts. She's very territorial with her own kind. Protective of what's hers. If she had young, she could keep them with her until they decided to try and the, uh, top dog? So to speak?" Or he hoped he was using that one right. It had been a while. Even if that did bring the image of a furry Kura back into the forefront of his thoughts and it was hard not to at least smile over it. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]syncing 2020-08-05 11:59 am UTC (link) Track This Interesting. He wondered if and why Zuul had chosen to reside in Lowtown. Naturally, it wasn’t his business but he wondered if he should be bothering with him because of it. Not that he seemed untrustworthy or anything of the sort. Mal had simply been raised to be around those of a similar socioeconomic standing to his own and thus generally gravitated toward others that were part of the upper class. Never mind that the man was a stranger -Mal still hadn’t bothered with his name- and they’d literally just run into each other. As the man spoke, Mal’s eyes dropped back down to his pet renviea, regarding her in a new light. While he’d had biology courses during his education, both secondary and post, Mal didn’t know much about reptiles and their habits. He’d had no reason to and even then, it was only curiosity that begged him to ask the questions he did. As Mal pet Kura his gaze darted up to the man for a moment when he informed Mal that she would eat her mate. His eyes widened further but he didn’t comment on it. He might not know much about reptiles in general, but he wasn’t so oblivious as to have no knowledge of some animals killing or eating their mates. It made him regard Kura in a new light. She might have been friendly now but after she got a little something-something… Mal was soon distracted by the way Kura leaned into him as he rubbed her belly. She really was like some kind of lizard dog, wasn’t she? His attention was again split between renviea and master as the man told of how he’d acquired her and then spoke of her behavioral patterns. Mal grinned as much from what the man said and how Kura was behaving right then, as from the man’s own smile. “Is she alien?” It only then occurred to him to ask; Mal had just assumed that since the man didn’t appear to be alien himself, a renviea was simply a local species that Mal was unfamiliar with. Unsurprisingly, that made her all the more appealing if she were, like a rare commodity and Mal decided then and there (especially if she were an alien creature), he wanted her. Or one of her kind. He was keen enough to pick up on the fact that the man was very much attached to her himself and wasn’t likely to take any bribes for her. Yes, Mal might have stooped to trying to buy her outright from the man had he thought he might have any hope of actually achieving his goal. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Mimi ([info]labcoat) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-07-20 22:36:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: zuul srchai pleasure to meet you mimi & zuul gasworks, july 20, 2657 Coming to Terminus, Mina knew she was stepping into a world beyond the limited scope she had been living in for the past 20 years. The station where she’d grown up was about a dozen humans shy of complete isolation and even in her brief stint on Babylon for the past year or so, she’d been too busy to venture outside of her workspace. While she’d spent her entire life studying foreign places, she had never been to any and had never encountered anyone from them either. Her experience had been contained entirely in test tubes and sample packets, theories about what the universe might be like outside of their one small galaxy. Until now. Zuul was the first alien she’d encountered and Mimi was fascinated. The barrage of questions she had already thrown his way was only a small fraction of the curiosities swirling wildly inside of her mind. It took a great deal of restraint not to come off like she was gawking and still, she wasn’t entirely sure she had been successful in it. She wasn’t entirely sure she’d be able to contain it when she came face to face with the magnificent creature he was bringing to meet her. Just from a photograph, there were already so many things Mimi was dying to know. Having pinged her address to Zuul’s comm as promised, Mimi left the lab with enough time to spare in getting home that it was unlikely her companion would beat her there. She was just hanging up her lab coat when she heard the sound of footsteps outside of her building and poked her head out the open window to see Zuul standing there below with Kura by his side. “Hey! Do you want to come up?” she called down, figuring her voice would be enough to get his attention on the quiet street, “or would it be easier to meet outside? I don’t mind either way!” Even as she spoke, her eyes were already scanning every visible inch of Zuul’s pet. Mimi felt the surge of excitement building in her chest and she bit her bottom lip while she waited for his reply. (Post a new comment) [info]bearing 2020-07-21 07:32 pm UTC (link) Track This Questions surrounding Kura had become a norm, at least to a degree. Zuul didn't know what to do with himself, nor think, at the level of them in which Mimi brought upon him. Not only about Kura, but himself. The level of scientific devotion had quickly left him questioning her intentions. Distrust following that uncertainty. Unaccustomed to much of the lifestyle of humans beyond what he had learned through others in the last handful of years, He was trying to find some semblance of a home here, but a home was to mean he found safety there. Even with his passing birthday, he took that time to acclimate his surroundings. This experience would be added to that and seeing if his worries were simply in his own mind or something more real. Agreeing to meeting, he took his time and made sure to prepare Kura early. A set of dolls adorning his back pockets. Leash held in hand, he wasn't entirely sure what to expect here. Giving his scaly friend a pointed look, he then replied, "We can come up." Only to mouth, 'Best. Behavior.' (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]labcoat 2020-07-21 10:54 pm UTC (link) Track This “Third floor,” she called down, not thinking twice about announcing her address to the entire neighborhood, “3-B.” She waited until Zuul and Kura had entered the building and were out of sight before withdrawing from the window. A quick glance around had her realizing that her apartment was still quite barren. She’d been so busy getting acclimated with the new lab that she hadn’t put nearly as much effort into settling down in her new home. It had come furnished though, standard issue couch and dining set. There was a desk by the window which was easily the most lived-in spot there was to be found with her open computer and an abandoned glass of water growing stagnant from the night before. Books lay open on almost every surface, most with notes nearby or pages marked with colorful paper flags. If there had been more clutter, one might even call the state of things a mess but to Mina it all made perfect sense. She wasn’t worried one bit about what Zuul might think. That kind of opinion wasn’t one she paid much attention to and besides, she was far more interested in their meeting than in her own potential insecurities. The one move she made to tidy was to nudge a stray pair of shoes away from the doorway to keep her guests from tripping on their way inside. It wasn’t difficult to hear them coming down and Mimi stood with the door open to greet them before they even reached her end of the hall. She beamed at Zuul, a genuine friendly smile that made no effort to hide her excitement. “Well hello,” she chirped, moving to clear the doorway so that Zuul and Kura would have room to enter the apartment, “come on in. Make yourselves at home.” She swept her arm wide with the invitation and waited to follow them inside, pulling the door shut behind them to prevent any startling interruptions. Her neighbors, she had discovered, could be quite loud and intrusive at times. Although her wide-eyed attention was naturally drawn to the creature now standing in the middle of her living room, Mimi made a conscious effort to look at Zuul when she spoke. “Can I get you anything? Or Kura? I’ve got some things in the fridge if you tell me what you like.” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-07-22 08:17 pm UTC (link) Track This Making their way up, Zuul made sure that Kura took the lead in hopes of not being tripped up for the sake of her dolls. Still held captive in his pockets, there was no budging them. He had the height advantage here. That didn't seem to slow her down on looking back at him with a little pleading in her eye. Zuul knew those tactics all too well. At home, he let his guard down around her, but with strangers and being out and about, that was a tougher story. "Hello," he started, waiting on Kura's assessment. With a small huff, she moved towards Mimi, tongue flicking. A ticking sound came and went from it, as she waited for a looseness on the leash to rush off on her own and check out all that was open to her. Coming back to Zuul and climbing the back of his leg, once he entered. A leg moving up and down as she stared at the ginger doll in his right pocket. Rolling his eyes, he pulled on the doll and handed it to Kura as she took it in her mouth. Satisfied, for now, she dropped to the floor and rushed to Mimi, now crawling up her leg, wagging her opposing leg. Zuul rolled his eyes, moving a little more inside, content with the fact it didn't look like a laboratory and he walked in as an experiment. "She's looking for attention. You to rub her stomach." He added, shoving his hands into his pockets. "No, thank you. She doesn't require much for longer bouts of time." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]labcoat 2020-07-23 12:09 am UTC (link) Track This Allowing Kura to be the natural center of attention, Mimi grew more and more delighted by every sound and movement that the small creature made. The ticking of her tongue had Mimi frozen, not in fear but in respect of the rinveia’s need to assess. It wasn’t difficult to relate to the necessity of gaining some familiarity with one’s surroundings and Mimi didn’t want to make any sudden movements that might unsettle her four-legged guest. Or her two-legged one, for that matter. Her features alight with amusement and curiosity, Mimi flicked her eyes to meet Zuul’s for a moment in a silent but friendly exchange as he handed Kura the doll. “She’s fantastic,” Mimi all but sighed in admiration, “I’ve never seen anything like her.” This was exactly the kind of experience she had been dreaming of when she signed up for her move to Terminus. She had expected it would happen in travel, on a mission maybe, but finding that such things existed here in everyday life was beyond what she had imagined. An almost unconscious giggle slipped past her lips as Kura pawed at her leg, eliciting her attention once again. Zuul’s explanation was all the permission that Mimi needed to reach down and run her palm gently over the creature’s belly. For a moment it may have been difficult to tell which of them was more pleased by the gesture. “Do you think she likes it?” Mimi asked, glancing up expectantly with an almost childlike sense of wonder, “I had no idea she would be this friendly. Does she always take kindly to strangers?” Those were only a few of the questions swirling through Mimi’s mind but luckily for Zuul’s peace of mind in this moment, she was too overwhelmed to ask them all at once. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-07-23 04:15 pm UTC (link) Track This Far too used to Kura, Zuul didn't think too much into the way that others took to her. Through these last four years, as much as he cared for her, she still felt more like the little sister he never had. This includes all the little annoyances and adoration that came with it. Kura was far from the only renviea he had ever met. While he hadn't exactly been raised with them, he had known a number of them before he found her. Including a male he had been told not to get too close to. Mostly due to the second mating season happened, there was a high likelihood that someone would end up not coming home. Zuul shrugged in response. "She'll let you do it all day, if she can." Heading off and taking a seat, he laughed a little and rubbed the back of his neck. "She's friendly unless she perceives you as a threat. Then things get...interesting." Pulling out the other doll, he caught Kura's gaze. Her body stiffening, much the same way that a dog might when someone held the favorite toy to play fetch with. Waiting for what would come next. Zuul wiggled it and without a single word, she jumped down and rushed to his side, waiting to be handed her other doll. "Protectiveness is deeply rooted in her nature. She's never been mated. It can make her anxious around the typical season for it. The dolls are akin to children." Pausing a moment, he tried to think of how to explain this all better. "I have always been told how she protects is more guttural instinct but once someone had thought it may have some odor perception to it. How she determines if you're a threat, but it's hard to say. There's no evidence of any of that." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) ground control ([info]bearing) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-06-18 17:15:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: cael miller, zuul srchai say hello to my little friend CAEL & ZUUL // GASWORKS, TERMINUS // JUNE 17, 2657. With a pointed look, Zuul crouched down to eye level. Kura was less than impressed, opting to eye the jar he was holding. The usual home of her latest set of treats. But he persisted, and with a chirp she responded, giving him the eye contact he seemed to want so badly. Head tilting in curiosity and minor annoyance, hoping and waiting for a treat that wasn't coming anytime soon. "Best behavior." He spoke slowly, visibly pointing at her, and then to his watch showing her the time. With a click of a button, she saw the time change. Each only being the numbers she understood. Each being numbers she could remember. Repeating himself once more, he placed a black collar around her neck that was already attached to a long leash. He hated doing this, but it felt necessary in close quarters and heading to another level of the station. Where she was normally playful, happy, and affectionate, the second she sensed a threat was another story. He didn't need her on the loose in that mode, if they came across something they didn't need to. Pulling a doll out of his back pocket, he shook it in front of Kura, gaining her full and complete attention. "I have Gnore, she's coming with us." Her one favorite toy that she wouldn't go without a single night. Standing up, he moved to repocket the doll and go open the door. Kura quietly pushed herself up the wall next to him, for balance, doing what she could to try and reach the doll behind him. Not tall enough, he was able to turn in time, rearranging everything in hand and giving her a dirty look. "Really? I have her, she's fine. Come on, let's go." Zuul nodded towards the door. She stuck her tongue out in a hiss, and moved ahead of him. Finding the address he was given by Cael, it felt easier than he expected. It wasn't until he reached the place that he paused and gave Gnore to Kura. She took it in her mouth, holding it protectively under her, almost motherly. Gaining a gentle rub at the base of her skull, he sent Cael a message to let him know they had arrived. (Post a new comment) [info]botnik 2020-06-19 10:15 pm UTC (link) Track This Excitement ran high as Cael awaited the arrival of his visitors. He had spent that morning at the range with Holden, with plans to link back up with him once the pet exchange had gone down. That Cael didn't fully know what to expect was half the fun; he hadn't really been able to tell fully from the post what kind of pet Zuul had, beyond 'tail large enough for tripping' and 'mischief', both of which seemed like great qualities. He had his own 'pet' on the counter, for as much as a yeast blob hurtling toward sentience counted as a pet. His friend had handed it off to him to water and feed some powder mixture daily though to what end he was unsure, other than as an experiment. It wasn't like there was much actual caretaking needed, so he wouldn't care either way if there was actual swapping. When the message from Zuul came, Cael got up off his couch, where he had flopped not that long ago, to let him in the building and onto the elevator up. Familiar with the timing for that, he walked over to open his door, peering out into the hallway to wave at Zuul and Kura in greeting as the doors opened and they came into sight. He wasn't sure what Kura was, exactly, but she had spikes and a doll in her mouth, so he was immediately charmed. "Hey, man, come on in," Cael said, standing aside for the both of them until he could shut the door behind. His apartment was tidy by way of minimalism, mostly, and once his guests were well inside, he gave Kura space, but crouched to be more on a level with her as he took a look at her curiously. "So this is the crafty tripper herself?" (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]bearing 2020-06-22 04:11 am UTC (link) Track This Zuul wasn't used to anyone wanting to meet Kura, in any shape or form. Whether that was due to her lack of fur and cuddling abilities or if that was the typical custom of things, he didn't know. He did know, however, that she needed to be social as much as he did, if not more. When left to her own devices for too long, there was a change in temperament that left him with a minor target on his back. She craved positive attention and reinforcement, even more if he left her alone to her own devices for too long. Left to digest her last meal and play in the apartment alone. His initial thoughts leaving him apprehensive, especially meeting a stranger. However, those were quickly dismissed. What was there to worry about her? There was no obvious threat, and Renvieas were known for their instinctive ability to sense a threat. Suffice to say, she could easily handle herself in the case of most threats. Kura's tongue slipped out, creating a soft clicking sound that permitted through the hallway. Watching Zuul step ahead and inside, the dolls hair in the corner of her mouth, she dragged it on inside too. The tongue about an inch away from Cael's legs, imitating something liken to a dog sniffing before scurrying inside faster. Doing a full run around the room, doll still dragging. In the middle of this, Zuul held out a hand to shake. "That she is. But it's nice to finally meet you." Kura did not bother with a second glance, still making her inquiry of the room, not stopping until she came back to Cael and crawled up his leg as far as she could reach. A single leg waving in the air. She blinked twice up at him. Zuul rolled his eyes. "She wants you to rub her belly." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]botnik 2020-06-26 07:15 am UTC (link) Track This Manners momentarily forgotten, Cael's attention focused on Kura as it was, he still managed to meet Zuul for a handshake, gaze returning to him . "Nice to meet you too. Sorry about my lack of manners, I got distracted since I haven't met one like her before," he said as way of explanation. Truthfully Cael's manners fell by the wayside in his daily life, but that was beside the point. Probably he should be slightly more paranoid about inviting a stranger to his home, but he had long passed that point considering that Terminus was generally less rowdy than other places he had frequented. There wasn't much concern for his furniture (it had been knocked around plenty of times by people) and he had made sure to not leave anything important or easily edible (in case of food restrictions) laying about, so open exploration wouldn't be a problem. He grinned as she climbed up as best she could and did her little leg wave, so once Zuul said that, Cael complied readily to give her a belly rub. "I do remember you mentioning she loved them." Glancing back at Zuul once Kura seemed satisfied with Cael's belly rubbing abilities for now at least, he gestured toward his couch. "Do you wanna have a seat? I can get you something to drink if you'd like." What limited hosting abilities he had, he might as well make sue of them. "Or if you did want to see the yeast blob, it's on the counter. I've been calling it Dana." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-06-28 04:31 pm UTC (link) Track This Shaking his head, he waved that entire thought off. "We're used to it. I think she likes it. There are days I'd love to go home and let her walk a street full of her." The thought of accidentally heading there during a mating season was a far more disastrous thing than any other reason he had. This did not stop him on continuing the thought. Looking down at Kura, Zuul grinned, "See how she acts about that." In response, she gave a low hiss. Upon receiving her belly rub, Kura slowly began to curl into his leg there, while holding the doll. Head tilting down she looked more like a giant lizard prepping for a nap, ready to be tucked in. "She loves them so much, I've walked in on her trying to do it herself, scooting across a rug." As funny as it was, it was slightly uncomfortable for him, and he walked right back out of the room when he did. And it has happened enough times that Kura now pauses when she sees him, waiting for him to leave. Quick to catch the pull away from the rub, she popped up more excited. As if she were refreshed from some nap, and moved back down Cael's leg. Following until she saw him gesture towards the couch, which she rushed for. Taking her own spot before Zuul even managed to speak. "Thanks, but I'm okay." Looking back at the now curled up Kura, he shook his head. "She takes direction a little too far sometimes." Moving for the counter to see this yeast in process. "Dana? Is a lot of light required? Water?" Seeing it now, he found himself with even more questions. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment) Argan ([info]sharpshot) wrote in [info]spaceports, @ 2020-06-16 21:29:00 Previous Entry Add to memories! Edit Tags Track This Next Entry Entry tags: zuul srchai why live your life with no surprise argan & zuul // lowtown // june 16, 2657 argan was new to the traveler but she’d landed on terminus station long enough ago to have learned her way around - at least around the places that someone of her nature was likely to know. that meant she had all but memorized the streets of lowtown and while she knew that the more uppity set wouldn’t feel comfortable wandering around the area alone on a tuesday after dark, argan made herself right at home. she’d given zuul directions to meet her on the main street as it wouldn’t be too difficult for someone unfamiliar to get lost in the mess of shady alleyways. she wasn’t sure how much experience he’d had with the place yet but he was new enough that she thought it best to spare him from going it alone, just in case. standing under the bright light of a corner streetlamp, argan traced her fingers along the rough bottom hem of the leather jacket she’d scored at a deep discount over the weekend. it was worn to hell but she liked things that way, with a little bit of character and an air of material survival that she could relate to in ways she would never articulate. the street itself was mostly empty but the noise that spilled from nearby apartments was enough to cover the sound of zuul’s footsteps until he was close enough to startle her. of course, she tried to counter the sharp intake of breath with a casual shrug and didn’t wait to register whether he’d noticed or not. “surprised yet?” she asked, spreading her arms toward the quiet neighborhood that surrounded them. it didn’t exactly present the spice she had promised but a smirk played on her lips as she turned, head craning back over her shoulder so she wouldn’t lose sight of him. “we’re just getting started. follow me.” (Post a new comment) [info]bearing 2020-06-18 10:44 pm UTC (link) Track This Zuul hadn't been on Terminus very long. Only really long enough to secure a place to stay and to follow a lead on possible work. Any conversation that was struck since appearing here, it always felt foreign. So far away from everything he had always known, with little to look back and remind him of the way things once were. At least, outside of Kura. An animal that not only served as his only real friend, but family since her hatching four years ago. A lizard that was left behind comfortably, in his apartment. Conversation was what led him here. Where ever this here really was. With the promise of a surprise he didn't know that he would want. Food that was alien to him, he was able to eat, but his upset stomach afterwards would tell another story. The first attempt at digestion not always sitting well with him. Other times, it was the flavor or the scent easily turning him away. Ignoring that tiny voice in the back of his mind on the possibility of this being part of some type of trap, he moved through the streets with ease. He couldn't live in that kind of paranoia, and the point of being here meant just that. Dressed in a white shirt and grey pants, he had everything he needed. A jacket unnecessary for him. Then again, most things felt that way for him, but he did try to blend into his surroundings and not stand out as much as possible. Ignoring her reaction to him, his head tilted slightly, in response. He didn't see anything to be surprised with, and he still wasn't entirely sure he wanted it. The conversation before had been about chili. Did he want to go through that experience again? Not necessarily, but he followed anyway, hoping this turned into a positive interaction with a future shipmate and not the reverse. "Where are we going?" The question came as he stepped in line with her. (Reply to this)(Thread) [info]sharpshot 2020-06-20 10:14 pm UTC (link) Track This the topic of chili had come up between argan and zuul in the context of a good surprise, which left her to think that he was willing to be a bit adventurous - at least when it came to food. it wasn’t hard to tell that her new shipmate was new to human experiences and she had a few of those that she valued in particular. the one on the docket for tonight was a taste of the dirty crawfish, a hole in the wall that she’d stumbled upon late one saturday night. she’d been lured in by the music at first but it was the atmosphere, and the most delicious food she’d had on terminus to date, that kept her coming back for more. it would be a bit calmer on a tuesday, more suited for introduction to someone who didn’t quite know what they were getting themselves into. she wanted to surprise zuul, for sure, but she wasn’t looking to overwhelm him right off the bat. “my favorite restaurant,” she answered easily, her gait light as she led him around a corner and caught the first scent of thick cajun spice that carried a sharp contrast to the filtered station air, “it’s not a place most people find on their own so i figured i’d give you a bit of an introduction.” they still had a bit of a way to go but argan was already salivating at the thought of what was in store for them. she shot a quick glance over at her companion to size up his reaction to what she was offering. in conversation, she had picked up on him being an observer and no doubt, in this new situation there was a lot to take in. she tilted her head sideways to indicate that they would be taking the next corner before turning down another alleyway, this one not as brightly lit as the main road. “what kinds of things do you normally eat where you’re from?” she asked, pausing with genuine interest in his response. she was as eager to learn about zuul’s differing experiences as she was about sharing her own. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-06-23 01:10 am UTC (link) Track This There was always an inward cringe over questions about home. It wasn't that he minded the inquiries, or answering, only the quick realization of how much he stood out. Unless he didn't speak, that felt more and more like the case. It became all too apparent far too quickly, more than his own liking. Things were always easier when you could slip into a crowd without feeling spotted as being one thing or another. Being here, now, he was still learning and adapting to life on this space station. What previous life he moved from, it didn't feel as if it had helped him in this much. "Protein? A lot of," Zuul paused as he looked around, careful of his blinking as lights and scents hit him at once. "Sushi. There was an abundance of fish. Most anything else was seasonal or bartered." He never knew how much information to give, what was wanted, and what was too much. Less was a regular habit, natural to his own people. At least unless asked. However, he had learned there was more to the idea of being polite, at least given his last employer. "What exactly do you normally eat where you're from? More comfort food?" He still wasn't entirely sure what that meant, but he went with it, using her own term against her. "I'm going to be honest, I don't know how much spice my palette is capable of handling. I've rarely seen anyone off world eat the food from where I'm from." Honesty was the best policy? It had to be. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]sharpshot 2020-06-24 11:36 pm UTC (link) Track This as far as argan was concerned, everyone on this station was an import from somewhere regardless of whether they were an alien or not. she was the last person to judge anyone by their history but it was hard not to be curious, especially with someone who seemed willing to indulge her questions. at least to a point. if there was one thing argan valued, it was information. even seemingly useless facts could be helpful in getting to know someone and being on the verge of sharing a ship, zuul was someone she wanted to get to know. she nodded along with his response to her question, mentally drawing some small similarities in lifestyle even if they were outnumbered by differences. “sushi i can get behind,” she agreed, adding one final nod of acknowledgement, “i’ve probably never had the kind you’re used to but i do know a few decent fish spots if tonight’s menu isn’t exactly your style. i’m kind of a...what do they call it? a foodie? i like to eat well.” she raised her shoulders in a shrug and led zuul around the final corner that would bring their destination into view. the bright neon sign greeted them from the opposite end of the street but argan didn’t bother to quicken her pace. she thought a moment about his question and offered the best conclusion she could reach. “where i’m from we sort of just ate whatever we could get our hands on. sometimes meat, sometimes potatoes. depended on the day…” argan trailed off, her train of thought easily interrupted by zuul’s next confession and this time the grin on her face held a softer edge of endearment. she may have misjudged his limits from the chili conversation but she certainly didn’t intend to put him through anything uncomfortable. “okay so we’ll take it easy on the spice,” she promised, “i’m sure we can find you something that won’t turn into a bad surprise.” she offered him a reassuring smile as they moved closer to the light that poured out of the dirty crawfish and out onto the street. “how do you feel about crowds?” she asked, “nobody will bother us but it might get kind of loud.” for argan that was the draw of the place, easy to blend in and get lost without anyone even noticing her at all. but she figured she’d ask before she brought him into the thick of it, they could always grab something to go and find a quieter spot to eat. (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-06-26 11:39 pm UTC (link) Track This He let out a small laugh at the idea of her getting behind sushi all too literally. Where he understood that it was a turn of phrase, his first thoughts always led to the literal. "I've been away from home a long time, I just don't have a lot of experience with the many types of food here. Where I was last, there wasn't much variety." The one time he had chili, it turned into a week long fiasco where it seemed to be the only thing the cook knew how to make. At least it wasn't terrible though. "Does that mean you're well accustomed to stew?" It was only a question out of curiosity. "Our crops were more seasonal. Harder to maintain outside of specific areas." "I don't hold you accountable. Don't judge my face too critically." He could only imagine how that turned out given the things he had heard people saying as he tried something new. Shrugging haphazardly, "Crowds are everywhere. Why do you ask?" It made him far too happy that he didn't have any type of sensitive hearing. "You're not looking to make trouble here, are you?" Zuul meant it more as a joke, and tried to smile to show it. Accepting the warning of what was to come, he didn't think he would mind it as much. However, the sign alone had him snapping fingers in an attempt to recall the words. "Crawfish is a prawn? Is this sushi?" (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]sharpshot 2020-06-27 11:22 am UTC (link) Track This it was argan’s turn to make a face when zuul mentioned stew, upper lip curling in the memory of her own distaste. “too well accustomed,” she answered without any further explanation. not that there was time for much more, anyway. they found themselves standing directly under the neon sign, though before acknowledging the fact she did shoot zuul a quick wink and tossed back her own bit of teasing. “i’m always looking for trouble.” it wasn’t true but if pressed, she’d have to admit that trouble did have a way of always looking for her, though she didn’t expect any here tonight. just to the right of the restaurant’s doorway sat an unpleasant-looking vorutian who didn’t get up when they approached but did eye zuul from head to toe with suspicion and tensed as if preparing to rise if he needed to. “cool it, he’s with me,” argan clarified quickly, though with a roll of her eyes that suggested she thought such a thing should be rather obvious. the vorutian grunted in agreement and eased his posture just enough that argan knew they were safe to go inside. “not sushi, exactly,” she countered zuul’s question with a chuckle, nodding to the open doorway and then leading him through it, “although there’s plenty of fish so you may end up happy here after all.” as promised, the noise level was a steady buzz, one they would have to raise their voices to talk over until their ears adjusted to the surroundings. the decor was a bright red that cast a warmth over the entire place even in the low light of evening. during the day the entire place was illuminated but they tended to hit the dimmers once the sun set both to set the mood and to heighten the air of anonymity that the crawfish’s usual patrons expected and appreciated. argan nudged zuul with an elbow to make sure he was paying attention before she headed off in the direction of her usual table. it was easy to get overwhelmed in here, she knew that from experience, especially if you were someone who tended to take everything in. she led him away from the roar of things a bit to a table at the edge of the room where she liked to sit and take everything in without having to be deep in the thick of it. “can’t say i didn’t warn you,” she prompted with a grin, taking her seat and waiting for him to join her, “what do you think?” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]bearing 2020-07-02 05:32 pm UTC (link) Track This There were times he took people too literally. Zuul was appreciative of expressive natures, even though he wasn't always on that same plane. But expressions were tricky and didn't always necessarily mean what one was reading. It left him with questions he didn't always air. Much like her affinity for trouble. If that were the truth, he couldn't help but internally question how much trouble she was going to be. Whether that was now or later, it didn't matter. For all he knew this would turn into some level of a bar fight. Making him glad he left Kura behind for this little venture. Something about the exchange in front of him, that only added to those questions. Feeling an assumption of other ones answered, especially along the lines of trouble. What kind of surprise had he actually unwillingly signed up for? He took this moment, as they moved to lean towards her and ask. "And what exactly would have happened if I wasn't with you?" Mimicking the grunt the man had given her a moment ago, his gaze moved around the room trying to spot anything of worth. Attempts to find possible noticeable weapons, trades in currency, and anything written he could read. The life of the room was no longer something that mattered to him, as much as what held the probability of happening and ways that would help him along that path of protecting himself. Taking a seat opposite of her and folded his arms across his chest. "I think you should tell me why you really brought me here and what you're running here. Because if one of them tries to put shrapnel in my back, they are going to end up with a bad wake up call." (Reply to this)(Parent) (Thread) [info]sharpshot 2020-07-02 09:39 pm UTC (link) Track This as zuul leaned in, his question brought argan back to the memory of her first time stumbling in on the place. security wasn’t as tight on the weekends but she’d still been subject to a full patdown and a bit of an interrogation. scare tactic more than anything else. she wasn’t the type to be bothered by that sort of thing and it was likely her confidence that had gotten her through in the first place. “nothing really,” she said with an easy shrug, “that guy’s a bully but he doesn’t really pull much weight. just tries to act tough.” it was an annoyance, really, and one she was thankful they had been able to avoid tonight. sitting at the table, argan recognized the way zuul surveyed the room. they may have been different races but they lived the same lifestyle, at least enough so that they both ended up on the same damn ship. a constant search for the next threat was so familiar to her by now that it happened almost unconsciously. trust wasn’t currency that she traded in easily and it didn’t surprise her that zuul showed all the outward signs of feeling that same way. if she hadn’t been so certain of her surroundings, she likely would have worn the same wary expression that she was looking at on him. “you won’t find that kind of trouble here,” she assured him, knowing that her word alone would likely do little good in easing his concern, “this place is more of...an escape. they’re particular about who comes and goes, as you saw. they eyed me for weeks when i first started coming but as long as you’re not looking for a fight, nobody’s looking to fight you either.” she’d seen a brawl or two breakout before but they were rare and even when it happened, it didn’t last long before the offenders were tossed out the back door. “i come here for that freedom,” she explained with a shrug, “and the food.” (Reply to this)(Parent) (Post a new comment)